19 Replies to “Greenpeace’s Mafia-Lite Tactics”

  1. Let’s face it – Greenpeace and the associated eco-nuts are anti-anything-human. They wouldn’t even be happy if we shut down all industry and moved back into a cave – mainly because the fire in the cave would give off greenhouse gases, and an endangered bug “may” once have lived in parts of the cave.
    Until people start to stand up to these radical environmentalists, more jobs will be lost, and energy prices will continue to climb.

  2. We’re not fighting environmentalists.
    We’re in a life and death struggle with green shirted communism.

  3. I twice witnessed Greenpeace in action. Once, when its activists hijacked a log barge, and a second incidence, when they attempted but failed to take over a barge. Greenpeace today exists to promote a global power agenda and a fundraising machine whose leaders make big money.

  4. I’m afraid I’m with the greenies on GMO.
    Fish genes in vegetables? Give me a break!
    The term “Frankenfoods” is too soft. If they’d be honest and LABELED this stuff, I’d be less damning.Otherwise screw’em.
    Playing GOD is not mans forte.

  5. Grains, livestock and vegetables have been genetically modified by man and nature for thousands of years. The process is just faster now.
    Greenpeace should be labeled a criminal organization.

  6. It appears eastern paul believes the environut lies that lab work appears in our food. It doesn’t. Besides, I “gm” my work every year when I crossbreed my roses, it’s slow going because I don’t have access to fancy toys, but do it the old fashioned way in a basement, with trial, error, plant food, using grow lights, hatch-splicing, tying, and manual pollination.

  7. Let’s not forget that Patrick Moore also said that he believes in having more CO2 in the atmosphere.
    What’s great for the earths vegetation is ultimately great for us.

  8. I think it would be fun to be part of an organization that’s sole purpose is to physically intimidate Greenpeace.

  9. Knacker said:
    “I think it would be fun to be part of an organization that’s sole purpose is to physically intimidate Greenpeace.”
    You are. Its called the middle class.

  10. “Fish genes in vegetables?”
    Yes, that’s right, the carrots will gills and fins…

  11. GM foods always sounds so dire. But the anti-GM food folks are more likely to be aligned with the anti-population and de-growth movements. To them the unfortunate fact that hundreds of millions of people have risen out of poverty and states of malnutrition in the past two decades….is simply an inconvenient truth….or as they might say “a lie”. What selfish fools they are.
    The flaccid De-growth movements are pro-abortion, anti-development, big government, nanny state proponents and of course, despise the nuclear family as we know it.
    The anti-family attitude is not surprising given that these so-called radicals are usually still sponging off of their disappointed parents, living with their parents for free, and so utterly consumed with themselves and their gizmos which further massage their arrested development egos.
    There is little room in their lives for anything or anybody that is not about themselves. They are the ones who demand to be the first in the lifeboats. Just because!

  12. Grains, livestock and vegetables have been genetically modified by man and nature for thousands of years.
    Yes and it would be foolish and naive to equate natural genetic modification with gene splicing and genetic engineering.
    Genetically engineered food should be labeled as such so that consumers can make informed choices.
    Just because someone believes that genetic engineering should proceed with extreme caution and regulation does not mean they support greenpeace or eco-terrorism. That’s not logical.

  13. I don’t equate gene splicing with cross breeding. And I know I won’t convince anyone who doesn’t see the difference.
    Even cross breeding can be overdone. Take strawberries or better yet oranges as examples. Nice and big, but taste nothing like the original. More like cardboard.
    Rate that a FAIL.

  14. Used Stan´s link to the HuffPost. At the bottom of the page is their Blogroll list. Pity the unsuspecting reader.

  15. Eastern Paul and North of 60, I also reject the GMOs, which have nothing in common with up-breeding to improve genetics. That said it does not put us in the same company as the greenies, since even a broken clock is right twice a day as the saying goes. That said I have no wish to impose my views on others, but I demand the freedom to choose for my family and myself.
    I have seen Mr. Moore interviewed a few times already on SNN and it was worth every second of it. He pointed out how the whole movement was hijacked by the radicals who have no understanding nor basis in science, but who have a radical agenda that ignores truth and facts. This has been a common theme for every group or movement for some time be it the SPCA, MADD or whatever. They have all lost as a result any thread of credibility.

  16. The relevant question here is what support Greenpeace is receiving from the members of FSC in return for its advocacy/extortion. If cash or political benefits, then it’s no different than the Mafia.
