16 Replies to “Leftists: All White, All the Time”

  1. Great to see two of the best sh*t disturbers on the ‘net together !
    Great humour,too,one of the”Occupy” types has a Masters in Puppetry! And can’t get a job! You couldn’t make that up!
    Occupy Sesame Street,I suppose.
    Michael Moore has to be,literally and figuratively,the biggest hypocrite of all. Some group should occupy HIS cottage/palace and video the results. I’d love to see the fat bastard exposed.

  2. It sounds like a dream of a job for this entertainment decade. He should be annoyed with himself for choosing it. How many opportunities are there in this field?
    “This course is designed to meet the career aspirations of a range of practitioners in the field, including traditional puppeteers, 3D animators and games developers.

  3. Ezra only mentioned the TB infections in Occupy Atlanta briefly….and never mentioned “Zucotti Lung” an inflection rampaging through OWS.
    Newsmax has reported this.
    The useful idiots have the potential to be a ground zero for a pandemic…one of the Altanta TB cases is a drug resistant strain and TB is an airbourne disease….
    IMHO….the proper response to the Occupy demonstartions is not dispersing them but rather quaranteening the participants.
    With the wide distribution of these protests and the obvious affluence and mobility of the sympathizers, such as Moore…the prospect of what amounts to a pandemic approaches a probablity great than 1.5…possibly 2.

  4. 61% male
    37.5% female
    98.5 ????
    Anyhow, this proves that it’s a democrat-orchestrated distraction. These are Obamatons doing the bidding of Pelosi, etc. to distract the country from the economy.

  5. Gene Simmons on the Occupiers:
    “Capitalism is the best thing that ever happened to human beings. The welfare state sounds wonderful but it doesn’t work.
    Governments hand out more money than they have to support welfare and they land in debt.
    Then they have to borrow money — and then there’s interest on top of that.
    That’s bad business. And it has created a culture of entitlement.
    When I was growing up my mother went to work. There was no welfare. If you worked, you made money.
    If you didn’t work, you had to figure it out — you’d go and wash dishes.
    The new breed of 20-year-olds don’t want to do those jobs.
    So people from other countries come over and are thrilled to get the chance to wipe the floors.
    Kiss are the only business-savvy band about and I make no apologies for that.
    We sell everything from condoms to caskets — we’ll get you coming and we’ll get you going.
    We outsell The Beatles and Elvis put together.
    People say things like: “Oh, you make so much money. What do you need any more for?”
    Well, actually, b*tch, I never asked for your opinion. I’ll let you know when I have enough money. ”

  6. What gets me about those on the left is while alot seem to be white there the most anti white people you will meet.What i mean is there most times pushing for more non whites to get higher level jobs there pushing for more new canadians from non european nations yet its rare they would protest for issues for whites.

  7. Wait until they whip up the real poor and black disgruntlement next summer after a winter of licking their wounds.

  8. Liberals consider ‘minority’ groups their pets and treat them as such. They give them a pat on the head with every speech so there’s no need to parade them.

  9. There is more valuable news on The Source in one hour than in the rest of the Canadian MSM combined on any given day.

  10. 61% male
    37.5% female
    98.5 ????

    It’s the Left so…..-1.5% are either confused or transgendered or _______(insert newest deviation here).

  11. Don Lemon (CNN weasel)speaking with mayor of Portland..as vid of the police ‘clearing’ the Occupiers plays: “Mr.Mayor,are you sympathetic to the needs of these people? Is there not a way to protect their First Ammendment rights? Do you think you are taking a bad line,and it could backfire?’
    CNN at the low-end of ratings war,and this is why!

  12. Not showing up at Michael Moore’s house (and filming his security tyring to remove you) is a failed right-wing strategy.

  13. What I mean is that Alinskyite tactics should be used on Moore. RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” – Fatboy socialist radical capitalist 1%er with his mansions, doesn’t use union workers. I think it could work.
    RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” – pretty much the same deal.
    RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” – Again…
    RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” – Seems mean, but hey, they’re your rules.
    RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” – Sort of repetitive, isn’t it?
    From what I’ve read, Alinsky wrote Rules for Adult Schoolyard Bullies, which is all that Moore is. Nasty, ugly, hardly Machiavelli, but somewhat effective. The radical left has no honour. Not showing up at Moore’s mansion with cameras and not waving signs and not mocking him relentlessly until he can’t show his face anywhere is a failed conservative tactic.
