12 Replies to “Tiffani vs. The Occupods”

  1. Hey nfo, since you love this place so much and can’t seem to leave, how much of your income – if you have one – do you contribute to the plight of the poor? Myself, I give generously for development and health projects in equatorial African slums. Feels good!
    So, fill us in, you charmer. Your actual effort and expenditure in support of the poor. Or am I missing something? Is it someone else’s duty and mysteriously not yours?
    If the answer is (always in lowercase) “uh, nuthin”, then might I suggest you STFU? Actually I kind get the unavoidable feeling you pop in on each post, troll, and pop out again so you don’t have to read what your betters have to say in rebuttal. If that’s the case I’ll return the favor and ignore you as well, since your posts seem to have been written by a 15-year old anyway.

  2. I think occupy “wall street” just code speak they really mean Opposed to Western Society.

  3. Even “american interest” has got it wrong.
    ddpalmer says:
    October 25, 2011 at 7:22 am
    I never understood the claim that glaciers have been supplying drinking/irrigation water. The only way for that to happen is for the glaciers to have been in constant retreat since the time humans started relying on the river water.
    For the glacier to supply water it has to melt, pretty simple concept. But if the retreat of the glaciers is only a recent phenomenon then where did the water come from before? Could it be that the annual snow on the glaciers melts and runs into the river while the glaciers themselves remain relatively stable? And if so the even a complete removal of the glaciers will have no effect on the water supply, since the water is just melting snow.
    Now if the snow fall decreases or the temperature increases and more of the snow falls as rain (with immediate runoff rather than delayed melting), then obviously that will have an effect. But the existence or non-existence of the glaciers will not change the situation.

  4. Occu-pantloads demand a freeloader’s fantasy in the name of ordinary people (or their children), and whine their slogans.
    Ordinary people find a job and keep it, and mostly keep quiet.
    If in 2035, the world has 8.3 billion sharecroppers and 96 trillionairs, then North Korea will have won WW3.

  5. “I could have written the book on factory automation with my experience programing micros and instinct for the electrical code. but the PRESENT CYSTEM DOESNT ALLOW FREE AGENTS LIKE ME IN THE GODDAMM APPRENTICESHIT PROGRAM.”
    I can’t get work because of government regulation and Union Rules, therefore I will protest alongside mostly union members, demanding more government regulations!

  6. @robert – if you know where the trolls come from, why not start banning IPs? It’s not like they’re contributing anything to the discussion.
    Alternatively, you could just publish their addresses.
