Saskatchewan Election Map

9:21pm Update: Historic results: No NDP leader ever defeated, highest popular vote ever for winning party. Knife twist: Liberals get .6% of vote
Sun News Freudian slip of the evening: David Akin’s reference to Brad Wall as “premier of Alberta”. Not “premier of Alberta Lite”. We’ve arrived, baby!!!
(Original continues below)
As of 6:40 pm the CBC, CTV, Global, Star Phoenix/Leader Post, Sun News and Canadian Press election desks have called it for the Sask Party. (University Of Saskatchewan’s the Sheaf is the lone holdout.)
Now, we wait for polls to close.
At time of dissolution, the SaskParty held 38 seats to the NDP‘s 20. The Greens are the only other party with candidates in all ridings. The once mighty Liberals have been reduced to a shadow of their former selves. If I may offer some advice, it would be for the Liberals to merge with the few stragglers that comprise the old Progressive Conservatives to form a new part….. oh, wait.
Follow results across the province with this nifty interactive map at or the live poll results at Elections Saskatchewan. The map is running WAY behind Elections SK.
For those out of province and away from a TV, you can listen live to election banter with Rawlco radio talk host John Gormley beginning at 7pm. (You’ll have to sit through an ad).
Oh, and…. sucks to be you!

79 Replies to “Saskatchewan Election Map”

  1. Greetings to Carrot River Valley and countrymen in Nipawin.
    Your election results dynamically displayed by the Francois Finlay dam, another CO2 free green project, powering Saskatchewan forward.
    Just another brick in Brad’s Wall…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. I will be watching from Ontario via the Sun News streaming live feed – I’m a Bell TV subscriber, so I just watch Sun News on the net. Ezra sparked my interest in this election with his show the other day. If Saskatchewan can turn itself around from years of socialism, then there’s hope for the rest of us!

  3. I’m waiting to load in Edmonton; voted last week. If people could post the leading or elected numbers after their posts I’d really appreciate it. Thanks

  4. I’m waiting to load in Edmonton; voted last week. If people could post the leading or elected numbers after their posts I’d really appreciate it. Thanks

  5. I’m having a problem finding any news agency that has called the election for the conservatives. Does anyone have links?

  6. Great pre-poll-closing coverage by SunNews Krista Erickson,(a 10!) and David Aiken, (maybe a 7) along with guest reporters and pundits.
    What a refreshing change from the usual mainstream goofs!
    SunNews….best evaaah!!

  7. Delainie and Robson are really good too. Not to mention Ezra, Bonokowski and Adler.
    If you have to drop Bell and switch to Shaw to get Sun…DO IT! You’ll be glad you did.

  8. My bet is that Wall reduces the ndp to a dozen seats, maybe fewer.
    With an even bigger majority wonder if he will have a set big enough to get rid of the “crowns”?
    Even one? Not likely.
    Things are going well but…….it’s still Saskatchewan.

  9. I’m having a problem finding any news agency that has called the election for the conservatives. Does anyone have links?”
    That was a joke. And I think the guys talking live at Rawlco just fell for it…

  10. CBC idiots expressed surprise at the Sask Party lead in Saskatoon Nutana.
    So I looked at the interactive map.
    1 poll reporting with one vote Sask party zero anyone else.
    And they call that reporting and/or comentary

  11. I just looked (8:34 PM CST) and the only news network carrying results is Sun. What, CBC and CTV, is the western redneck province of Sas-kat-chew-an (you can always tell someone who doesn’t know the area by how they pronounce, or mispronounce, the province’s name) too right-wing and eeeeeeeevil for you? Bite me, legacy media.

  12. I don’t do twitter, but if I did I would start a hashtag on behalf of the NDP, for their upcoming leadership struggle – #lingenfailure

  13. We are watching this very enviously here in Winnipeg. Congratulations Saskatchewan!

  14. I never saw this coming. Lingensplicer loses his seat.
    I am a very happy man right now.

  15. Nothing is so fine to see
    As the obliteration of the NDP.
    Unless it is the Liberals declaring bankruptcy.
    A truly wonderful night.

  16. Will Saskatchewan be ‘Missing Link’nfelter?
    Can you have a tsunami in landlocked Saska’bush?
    It appears that tonight is the night…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  17. Hey NDP in Saskatchewan go straight to oblivion. I hope a party like the SP emerges in Manitoba. NDP in MB. is only holding the line. MB. like SK. should be a have province.

  18. Nothing is so fine to see
    As the obliteration of the NDP.

    Agree, fine thing to see, but their socialist systems are all still in place…they don’t need to be in power when the system is already socialist.

  19. 49-9 for the Sask Party. Well done Saskatchewan. Well done, indeed. I’ve been watching Sun News coverage of the results, and the analysis has been fantastic.
    Sadly, I don’t have faith my fellow BCers will turn in similar results when our next election rolls around.

  20. a selfish albertan here , congrats Sask but please to not send Lingenwhatsit back to Alberta
    nexen is doing fine

  21. Fay …. we missed that chance last month …. this province is owned by the public sector unions with better than 50% of all jobs either dependant on the government or in the government.
    Me … I’m buying property in Arizona and the Whiteshell … salting away the rest of my cash and quitting my job.

  22. Congratulations, Saskatchewan! I figured common sense would win out in your Province. It seems wherever the Sask Party won,they won BIG,way over 50% of the vote!
    Now,if we only had a Leader like Wall here in B.C.

  23. A brilliant win for Brad Wall and the people of Saskatchewan. But there are still too many NDP members, too many voters voted NsDaP. The vipers still live in the grass at the edge of the woods.

  24. Congrats Sask on your wise decision.
    We are stuck with the commies in Whinerpeg.
    maybe we could move the border to the perimeter?

  25. OMMAG at 10:44 PM: “Time to put a nail in the heart of public employee unions.”
    Or better yet, roll back the power of unions in general. That’s the one NDP legacy that has done the most damage, bar none.

  26. Can’t say Brad Walls speech was……… Actually it was terrible.
    I like Wall but this was just brutal

  27. Congratulations Saskatchewan. Now all we have to do is to try to figure out how to get rid of the two moonbat parties we have here in BC. Could we borrow Brad Wall for a while?

  28. How sweet it is! As for SGEU, SEIU and CUPE … no matter how much money you throw around, you can’t turn the calendar back to the 70’s. Now explain to your members just how you put their dues to good use. Losers!

  29. Congratulations Saskatchewan!
    49 to 9! – voted and elected at this moment.
    Green & red – zero.
    Just wonderful.

  30. Congratulations Kate and all Sask Conservatives. I will demand that the BC Liberals consult with tonights’ winners!
