Is Barack Obama About to Repudiate Himself?

It’s now being reported that in his upcoming State of the Union speech, President Obama will insist upon “a return to American values”. That’ll be one hell of a speech! After all, how can a man who deeply believes in, and frequently advocates, European Socialist values possibly support American values? No one has ever explained this difference better than Dennis Prager.

20 Replies to “Is Barack Obama About to Repudiate Himself?”

  1. it doesn’t matter what he says or does…the media won’t report anything even slightly damning of a liebral until they’ve checked with big brother first and had it approved as sufficiently spun…
    Des Moines Register Withholds Arrestee’s Connection to Democrat Consulting Firm Until ‘Safe’
    In this case it was the Des Moines Register wondering if it was “safe” to mention that a former Obama campaign staffer, Zachary Edwards, who was arrested on Friday for attempted identity theft of the Iowa Republican Secretary of State, Matt Schultz, was a prominent member of a well known Democrat campaign consulting firm, LINK Strategies. On Friday, the day the Des Moines Register first briefly reported the arrest, it wasn’t “safe” to mention Link Strategies:…
    …LINK Strategies subsequently fired Edwards (a Captain Louis Renault moment?) making if finally safe for them to report on the Edwards LINK link with this laughable positive spin headline…Political consultants quickly fire arrested man:

  2. Of course the Won is not about to repudiate himself. Everyone knows that only what the Won says now is relevant. Anything he said previously simply disappears. Kind of like his birth certificate, his social security number, his high school marks, his college marks, his girl/boyfriends etc etc etc.

  3. Allow me to report from America – NOBODY outside the media is listening to a single word Obama says anymore. He was tuned out months ago by ‘the people’, and media coverage of what he says results in a quickly turned page or a clicked remote.
    The media will never report this mass ‘tune out’ of Obama, since that would render them and their “work” irrelevant, but he has been a man without an audience for months.
    All minds are made up – we’re just waiting for election day to make it official.

  4. No … he is definitely not about to repudiate himself.
    He is just doing what comes naturally to him , and what Jean Chretien did to get majorities … tell the peasants what they want to hear … once elected do whatever you want.

  5. Ask 10 people what “American values” are and you’ll get 10 different answers. In this case, “American values” will be whatever Obama defines them to be in his speech, all soft and squishy with no need to repudiate anything.

  6. The only people listening to Obama are those who would vote for him regardless of what he does or says.
    Everyone else is waiting for November in hopes that they will have an electable candidate to vote for.

  7. I think JDN is onto what will likely happen. Obama will likely state on Tuesday that “American values” reflect “equality of outcome”. Of course they absolutely do not but his faithful servants in the media will act as if they do and then start asking Republicans why they don’t support the American values as outlined by President Obama.
    The only thing I can’t decide is if this all is just sick or childish.

  8. As a couple people have noted, when the left talks about American values, they aren’t talking about anything that you might recognize as a truly American value. The values he talks about will be the same type of stuff that they label as “rights”. American values will mean the right to housing, the right to a good paying job, etc. There will be no mention of self reliance or the free market.

  9. I wonder if he’ll reveal HIS plan to build a pipeline to deliver oil to American refineries from their closest ally and trading partner.

  10. Those Traditional American Values being:
    a) confidence in the Lisbon treaty not needing ratification by the electorate,
    b) a firm belief in the necessity of maintaining the strength of the Euro, and,
    c) the maintenance of a socialist welfare state?

  11. I suspect that Obama’s definition of the words “a return to American values” are in some ways similar to what the Liberals mean when they say Canadian values are one and the same as Liberal values.

  12. “I wonder if he’ll reveal HIS plan to build a pipeline to deliver oil to American refineries from their closest ally and trading partner.”
    No! but all the KEY Democrats are making excuses and saying that Obama never really stopped the Pipeline. The Gov of Montana (Dem) was on saying how he (Gov) was in favor of the Pipeline & it was the pig farmers (they call them little Cattle pigs) in Nebraska that the TransCanada had failed to consider, incomplete application etc
    The bottom line is that Obama is a petty puke (remember the beer summit) that Valerie has cornered. He can’t change anything without admitting he is a petty little punk.
    Newt will drive that sucker all the way to the WH because most Americans are not interested in general politics and ignore most things… but Canada has a special place and everyone pays attention….

  13. Someone should just sabatoge his teleprompter and he would be screwed.Without reading what his great speechwriters put in front of him he is lost and sounds like a inept fool. Sounds like obama in other words.

  14. Obama “sounds inept”…well YEAHHH!!!
    I swear he always sounds like he’s in the middle of a “flashback”.
    College….experimental sex…drugs…marxism, the usual fare.
