38 Replies to “Gingrich’s Last Stand?”

  1. Well, that explains it for me.
    Romney has has the free pass from MSM. I’ve mentioned it several times, and that alone was enough for me to count him out.

  2. i forgot to mention ……gingrich? never…the couch global warming commercials did it for me!

  3. Goldman Sachs has heavily backed both Obama’s and Romney’s campaigns through PACs.

  4. Well, before a newt gets to be a newt, it goes through a ‘red’ eft stage. Maybe Ol’ Newt just never growed up.

  5. I figured that was an ad from the “Committee to Re-elect the President”. You know,CREEP.
    This ad should be enough to defeat Romney.
    I wonder what Obama’s going to say at his next inauguration. Will he speak of vague feel-good generalities,or will he speak specifically to the Nation’s problems?

  6. Robert is right; this is indeed a peculiar commercial coming from Republicans. It scarcely needs stating that “corporate raiders” perform a very useful function in capitalism. If a company is underperforming with respect to growing its business and not paying dividends, a takeover can dump the board and management, preventing any entrenched corporate bureaucracy from becoming too cozy.
    This particular commercial sounded exactly like what the so-called 99 Percenters have been saying. Any takers on whether any of them vote Republican?

  7. Newt’s doing the Repub party a big favor by exposing Romney to the flak he will get if he’s the nominee. The best way to insure a Dem victory in November would be to nominate Mitt. He’s not up to the task of playing hardball.

  8. Putting the weirdness of this ad aside, you have to worry a bit about Romney’s very close ties to Wall Street bankers. Romney keeps saying he will not owe anyone anything if he gets elected, but that’s disingenuous. He will make sure Wall Street is well looked after, and the Street will be expecting it.
    The USA will simply collapse if it continues to be run by people who put short-term special interests ahead of the good of the country.

  9. Newt is a hypocrite…he fed aplenty on corporate bribes.
    But Romney is no conservative. He stands for nothing except “it’s my turn”.
    I think Canada is better off because the old PC died, and the Reform – Alliance – CPC replaced it. Sure, we had a nightmarish decade under Cretin, but we are better off now. Harper’s not perfect, far from it, but there’s not a day that goes by that I am not grateful that he’s PM.
    Looks like the Republicans need the same lesson.
    Romney will inspire no one to get out there and vote. It will be just like in Ontario. Everyone hates Mcguinty, but Hudak was so pathetic that many conservatives just threw up their hands and walked away. Obama is a sure winner barring some sort of implosion in the next year.

  10. It’s a different type of election than we have. Obama’s imploding in the swing states. Nevermind national polls, the action’s in the swing states.

  11. Many Republicans and Independents (who now out-number either party) are going to have to plug their noses when they vote. Newt has always been there for Newt and he would rather scuttle the ship than be taken out by the Republican establishment. Notice how easily his PAC came up with a socialist-based attack add. It makes one wonder about the closeness of Mitt and Newt to the progressives when their adds would fit right in with them quite well.
    Ron Paul might just be the last man standing.

  12. So if Romney wins, will the USA be better off in the long run?
    A case could, and has, been made for letting Obama win and wear the coming disaster, which I don’t believe Romney or any current Republican can avert.
    This, along with the 2008 outcome should make it clear that fake conservatives like Romney and Gingrich and Santorum (who scares me more than the first two, to be honest) are taken out of the Republican gene pool.
    2016: Christie, West, Ryan…. a much stronger and more principled field, I believe.

  13. Here’s where the pro-Gingrich PAC got funding for the documentary:
    “That PAC, called Winning Our Future, is paying for the ads with a huge influx of cash that it just got from Sheldon Adelson, a Las Vegas billionaire with ties to China, Israel, and the Bush family. That’s him on the far right, sitting next to Israeli President Shimon Peres and George W. Bush in 2008. Adelson, whom Forbes listed as the third-richest American in 2008, has quietly become Gingrich’s biggest backer. On Saturday it was announced that he gave $5 million to Winning Our Future, and some reports say he plans to spend as much as $20 million before the campaign is over. It may not be enough to save Gingrich’s bid, but it could be enough to burn down the Republican front runner in the process.”

  14. “On Saturday it was announced that he gave $5 million to Winning Our Future…”
    Ah, to have that sort of money to throw around – what a dream that would be!

  15. 1. I think Kate in the comments above has this right. A US presidential election is not like a Canadian election. Unless it’s a landslide, swing states will matter in November.
    2. It seems to me that any of the candidates other than Romney would be a Barry Goldwater disaster for the Republicans.
    3. As to Bain and this video, first of all take away the ominous music and consider the simple facts: You can have an organization like Solyndra that survives despite a negative profit, or you can have an organization like, say, Microsoft that survives because of its positive profit. Profit is not a four-letter word and in fact it is critical to the survival of an economy. Romney knows how to argue this point.

  16. Gingrich’s last stand? Lets hope so. He is just confident enough to be exceedingly dangerous.

  17. The Planet can’t affords to have America wondering in a political wilderness as we did in Canada, till we straightened things out.
    Look what Obamas done in 3 Years to destabilize the free World.

  18. Gingrich, the hypocrite, the divorcee, the couch sitter, is the only man to have balanced the US budget since 1957. In my book, that makes him the most successful conservative politician in the modern era. The establishment has made him pay for it to this day.
    Corporate raiders are a necessary component of the business world but like human resource departments, they are not the class act of business and industry. Neither could exist on their own account; they require the efforts of others.
    Romney’s success, as he measures it, is that he made $150 million as a corporate raider and that he was the Governor of Massachusetts. As Governor, he denied the citizens of his state the right to manage their own health care. He mandated they join his plan. He says that he did it because he could (it was legal) and that many people liked it. That speaks loudly of his innate conservatism.
    Romney supporters spent over $5 million attacking Gingrich in Iowa. That amounts to $100 per vote to spread innuendo, distortion and outright lies against Gingrich. On the other hand, Gingrich supporters are now exposing that Romney’s business success was not an idea that he shepherded through design, manufacturing, marketing and sales into a successful product. Some distortion (successful turnarounds are not emphasized) but this exposure was going to happen in any case.
    Now we have to decide what it is we want, Snow White or one of the Dwarfs. We only get to choose among the humans of the world.

  19. RE Gingrich:
    When the pilot’s fighting a nosedive, I don’t care who he’s dicking! Priorities.

  20. Newt is so compromised on Republican ideals and policies he is laughed at in the belt line as as the man who bends over more than a bath house towel boy.
    Kick this ancient sack of compromising protoplasm to the curb and get on with cleaning out congress.

  21. Interestingly enough this is only one component of Romney’s history where he shows a callous disregard for the lives of others for the greater good of the House of Romney.
    He dismissed and disparaged Reagan and when Newt had just taken back the House after 40 years he distanced himself from Conservatives. He will impose a Value Added Tax, keep Obama/RomneyCare and raise taxes without a single cut to any federal program. He has a history of running against Republicans and using scorched earth tactic that spring from his contempt for his fellow citizen.
    I hope Newt eviscerates him and Santorum puts his political head on a pike.

  22. I don’t give a shite if Romney stole 5 dollars off a kids lemonade stand.
    If he wins the Republican nomination,
    he gets my vote.
    Obama would have fined the lemonade stand $10,000 dollars for unregulated sugars,
    and put the kids parents in jail..
    Screw Obama,
    vote Republican.

  23. Newt’s just poisoning the well.
    Rush is wrong, ABO is not the first order of business. Beheading the GOP, liming the corpses and moving on, is job one.
    Conservatives are 40% of the electorate and don’t have 10% representation.

  24. Newt’s just poisoning the well.
    Rush is wrong, ABO is not the first order of business. Beheading the GOP, liming the corpses and moving on, is job one.
    Conservatives are 40% of the electorate and don’t have 10% representation.

  25. 1) Kates comment is correct. Swing states are the key.
    2) Conservatives in Canada or U.S. should beleive in capitalism, Gov’ts should not bail out losers or choose “winners” to invest the publics taxes.

  26. First of all do some research on Bain capital. This hit job is pure BS. The company I work for was bought by Bain and they’ve made huge positive changes and turned the company around. They did fire administrative staff but I didn’t notice because they didn’t contribute anything to the company AT ALL except stupid useless HR emails every damn day. Those are now gone and we’re back to being profitable again.
    Bottom line is Newt is a manchurian democrat candidate just like Ron Paul. They are Obama-bots. Newt worked for acorn’s favourite org: fanny and freddie! You people doubted Coulter well, here it is folks. Oh yeah sitting down with Nancy Pelosi was just a “mistake”.
