15 Replies to “Marketing Campaigns Of The Apocalypse”

  1. Perhaps they eat pandas in Europe, but in America they are salivating on eating the rich …. both are endangered species.
    The world will be a much sadder and cruel place without the rich as a buffer against government and as a marker to strive for.

  2. I recall back in the day…crocodile skins being contra-band…unless they carried an official government stamp.
    Indonesia, for one, has commercial crocodile farms, whose product is legal and also security forces have the marking instruments, to mark crocodile hides salvaged from the carcases of animals dispatched in the course of eliminating threats by man-killers….(odd that term…usually the crocodile victims are females doing stream-bank laundry)

  3. I don’t get the big deal with pandas. They can barely be persuaded to breed; they choose to render themselves nearly unfeedable (not only do they eat exclusively bamboo, but any given panda will randomly decide that it only likes a certain type of bamboo, shunning all alternatives. This is especially weird because apparently they’re technically carnivores, but they don’t eat meat. You figure it out). It’s actually very hard to figure out why they’re not extinct.
    Yeah, they’re cute, but so are cats, and cats don’t cost millions every year to maintain.
    If I had a zoo, I’d invest in howler monkeys. They’re cool.

  4. I’ve got an old LIFE magazine here from around 1965, it has the usual timeless celebrity-sukazz article showing Barbra Streisand wearing a genuine leopard fur outfit, skirt, jacket, hat, that she ‘designed herself’!

  5. Link works for me.
    Eating pandas:
    Just want to know… what kind of wine would you serve??

  6. @ eastern paul
    Since panda falls into the same catagory as (also known as the other white meat) dog and cat amongst the rural Chinese I would recommend a nice red Merlot.
