14 Replies to “Featured Comment”

  1. Atta girl Daisytoo! Aside from the poor guy dying, that’s hilarious. Best chuckle I’ve yet all day!

  2. Might I suggest that was a ‘stinging’ rebuke…?
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  3. I also liked: “Wrabble, you sound like a complete asinine retard, how would you think that this is Bush’s fault?”
    Whatever that was replying to.

  4. “I live in the Chicago area, so if the bees are dead, I know how their votes will be recorded.”
    That’s one epic thread derail, from bees to politics in 3 posts.

  5. Wow! I’d like to respond with “rimshot” or “slam dunk”, but I could get sued for promoting racial stereotypes. Whaddya think, Kathy?
