Reader Tips

In tonight’s Tippity amusement Peter Sellers plays the role of a diligent folk archivist making a field recording in a small town in Ireland. Let’s listen to the fruits of his labour, as Patrick O’Shaughnessy and his Caileigh Band play “The Rattlin’ Boy From Dublin Town”, fueled by a drop of the hard stuff.
The comments are open for your Reader Tips.

42 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Warmist blog Climate Progress laments the collapse of network (NBC, CBS, and ABC) news coverage of climate change in 2011.
    Oddly enough, the “three factors” he identifies as being responsible for this U-turn in coverage — “Failure of the elite to focus on this issue”, “crowding out by other issues”, and – remarkably – “No significant change in (the) political equation” make no mention of Climategate, and the concomitant explosion of awareness of the fraudulence of much of the warmist ‘science’.

  2. Western perks: according to the Daily Mail, a man who owns £300,000 house in an affluent part of Lahore, Pakistan has collected £292,000 ($461,000 CAD) in fraudulent disability payments (he claims he is barely able to walk) from the governments of both Britain and Denmark – i.e. the taxpayers of Britain and Denmark.
    Hassan Gilani, who the article describes as having been seen strolling amiably around his posh Lahore neighbourhood with his wife, also has a taxpayer-funded three-bedroom terrace house in London. He does not live in Denmark.

  3. Yep…sometime in the next few hours SDA will hit 25 million.
    Congrats Kate and friends! Best blog going!

  4. Geez, Marco (10:14), that CBC comments thread is like a bunch of indoctrinated zombies with pitchforks whipping themselves into an insane frenzy: “We’re witnessing the absolute erosion of democracy in Canada!” gets 127 thumbsup. “If the opposition starts to gain ground, will Harper invoke the War Measures Act?” gets *90* thumbs up.
    Smite them. Smite them all. And then, shut down the CBC, and then raze the public school systems across the country and rebuild them from the ground up. And then…
    RT: Blogger “Fjordman” describes what he went through after various mass media organizations, and Norway’s public broadcaster, falsely implied that he had close contact with Anders Behring Breivik, hinted that Breivik knew Fjordman’s real identity, and suggested that the two had mutual acquaintances. Norwegian police have confirmed Fjordman’s categorical denial of all these accusations.
    Fjordman admits to having received several emails from Breivik in the years before the massacre, none of them even vaguely threatening, but, as he puts it, he “barely noticed him” amidst all the other emails. As he put it,

    “I am not a psychic or a mind reader. I cannot anticipate what other human beings will do years later when they themselves give no hint of their plans, which ABB did not do. If the police and the security services — who are paid professionals trained to do this sort of job — didn’t anticipate what Breivik was about to do, how can one expect an amateur who had never met him to do so?”

    He notes that the same media who strung him up without evidence retroactively deleted their own online discussion forums.

  5. In “A German by Any Other Name”, at the blog Those Who Can See (“Human biodiversity meets humane, sensible public policy”), M.G. posits the radical idea that maybe the world’s peoples are, you know, different from each other:

    “The Maastricht treaty, indeed the whole idea of the E.U., is based on the principle that ‘People are people.’ Also known as the Late Twentieth Century Delusion. As we have seen, the Think-Tankers who cook up international policy are in utter thrall to it. No reason, say they, why a semiconductor industry such as flourishes in Japan couldn’t do the same in Angola. No reason at all. All that’s missing are the right incentives, the right institutions, the right…
    “…Shhh. Don’t say ‘people.’ Crimethink.”

    It’s hard to disagree with this:

    “Though it has become terribly unfashionable, there is little as satisfying as reading old-time authors’ stout observations of other peoples, untouched by today’s feminized hive-mind and its cries to not hurt anyone’s feelings. It was once taken for granted that a German was not a Greek. Would today’s Eurozone decision-makers come back to this distant wisdom, they might yet come up with some policy worth the name.”

    The whole thing here.
    h/t Foseti

  6. Lizard May calls PMSH ‘radical’ on Don Newman’s excuse of a show on CTV.
    Pot………Kettle……….Black……or is that watermelon?

  7. This was posted on A&L Daily a few days ago, it might have been recommended already:
    — about the scientific misconduct of Harvard cognitive scientist, Marc Hauser. He was a colleague of Pinker and Spelke, and collaborated on papers with Chomsky and Damasio. He was a rock star a few years back when he presented at our university. People were avid to get an RAship in his lab.

  8. We see now the end of this agenda. Teaching children to be brain washed in school, even against their parents wishes. The introduction of trans-gendered Mythology along with its NAMBLA Adult-child agenda being brought in as natural too. Its an Ugly movement that seemed harmless. Now with Law suites plus legal Intrusions in peoples beliefs or religion. Plus any educative body. BY government boards acting as inquisitions. Its really a Trojan horse we can see now, for grooming the next generation.
    The Devil always comes as an Angel of light.
    One only has to see California curriculum, or Ontario s TDSB push for perversion in the guise of education. Under The cloak of bulling laws.
    Why Fight Same-S@x Marriage?
    Is There Really That Much at Stake?

  9. Revnant Dream: I told the Premier as much in my email to him. It would be nice to think he had read it but I doubt it got past the staff.
    People should tell it the way it is and quit all this pussy-footing around.
    It’s an agenda and I can’t believe the Premier doesn’t know it. Which is also what I told him.

  10. Robert, awkward photo # 10 has my vote. Chords of Queen’s “Fat Bottomed Girls”play through my mind as images of the bicycle race come to life. Quite risque at the time.

  11. Seal Hunt: Fear-Mongering National Geographic.
    “Harp seals are by no means endangered, and people hunt the animals to sell their fur, skin, and meat.”
    “Baby Harp Seals Being Drowned, Crushed Amid Melting Ice
    Global warming is melting sea ice the pups need for survival.”
    “Greenland drowning in seal”
    “The Greenland Fisheries and Hunters Organisation KNAPK is appealing to Denmark to raise the issue indigenous rights and an EU ban on seal products, due to a burgeoning seal population in the Arctic regions”
    ““Hunting seal and sealskin production ensures employment throughout Greenland and in particular in the outlying regions. Seal hunting and skin production helps raise living standards and livelihoods for hunters in our country,” KNAPK Chairman Leif Fontaine tells Sermitsiaq.
    The European Union has a ban on imports of sealskin and seal products.”

  12. AGW-Greenism’s Smoking e-mail.
    The beginning of the end of AGW-Greenism.
    “We start with the famous email, the one that some say was the start of the difficulty that scientists in general found when they tried to access data from some climate scientists.
    From Phil Jones to Warwick Hughes.
    1299. Between July 2004 and Feb 2005. (Exact date not on my copy of the email.)
    I should warn you that some data we have we are not supposed top (sic) pass on to others. We can pass on the gridded data – which we do. Even if WMO agrees, I will still not pass on the data. We have 25 or so years invested in the work. Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it. There is IPR to consider. You can get similar data from GHCN at NCDC. Australia isn’t restricted there.”
    “THAT famous email explained and the first Volunteer Global Warming Skeptic”
    “JoNova ^ | January 10th, 2012 | Guest post by: Geoffrey H Sherrington, Scientist.”
    “Years before Climategate, THAT email, from Phil Jones to Warwick Hughes told us everything we needed to know about the scientific standards at the Climate Research Unit of East Anglia. THAT email was the tip of the iceberg, and below is what lay underneath the surface — the things that were said behind the scenes at the time. Geoff Sherrington has pieced together a sequence of climategate emails, his own emails, and parts of Warwick Hughes work to recreate the sequence.
    And for the true skeptic-aficionados, here’s a new layer of history to the skeptical chronology. Where did this volunteer audit movement begin?
    Who would have guessed that at least one skeptic, Hughes, was asking for the data Phil Jones worked with, as long ago as 1991? (That was way back in the days where people worked with hard copy print outs, and drew graphs by hand!) Does Hughes rank as volunteer Skeptic Number 1?
    UPDATE: I asked Warwick, and he thinks the first unpaid skeptic was Fred Wood in 1988*. — Jo”

  13. careful at the border…Big Brother ‘bama has his eye on anyone who blogs…1984 came late it seems
    Under the National Operations Center (NOC)’s Media Monitoring Initiative that came out of DHS headquarters in November, Washington has the written permission to retain data on users of social media and online networking platforms.
    Specifically, the DHS announced the NCO and its Office of Operations Coordination and Planning (OPS) can collect personal information from news anchors, journalists, reporters or anyone who may use “traditional and/or social media in real time to keep their audience situationally aware and informed.”
    According to the Department of Homeland Security’s own definition of personal identifiable information, or PII, such data could consist of any intellect “that permits the identity of an individual to be directly or indirectly inferred, including any information which is linked or linkable to that individual.” Previously established guidelines within the administration say that data could only be collected under authorization set forth by written code, but the new provisions in the NOC’s write-up means that any reporter, whether someone along the lines of Walter Cronkite or a budding blogger, can be victimized by the agency….

  14. Globe-Mail/MSM’s Tar Babies: Stuck on Stupid.
    Da proof: “to blunt criticism of the tarry resource.”
    “Blogger fuels PM’s claims that U.S. is backing Canadian environmentalists”
    “The ammunition for Ottawa’s broadside against the pipeline’s opponents is drawn in part from the work of a relatively little-known blogger from North Vancouver.
    In the last 15 months, independent blogger and single mother Vivian Krause has become a one-person clearinghouse on how U.S. money is helping finance Canadian environmental activism.
    Ms. Krause has used her “Fair Questions” blog to document the money trail behind what she calls the “U.S.-funded campaign against Canadian oil” – research that’s been used by defenders of the oil sands, including the lobby group Ethical Oil, to blunt criticism of the tarry resource.”
    “Terence Corcoran: A war on green ‘radicals’”
    “Never before has a Canadian politician challenged the hitherto saintly protectors of the environment in such direct language”
    “It is a cliché in journalism to declare metaphorical wars at the drop of a news release. In this case, it looks like war is exactly what Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver launched Monday in an unprecedented open letter warning that Canada will not allow “environmental and other radical groups” to “hijack our regulatory system to achieve their radical ideological agenda.””
    “What a welcome war this is. Never before has a Canadian politician challenged the hitherto saintly protectors of the environment in such direct language. More importantly, Mr. Oliver took straight aim at a troubling trend in Canadian environmentalism — the foreign funding of Canadian green activist groups with the express purpose of shutting down Canadian resource development — first documented in the National Post by Vancouver investigative writer Vivian Krause.”

  15. most feared event in America ?
    another 4 years of ‘bama…..
    As we enter the presidential election year of 2012, what potential news event do you fear the most?
    President Obama wins reelection 33%
    Taxes will increase 31%
    Iran will get a nuclear weapon 16%
    Obama will lose reelection 16%
    North Korea will attack South Korea 4%
    …Nearly half of Americans 65 and older said Obama’s reelection was their top fear, 39 percent of those making $75,000 or more agreed.

  16. BC blogger gives proof that U.S. money is behind Canadian environmentalists’ aggressive opposition to the Northern Gateway oil sands pipeline. Naturally, all of the usual suspects demur: “‘This woman is either knowingly or not knowingly a surrogate for them [oil companies and the Canadian government],’ Sierra Club of Canada executive John Bennett said of Ms. Krause.”
    We’re looking at the Tides Foundation and the Sierra Club.

  17. Denizens of AGW’s Green Quagmire.
    Specimen: Mr. NO. An AGW Heretic Outed.
    Was Hulme tied to the bed?
    “Mike Hulme – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia”.
    “The Wonderful World of Wikipedia”
    “Guest post by James Padgett
    As many readers are aware, the culture surrounding the climate change topic area of Wikipedia has been a microcosm of climate science for nearly a full decade.
    This is not a complement.
    When you read the Climategate emails and see discussions of finding people to investigate and discredit your ideological opponents – that is Wikipedia. When you read about the IPCC’s usage of the WWF and students in composing their Climate Bible (KJV) – that is Wikipedia. When you read about “climate scientists” conspiring to get other scientists fired for challenging the orthodoxy – that is Wikipedia.
    In short, Wikipedia does not care about truth, and certainly not doubts, it cares about message.
    And that’s what this article is about, how the truth, when made plainly clear, is suppressed in favor of misinformation that is on message.”

  18. more mirth and mayhem from the ‘religion of peace’…
    URGENT: A 25-year-old man described as an Islamic extremist was arrested in an alleged plot to attack crowded areas in the Tampa, Fla., area with a car bomb, assault rifle and other explosives, authorities said Monday.
    The U.S. Department of Justice said Sami Osmakac, a naturalized U.S. citizen who was born in the former Yugoslavia, was arrested Saturday night.
    Osmakac, from Pinellas County, allegedly told an undercover agent that “We all have to die, so why not die the Islamic way?'” according to a federal complaint.

  19. Rub’n’Tug Liberals bag a believer/cross walker. Sorry, not Jack*. Mistah Jack, “he went away on his bike”.
    No name> It’s a supplies.
    No name will fly to the “battered Grit team”.
    “The Liberals are hosting a policy convention this weekend in Ottawa.”
    “NDP MP to cross floor to Liberals: Report”
    *Not Jack.
    “He came on a bicycle. I escorted him down and he went away on his bike.”

  20. Chronnicle of Lower Education: More cuts to the left-liberal arts.
    “UBC student who allegedly penned online apology after Stanley Cup riot charged”
    “Ontario universities, hospitals ‘in shock’ after $66-million funding cut”
    “In Johannesburg, a desperate bid for education turns deadly”
    “A deadly stampede at the University of Johannesburg has highlighted the failings of South Africa’s education system, still struggling to overcome the legacy of apartheid.
    The stampede, which killed one person and injured at least 22, broke out this morning as thousands of people tried desperately to push through the university’s gates to file entrance applications.”

  21. no wonder the dippers wanted to pass a bill outlawing floor-crossing…(as long as it was only for those leaving the ndp)
    letthe exodus begin…most of the dippers are only liebrals in disguise anyway…including their temporary ‘leader’…or is she BQ? it’s hard to tell with her…depends on who’s offering her the most at the time.
    OTTAWA – Quebec NDP MP Lise St-Denis announced Tuesday she’s crossing the floor to the Liberals.
    The MP for the riding of Saint-Maurice–Champlain said the Liberal direction on social policy, job creation and the environment is “able to generate hope for the people living in my riding.”
    “This decision has been made serenely,” she said.
    She made the announcement in Ottawa flanked by Liberal interim leader Bob Rae and Quebec MP Denis Coderre.

  22. Update from a story this weekend
    The FAA has reversed its recent decision to ground the pilots of Operation Migration, and will allow them to finish a flight leading whooping crane chicks to Florida from Michigan.The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) had granted Operation Migration a one-time temporary exemption to allow its pilots to finish the 2011-2012 crane migration. The waiver extends through the end of March.

  23. still more from the ‘religion of peace’…
    Muslim Man Shoots Out Store Windows To Lure Police Officers, Engages Them In Running Gun Battle To “Draw Attention To Islam”…
    (Gadsden Times) — A man thought to be an Islamic extremist is believed to have shot the windows out of at least two businesses in Alabama City early Sunday to lure police officers to the area and engage them in a shootout.
    Luis Ibarra-Hernandez, 21, from Albertville, was charged today with attempted murder, according to a news release from the Gadsden Police Department.
    “After the man was taken into custody, he reported that he knew he must do something extreme to draw attention to Islam and himself, so he planned to shoot police officers,” Gadsden Police Capt. Regina May said.

  24. Left-liberalism/statism is a way back machine.
    One of its banners reads: It’s for the children. Yup.
    ““Our people should see to it that this rich heritage is preserved for their children and their children’s children forever, with its majestic beauty all unmarred.””
    No. Left-liberalism is for the rats*.
    “*De Plague, De Plague”
    “Annie Gowen of the Washington Post says that “the rat population around the two Occupy D.C. camps at McPherson Square and Freedom Plaza has ‘exploded’ since protesters began” according to the director of the District’s Department of Health. Gowen noted that city health inspectors had seen “rats running openly through both camps and spotted numerous new burrows and nests underneath hay-stuffed pallets occupiers are using for beds.”
    It would be ironic, but not unusual, if something — in this case Occupy — which imagined itself a solution turned out to be the genesis of another problem. As Michael Crichton described in his classic speech on complexity, Park Service attempts to manage Yellowstone Park for the good had created a new situation, but not the one they imagined.
    It was his third visit. Roosevelt saw a thousand antelope, plentiful cougar, mountain sheep, deer, coyote, and many thousands of elk. He wrote, “Our people should see to it that this rich heritage is preserved for their children and their children’s children forever, with its majestic beauty all unmarred.”
    But Yellowstone was not preserved. On the contrary, it was altered beyond repair in a matter of years.”

  25. Socialism/communism = crime.
    Ask Stalin*.
    “Economic crisis means the Mafia is now ‘Italy’s number one bank’: report”
    “Criminal lending a “national emergency”
    Mafia has ‘€65-billion’ in liquidity
    Organized crime has annual turnover of €140-billion”
    “Trainee priest, revolutionary bank robber, and murderous dictator Joseph Stalin began life as Iosif Vissarionovich Djugashvili”

  26. Neo-AGW PR: Today’s Final Report.
    Items: More strange weather.
    “7.3 Magnitude Earthquake off West Coast of Sumatra
    News – Jan 10, 2012; 3:45 PM ET
    The quake happened 262 miles southwest of Banda Aceh, Sumatra.”
    “Living in Alaska Under 20 Feet of Snow
    Video – Jan 10, 2012; 8:35 PM
    Cordova, Alaska, has nearly 20 feet of snow. What’s it like to live there?”

  27. I bet you anything Newt’s super pac billionaire is a George Soros compatriot. Newt is a democrat. Just what do you think Pelosi was talking about when she said she has dirt on the Newt? I bet you he sat down on that couch as his first step at switching sides to the Democrats. Phase two is under way now.
