29 Replies to “Brad’s Bloopers”

  1. No fair, he got a do-over or three. Steffie Dijon is gonna hear about this! 🙂

  2. Wadda ya know, a real everyday guy who screws up every once in a while just like the rest of us. Little wonder he hit it out of the park last go ’round.

  3. He’s saying something but all I hear is “Can you believe that they make glasses this big?”

  4. What’s really funny is that Brad Wall’s blooper reel would be more successful than Lingenfelter’s entire 2011 election campaign effort.

  5. What a pansy! Why doesn’t he get angry and chew somebody else’s ass when he screws up?
    Obviously not fit for politics.

  6. What you are seeing here is Brad Wall as he really is….down home nice person who is a decent man.
    Dont lose that persona Brad.

  7. Let’s not overlook the fact that Brad Wall allowed his underage daughter to drive and didn’t try to bullsh*t his way out of it. He was also caught on video speaking with a Ukrainian accent after having a couple of pops. The sourpuss socialists tried to make a field day out of both incidents and failed badly.
    When it comes right down to it, Premier Wall is decent and honest just like the rest of us commoners. He also has a good business head on his shoulders. If he stays the course, he will keep Sask on top of the heap and put the NDP out of business permanently.

  8. Brad Wall did like a lot of Sask farmers did,taught their children to drive in a wheat field.Look up Kates archives of June,2005 where she states that she had 8 years driving experience when she got her licence.In that same month, she also laid down the criteria for complaints in her “complaint department manual”.

  9. That reminded me a bit of Brent Butt’s style of delivery (-which I like, so I meant it’s a good thing.)

  10. Energy minister Boyd must have much the same affliction when it comes to reading as he has’nt called a halt to wind turbines in spite of all that has been written about them to the contrary.There were hundreds of them before the power grid was installed to provide power but they were too expensive to run for the power that was generated.

  11. Loved the fake-techno noise at :40. I do that in front of my teenaged sons and their slack-jawed friends…drives them insane!

  12. LOL!
    Was this meant to be an attack ad? If so, Major FAIL! He looks like an average Joe, trying to do the best he can to be sure the message is delivered properly. I think I like him even more now.
    I especially like the ‘beat voxing’ at the 40sec mark!

  13. Dear Saskatchewanites: Can I borrow your premier for a term or two? It won’t take long, just so I can feel good about voting for someone for once.
    (PS: Is it Saskatchewanite or Saskatchewanenians? Or is Rider Nation suitable?)

  14. Umm, Kevin, I asked he come to BC first. Anyway, we are way more screwed up here than Alberta.

  15. Jan…according to youtube comments Sask Party posted this with a greeting from Brad Wall…the guy has a great sense of humour.

  16. Awe…remember when you and him had a little tiff when he called out this website for what it is. Now Kate’s gushing over him again. Some day, Kate. You just keep letting him know how you feel!
