Saskatchewan Election Map

9:21pm Update: Historic results: No NDP leader ever defeated, highest popular vote ever for winning party. Knife twist: Liberals get .6% of vote
Sun News Freudian slip of the evening: David Akin’s reference to Brad Wall as “premier of Alberta”. Not “premier of Alberta Lite”. We’ve arrived, baby!!!
(Original continues below)
As of 6:40 pm the CBC, CTV, Global, Star Phoenix/Leader Post, Sun News and Canadian Press election desks have called it for the Sask Party. (University Of Saskatchewan’s the Sheaf is the lone holdout.)
Now, we wait for polls to close.
At time of dissolution, the SaskParty held 38 seats to the NDP‘s 20. The Greens are the only other party with candidates in all ridings. The once mighty Liberals have been reduced to a shadow of their former selves. If I may offer some advice, it would be for the Liberals to merge with the few stragglers that comprise the old Progressive Conservatives to form a new part….. oh, wait.
Follow results across the province with this nifty interactive map at or the live poll results at Elections Saskatchewan. The map is running WAY behind Elections SK.
For those out of province and away from a TV, you can listen live to election banter with Rawlco radio talk host John Gormley beginning at 7pm. (You’ll have to sit through an ad).
Oh, and…. sucks to be you!

79 Replies to “Saskatchewan Election Map”

  1. Still fuming at a comment made by a political science student on CBC (sorry for watching, but I don’t do cable, and CTV had some bimbos dancing). She claimed amazement that people had voted “as if it was a popularity contest instead of looking at the issues”. Does she have any idea why I voted the way I did??? It WAS the issues!! Did she have the same complaint during the Fed election when the media led Quebec to go all rabid over Jack’s party without ever reporting what his platform was? And the claim that “negative advertising” somehow swayed voters was bogus. Negative ads would be ones like the NDP used on Wall last time – wolf in sheep’s clothing, etc. All the ads did was quote Dwayne Lingenfelter, not make stuff up about him. Anyway, I am glad for the results, and I do really, really wish Dwayne had stayed.

  2. Congrats Saskatchewanians! (Saskatchewites? Saskatchewese?)
    Posted by: Black Mamba
    Thank you Black Mamba.
    I have often thought that the accepted name for a citizen of this great province makes an already sesquipedalian name even longer, and should be changed.
    I think we should flat-out use synechdoche and call ourselves Saskatchewans. For decades, just like our province, we have been considered plain and kinda square, but we are proving to the world that both the people and the province are resourceful, energetic and vital.
    Tonight, I am very happy with the election results. Let’s keep the good times rolling for Saskatchewan and all Saskatchewans!

  3. somewhere, sometime I hope Alberta and Saskatchewan merge into one big province as it was meant to be.
    They were originally but were separated at birth by an Eastern PM who was afraid of the power base shifting from Ontario and Quebec.
    This was Mr. W. Laurier, 7th PM of Canada. sounds like just yesteryear.

  4. Still scratching my head in amazement at the “huge” majorities that the NDP managed to attain in the seats they still hold. The only thing that puzzles me is WTF happened in Moose Jaw???

  5. first timer at 12:18 AM, I think it was funny that the Dippers and their supporters thought they were the ones who get to decide what the issues are/were and then got all huffy, arrogant and vitriolic when we ignore them or shoot them down. A well deserved rout, if you ask me.

  6. Figure Brad has some time to give Hudak a bit of coaching?
    You know: Walk like a conservative, talk like a conservative.

  7. just wondering if the left is still going to keep beaking off about the cwb? the saskies campaigned on the right of us farms to throw off the shackles of socialism/communism to sell our goods to whom ever we choose. By the way did anyone see good old dipper Nettie Wiebe on the ceeb last night? She has lost 4 elections in my riding, like she has any credibility with the average voter. Its a great day when the voters turfed Judy Junor and Kevin Yates life just doesn’t get much better.

  8. Just tweaking Sexton Beetle’s suggestion (…call ourselves Saskatchewans) in response to Black Mamba’s query (…Saskatchewanians! (Saskatchewites? Saskatchewese?) how about we call ourselves Saskatche-ones.
    (The spell-check sure went nuts on that message.)
    I’m delighted at this outcome. Woo hoo!

  9. deere boy at 9:24 AM: “…just wondering if the left is still going to keep beaking off about the cwb?”
    Of course they will. They are fossils. Fossils are rigid and unchanging.

  10. Will this allow Brad Wall to implement a more conservative agenda?
    “We’re not the NDP” only goes so far.
    They haven’t really done anything in 4 years….

  11. One thing that hasn’t been mentioned is the drop in people voting this time. In 2007 over 450,000 people voted in the election. This time, according to Elections Sask, less than 400,000 people voted.
    Liberal support dropped from 42,000 to 2,000 and NDP support dropped from 168,000 to 126,000. The Sask Party went from 230,000 to 253,000…but that is only 23,000 of the 80,000 that the NPD and Liberal party lost since the last election.
    One story seems to be that over 10% of the electorate just stayed home this election.

  12. “One story seems to be that over 10% of the electorate just stayed home this election.”
    One can safely assume that those that stayed home would have voted for the Sask Party anyway and didn’t bother to show up for what was essentially a done deal months ago.
    You can count on the NDP wringing every single vote out of their supporters even if they had to carry each and every one to the polls. The NDP can’t govern but they are quite adept at electioneering.
    On another related note … I wish Gormley would change political analysts and give Professor Joe Garcea the boot. Garcea gives the average Sask voter very little credit and seems to carry the misconception that we are easily duped. This morning he went on and on about the effectiveness of negative ads and how the Sask Party successfully “tarred and feathered” Lingenfelter. Breaking news Joe …. Lingenfelter’s proposals were astronomically expensive, ill-conceived and reeked of desperation. In short, they stunk! Sask voters saw through this crap right from the get go. “Tarring and feathering” not required.

  13. “They [the SP] haven’t really done anything in 4 years….”
    Perhaps that’s precisely the reason for their success at the polls.
    Leaving things well enough alone is also a policy. Ask the people of Hong Kong about John James Cowperthwaite sometime.

  14. Liberal support dropped from 42,000 to 2,000 and NDP support dropped from 168,000 to 126,000. The Sask Party went from 230,000 to 253,000
    Boob Rae and the Wascana Windbag will have no trouble comprehending those numbers.

  15. Congratulations to all ‘Saskatche-ones’ on choosing the best government. I just hope Alberta’s voting public will be as smart in the next election.
