34 Replies to “Free Charlie Hebdo!”

  1. Good one ‘ Kate’, hope they are still in business next month. These Islam be-leavers sure don’t have any sense of humor at all.

  2. How to reach out to your foes and mock them at the same time, all the while reminding them that they are supposed to be a “religion of peace.”
    Freakin’ brilliant.

  3. Hmmmmmmm.
    And now that I think about it – the fwench took the same approach to the Third Reich in WW2, too. Look what happened to them….

  4. Jim@203pm
    “And now that I think about it – the fwench took the same approach to the Third Reich in WW2, too. Look what happened to them….”
    Be more specific as to who you mean by “them” …… the fwench or der boys from der faderland and try to remember who won that little dustup.

  5. Yes, Nick. I believe it was Julius Caesar who said of France, “veni, vidi, vici”. And Hitler who said, “Veni, vidi, Vichy”.

  6. Can just imagine the Islamist quandary, do we hang them before, or after, we cut their head off?

  7. It’s a risky move for those at the magazine but a non-violent way of p*ssing the living sh*t out of the ROP nutbars. I said (and agreed with others posting here) all along that humour is the best medicine (sorry Reader’s Digest) when it comes to lowering one’s blood pressure after reading about another insanely mad, illogical and likely violent case of Islamic fanaticism. Keep up the mocking, hilarious assault on them. Make them bat-crap crazy(er). Kudos to French magazine creators. I just hope they keep their heads.

  8. I’m disappointed that the cartoonist/editors didn’t have the cartoonist figure kissing the Pro Mo figure (as I first thought) from their first cover but mockingly makeup frenching a French muzzie community leader is pretty good too.
    And I’d dare the cartoonist to do one like that but with Barbara Hall!

  9. I salute the magazine, but worry for them at the same time. What’s needed is hundreds of magazines, and 1000s of people doing the same so individuals are not left-out to hang.

  10. What I find a remarkable unintended result, the fire-bombing reesulted in the magazine being given ready refuge by a really flaming COMMUNIST newspaper…
    This is not a callous Ribentrop/Molotov secret protocol…but rather an indication of gaulic (french rather than Charles) solidarity to an alien threat.

  11. … that humour is the best medicine
    – Brian M.
    TRUE, but a little firebombing from our side might make good medicine too. This might come across as, um, somewhat incendiary, but rather than chilling out in my early dotage, I’m moving into the “fight fire with fire camp”. These people only understand violence. To reach an understanding with them, contra-violence will be required.
    Saw a very instructional cartoon a while back: a tombstone for western civilization with the words, “we were better”. [dead, but morally superior]

  12. I aplaude this paper.They know the risks but chose freedom of speach.The line in the sand starts here.

  13. What is amusing is the dense-heads who don’t get that someone will keep riling them until they stop.
    Keep in mind, that ANYTHING riles them.
    Maybe I’m expecting emotional maturity from a group incapable of it.

  14. Osumashi Kinyobe: “Maybe I’m expecting emotional maturity from a group incapable of it.”
    Maybe. Must admit, it sure could be a giggle mocking the living breathing doodoo out of the Mooselems… but only if I get to shoot back when they snap. Otherwise it kinda takes all the fun out of it.
    Still, I’m leaning more towards this being one of those asteroid moments. Can’t they both lose?

  15. Nothing as satisfying as sticking a finger in the sphincter of ones oppressor, saying “I’m stronger then that …..give me more”!!!
    Just LOVE that word …..sphincter!
    Seems to punctuate itself.

  16. I DEMAND that the AHRC charge, convict and hang the captioned cartoonist for this “satirical” abomination for the outrageous crime of personally upsetting ME!!!!!!!!!!
    I honestly felt sick and violated upon seeing this grotesque malformation of humanity.

  17. I love this post from the Dutch web site linked in the article’s comment section….
    “Ik voel een storm opkomen.. In de anus van Mohammed deze keer.”
    I hope it’s a start and we need more of this type of action here at home. Who would have thought Ezra was that far ahead of the curve with his Western Standard cartoon layouts.
