21 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. The democrats own internal polls must show a bleak future or they would not all be jumping ship. Their message that our policies will work, they just need four more years, is insane to me but you never know what the 52% will believe. This is more telling than the message that the press is trying to spin, he’s not gaining traction.

  2. This Jack Lew fellow who is replacing Daley can’t have been too successful in his old position as Budget Director, because if I am not mistaken the current administration has never passed a budget in their three years there.

  3. Is this where the phrase,”rats leaving a sinking ship” would be appropriate?? followed by bwaaaaaaaahahaha!

  4. and Martin Bashir of mess-nbc is ‘incredibly moved’ by Obama’s speech…that was NOTHING! Ahhhhh,the old ‘tingle up the leg’ on msnbc-er’s continues.

  5. We lived in Chicago for 5 years until 2005, where my wife’s job had regular contact with Bill Daley.
    Unlike so many Democrats, he’s a pragmatist, a realist, A BUSINESSMAN who understands the how the REAL world works and knows how to get things done … never confuse Bill Daley with his corrupt brother, the former Mayor Richard Daley. If there is such a thing as a ‘conservative’ Democrat, Bill Daley would be it. According to my wife, “Bill Daley is the best LISTENER I’ve ever met … and that includes YOU!”
    His many business connections have obviously made it VERY clear that he will be persona non grata in the business world if he is within a light year of the upcoming Democrat election debacle.
    This is further confirmation – as if any were needed – of the magnitude of the whipping Democrats will get this November no matter who the Republicans run against Oblamebush.

  6. I think someone stole his shredder and he got scared. (Napolitano and Holder must have ,, what,, 3 each?)

  7. The DemocRATs, specifically their point man Holder, have already begun the election fraud by diallowing the voter-ID state laws as discrimitory against blacks.
    Funny thing photo ID is SOP to get a job, a drivers licence, apply for EI, etc…even to rent a movie…..
    They are desperate to find ways to fund the defunct but resurrected ACORN with taxpayer $$$.
    Much like Canada’s LIBRANOs they are the most adept politicians….and also the most corrupt.

  8. I remember when the Mulroney people started the mass exodus from a party they had made defunct.
    Never seen so many resignations. Lets hope this is the case here.

  9. Watched Oblamer-bush on telly the other day asking the private sector to create 800,000 new jobs for all the brave men and women coming back from Afgan-Iraq wars.
    He really looks like shit..
    He bragged about this administration creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs for his affirmative action groupies,
    but that the Republicans didn’t give him enough money to make more jobs for the professional soldiers being rotated/drummed out.
    Now he needs private business to pick up the slack.
    Guess the idea of 800,000 men with automatic weapons marching on the White House scares him white..

  10. A news article said that Daley is going to be working on Obama’s campaign this year. Like Axelrod.

  11. “This is more telling than the message that the press is trying to spin, he’s not gaining traction.” Mark
    Looks like the Clinton Democrats (Moderates) are dumping Obama….
    This may help explain the “Creepy” MSM Coverage of the Tucson shooting..It has been over the top for the last 2 weeks, you would swear she was Mother Theresa…
    Obama needs a VP to replace Stupid and with Clinton not available Obama and Hollywood need the Astronaut “Kelly” to be a Hail Mary candidate
    Works for me

  12. I wonder if the Chris Christie, seen here @ SDA, video calling Barack Obama a Chicago Ward Politician with all the corruption that description brings to mind, has anything to do with this other Chicago Politico moving out of the spotlight. Cheers;

  13. Slap Shot
    “This may help explain the “Creepy” MSM Coverage of the Tucson shooting..It has been over the top for the last 2 weeks, you would swear she was Mother Theresa…”
    Giffords still hasn’t decided whether or not to run. She looks pretty much hooped. Where’s the decision?

  14. and the tradition continues…
    Note To OWS: Obama’s New Chief of Staff Is a Former Hedge Fund Executive Who Made Billions Off of Mortgage Defaults…
    President Obama’s first chief of staff Rahm Emanuel once sat on the board of troubled federal mortgage giant Freddie Mac. Bill Daley, the president’s chief of staff whose departure was announced today, was previously a top executive at financial firm J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. So of course there should be little surprise that Obama’s latest chief of staff, announced today by the president himself, also has deep ties to the financial industry himself.
    From 2006-2008, Jack Lew was chief operating officer of Citibank’s alternative investments division. And it was his division that made billions of dollars betting “U.S. homeowners would not be able to make their mortgage payments,” as the Huffington Post reported.
    The piece also reported: “Lew made millions at Citi, including a bonus of nearly $950,000 in 2009 just a few months after the bank received billions of dollars in a taxpayer rescue, according to disclosure forms filed with the federal government. The bank is still partly owned by taxpayers.”…

  15. “Giffords still hasn’t decided whether or not to run. She looks pretty much hooped. Where’s the decision?” Scar
    Yes she is hooped.. But her husband has been making political statements…
    The Anti-gun folks are using the Giffords (shooter was a Democrat) to balance the illegal Gun running & Murder committed by HOLDER & others in the Obama Admin….

  16. Let me get this straight, (unelected) President Valery Jarret told (unelected) Vice President Michelle Obama to tell their mutual lackey Bambam Obama to get rid of Bill Daley.

  17. It will be a great day in 2013 watching all of them pack their bags and taking their socialists stench back to Chicago.

  18. Don’t count the Democrats out just yet, I implore you. Obama, Pelosi, Reid et al will do anything to win reelection or prevent an election, including war with Iran to suspend elections. Look now how he’s usurping the constitution with appointments when the Senate is still formally in session.
    Even though it would turn Moochelle’s stomach, I wouldn’t rule out that the “October Surprise” might very well be, sudden or mysterious health problems materializing for VP Biden(manufactured of course), and the welcoming of Hillary to the VP slot.
