20 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Excerpt from John C. Wright’s Political Correctness is the Substance of Darkness, Part I:
    “When you say nonsense clearly, it has no persuasive force: you raise a smile rather than raise an army. But when you utter nonsense obscurely, ah, then you are like unto a spirit of the kingdom of darkness, and no one can see you, no one grapple you, no one smite you with his sword. The mission of PC is sabotage, not melee: and saboteurs do not like banners and uniforms to identify them no more than PC likes definitions, labels, reason.
    “Like Rumpelstiltskin, you need but call them by their right name to watch them rip themselves in half in fury….”
    “The process cannot be stopped by any Conservative method of finding a political compromise. The process is not political, and the enemy is not interested in compromise…[…]…The whole structure of PC thought rests on make-believe, that is, on the vehement (often violent) denial of reality, and the replacement of reality of by verbal formulae of Approved Thought, formulae justly famed for their zen-koan-like detachment from reason, and their mystical tripping-hippy-like detachment from reality…”
    The whole thing here.
    h/t American Digest

  2. Keep your fingers crossed:
    “Two polls out Friday show former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s campaign gaining traction. And both polls show there’s plenty of room for the race to change dramatically: 17% of respondents are undecided.”

  3. A humourous, irreverent lampoon on saskabush.com following Monday’s election results in Saskatchewan:
    NDP Leader Dwain Lingenfelter is missing and presumed buried after an avalanche swept through Regina’s Douglas Park Monday night. Search parties have been dispatched to recover the vaunted party leader. So far, to no avail.
    ….Many rescue workers have noted that, had this missing person been the former leader, Lorne Calvert, the search would have completed by now….it would be so much easier to see someone in the snow who’s redder than a baboon’s ass.”
    Too funny!
    The previous write-up also a hoot.

  4. EBD, nice article on the idiocy that is political correctness.
    Here are the Pogues cavorting in a less exotic locale. MacGowen in his gitch, you know you want to click.

  5. EBD….thanks for Kyle-Anne’s piece. I LOVED her line about the 60’s hippies saying their hope was hope, and the new one for the Occuputzes. Priceless

  6. Wind Energy and Radar: A National Security Issue
    Military leaders are under pressure to not disrupt White House green energy policies even while green energy technology is disrupting our navigation aids and impairing U.S. national security.
    Since radar technology is designed to detect moving objects, spinning turbine blades create interference which degrades the signal. Wind towers carry a signal strength greater than a Boeing 747, so when the radar repeatedly sees the large return it cannot detect actual aircraft in the same area.
    Last week we learned of another project that poses safety risks.
    The D.C. Circuit found that the FAA failed to adequately analyze whether Cape Wind, the controversial proposal to erect 130 utility-scale turbines offshore in Nantucket Sound, would pose a hazard to air navigation. The project’s proponent vigorously defended the agency’s review claiming that for over eight years the FAA repeatedly found the project would pose no hazard. But the record clearly shows otherwise.

  7. Dead Green Indulgences, aka carbon offsets.
    Not For Sale.
    “Pacific Gas and Electric: not so climate smart after all
    When you can’t sell this on the green left coast, you know its gotta fail worldwide.
    Gotta love this quote, one of the best denials of reality I’ve ever seen:
    “It was a demonstration program, and it’s successfully concluding after meeting its goals,” Romans said. “Certainly we would have loved for more customers to have participated.” said company spokeswoman Katie Romans.”
    “The spin PG&E put on the announcement would be enough to power several generators:”
    “The ClimateSmart™ Program FAQ’s”
    “The ClimateSmart™ program is ending on December 31, 2011. With the help of over 30,000 PG&E residential and 700 business customers, the ClimateSmart program made people aware of the challenges posed by climate change while also helping establish the infrastructure for a low-carbon economy in California.”
    “helping to develop and road-test protocols for a transparent and rigorous carbon offset market”.

  8. Never say Kemo Sabay, Tonto.
    The leftist pc police will put you in quotation marks.
    Ugh, Kemo Sabay.
    “He leaned over and whispered, “N—er”.”
    “32. ExNavyDoc
    A number of years ago, when my kids were small, I ran across a photo of my dad and my two uncles as kids, circa the early 1940′s, gathered around a small dog of uncertain lineage. My kids were fascinated. How was it possible that “Paw Fred” was once as young as they?
    “What was the doggy’s name?” they demanded. My dad was evasive.”
    “Photoshopping the Past”

  9. *H/T “Mao Stlong”.
    “The book’s foreword has been written by Václav Havel, the Czech writer and fellow brave dissident whose own Charter 77, which called for human rights in 1970s Czechoslovakia, inspired Liu and other Chinese activists to put forward their own manifesto, Charter 08. Havel writes in the Harvard book: “Despite Liu’s imprisonment, his ideas cannot be shackled.”
    “Liu Xiaobo: new book lifts China’s gag on jailed Nobel peace prizewinner”
    “Liu Xiaobo, winner of Nobel peace prize, will have his collected writings published in English for the first time”
    “Read ‘Your Lifelong Prisoner’ – Liu Xiaobo’s poem from prison”
    “The collected writings of Chinese Nobel prizewinner Liu Xiaobo have been translated into English for the first time, but there will be no interviews, bookshop signings or appearances at literary festivals. The author is not even aware of the English translation, because he remains incarcerated in a Chinese jail and his wife is under house arrest.
    Liu, who won last year’s Nobel peace prize, is serving an 11-year sentence that began in 2009 for “inciting subversion of state power”. Friends have been unable to contact his wife, Liu Xia, even though she has not been charged with anything.”
    “*Liberal leader Basement Bob Rae’s uncle Maurice Strong, c/o Red China”

  10. Wise words that ALL should remember:
    It is the VETERAN , not the preacher,
    Who has given us freedom of religion.
    It is the VETERAN , not the reporter,
    Who has given us freedom of the press.
    It is the VETERAN , not the poet,
    Who has given us freedom of speech.
    It is the VETERAN , not the campus organizer,
    Who has given us freedom to assemble.
    It is the VETERAN , not the lawyer,
    Who has given us the right to a fair trial.
    It is the VETERAN , not the politician,
    Who has given us the right to vote.
    (Received in an e-mail)

  11. The Education Change is Coming Faster Than You Think
    The always valuable Glenn Reynolds alerts readers to an important story in the Wall Street Journal: “My Teacher is an App.” It turns out that technology is transforming the American educational experience far faster than most of us knew. From the Journal:
    In a radical rethinking of what it means to go to school, states and districts nationwide are launching online public schools that let students from kindergarten to 12th grade take some—or all—of their classes from their bedrooms, living rooms and kitchens. Other states and districts are bringing students into brick-and-mortar schools for instruction that is largely computer-based and self-directed.

  12. Obscene Green Gold Rush Embarasses the New York Times
    …Hint to green wastrels in the Energy Department and elsewhere: when even the New York Times thinks the green madness has gone too far, it has.
    Putting green lipstick on a pig doesn’t turn that pig into Ralph Nader. A full generation after the movement kicked off, too many greens are still clueless babes in the woods, regularly taken to the cleaners by cunning and clever corporate interests who know how to say all the right words. Like ethanol, solar and subsidy.
    There may be a dumber mass movement in the country than the fuzzy minded sentimentalists of the great green herd, but it isn’t easy to figure out which mass movement that would be.

  13. Did we all know this?:
    Victor Davis Hanson (VDH) is a registered Democrcat. Learned this watching a little interview at PJ media. But he’s gonna become a Independent (fully 3 years after the Marxist coup!)
    This fascinates me ‘cos Hanson has what I describe as a “liberal voice”; yunno, all sweetness and light and full of balanced and highly-reasoned compassion spoken from high heights.
    The most striking thing for me was his observation that he used to find right-wing talk radio guys “over the top” but that in the final analysis they were right! (about Obama, whom he described as, esp. for a professor of law, a unlawful person). Um, VDH, he wasn’t a “professor”.
    I like VDH but I find that he lacks urgency and passion.

  14. Me No Dhimmi,
    There’s all kinds of Democrats who are ‘tagged’ as Republican or Conservative.
    Southern Democrats were almost always more conservative than North(east) Republicans.
    It’s common knowledge that VDH, Glenn Reynolds, Charles Krauthammer, Pam Geller, Ann Althouse, Kathy Shaidle and others all have liberal/Democrat roots.

  15. taliban ‘culture’ coming to a historical site near you…
    sooner than you think…..
    Islamists Take Over Egypt
    Library of Alexandria to Be Burned Again
    The Royal Library of Alexandria in Egypt, the largest and most significant library of the ancient world, is now being targeted by radical Muslims who seek to replace it with a mosque.
    Radical Islamic groups claim that the library’s art programs, which include music and ballet dancing, spread “depravity” in Egyptian society.

  16. Apparently breaking on 60 minutes…Former Speaker of the House–and current Minority Leader–Nancy Pelosi apparently bought $1 million to $5 million of Visa stock in one of the most sought-after and profitable initial public offerings (IPO) in American history, thwarted serious credit card reform for two years, and then watched her investment skyrocket 203%.
    Breitbart is all over this.
