Now is the Time at SDA When We Juxtapose

Jan 6, 2012: The Globe & Mail Editorial Board proffers this:

The two best-positioned candidates coming out of Iowa are Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum – the least preferred among Tea Partiers. Mr. Romney’s strong showing among non-Tea Party Republicans secured his narrow victory in the Hawkeye state.
The decline of a grassroots movement without any central organization is not surprising in 2012. It is one thing to take over congressional nomination meetings, another to control the entire primary process. The establishment still matters when it comes to picking a presidential nominee, and Mr. Romney is very much the establishment candidate.

Jan 21, 2012: Newt Gingrich and voters of South Carolina prove that the Globe & Mail Editorial Board has absolutely no idea what they’re talking about.

37 Replies to “Now is the Time at SDA When We Juxtapose”

  1. Since when did the G&M editorial board know what they were talking about? I usually read the G&M editorials to determine what is not going to happen.
    Life’s experiences tells me to do that.

  2. Well Robert, as you so aptly put it in your own words, the G&M is a ‘socialist stupidity chamber’ and the echo in there would crack anyone’s cranium.
    The sooner those guys get hit by the meteor or the Clue Bat the better!
    They do have some fine comedians in their columnists and commenters though.

  3. The Liberal party establishment picked the last 2 leaders, Iggy and Dion. I quite happy it worked out for them as well as it did. Who next? David Suzuki or Maude Barlow.

  4. The Tea Party will start taking action when it warms up outside and when the congressional races start to get going – they know that is where the power is with the US government. Having a Republican president may be nice but it is no guarantee that anything will happen. They need to retain their majority in the house and gain a majority in the Senate and then they will be in power. AND Obama will have a lot of explaining to do to various congressional investigative committees!

  5. Newt showed how close this slimy media is to total irrelevance. Standing ovations by people like us who are tired of this Globe CBC CTV Star etc “BS”. These so called news sources lie and plant falsehoods, global warming, ozone holes, scientists say, continuously and we are sick of it, protecting who, themselves? Why would any decent person sit down put pen to paper and lie to protect a total incompetent like Obama or Dion Iggnatieff, it is unbelievable.

  6. And I’m loving that Fox News is funning with Krauthammer playing all those Newt-is-dead-in-the-water clips. Delicious.
    The Krautster, as we all know, tends to make pronouncements from a high height instructing the rubes on who’s electable and who’s not. Who’s hot and who’s not. NOT.
    On earlier outings The Voice From Upon High told us that we should be toasting Bernanke and Geithner for “saving the economy” by printing shiny new paper money. And if I’m not mistaken he coined the phrase “The Bush Doctrine” which Sarah Palin struggled with in that smear-machine interview.

  7. Good Lord! Who really cares what the Globe and mail Editorial Board says, does or thinks. They are completely irrelevant to any self-thinking person. They are an echo chamber of self serving looters and opinion peddlers. Just don’t buy the damn paper and cut them off, they will die soon enough.

  8. Chris,
    Few people care what the Globe Editorial Board has to say, however, we take great please is sticking their words up their butts with a dollop of KY of course … BECAUSE ….
    The Tea Party EXISTS. Like Clarke Kent …. they will find a phone booth when they are needed.

  9. bartinky at January 22, 2012 10:56 AM
    “These so called news sources lie and plant falsehoods…”
    This needs to become a common knowledge. It is the essetial part of the ruling class, simply because the working people, don’t have time too dig.

  10. The Newt has connected with the tea party; his problem with the ladies is toxic to female voters… He needs a Sarah Palin as his VP; wait! did Sarah actually indorse the Newt in SC….
    Republican Rock Stars are about to go ballistic.

  11. G&M editorial board has not idea what they are talking about even when it comes to Canadian politics, let alone US politics. They are an echo chamber as many have noted.
    I’m glad Gingrich won SC, and frankly I hope he keeps on winning. Romney loves to go and on about how he is not part the “establishment in Washington” but he sure has an “establishment” feel to him. The fact that he is supported so strongly by loud-mouth and highly-overrated Gov. Chris Christie should also be a big red flag.
    Some are saying that they hope Newt’s win will improve Romeny. What nonsense. Instead we should hope that Newt, newly motivated from his win in SC, has the skill and character to further improve his own strategy and his own approach. Newt needs to understand that he too is not perfect, and there are always things he can do better.

  12. Me No Dhimmi: “And if I’m not mistaken he coined the phrase “The Bush Doctrine” which Sarah Palin struggled with in that smear-machine interview.”
    So now Charles Krauthammer is responsible for Sarah Palin’s incoherence and meltdown?
    Dr. K would be the first to admit that he gets it wrong sometimes (as he did in the earliest days of the Tea Party). And he’s the most articulate voice that US conservatives have.
    These and your other criticisms of him are more than slightly unhinged.

  13. “An American president that can create a Chinese-Canadian partnership is truly a danger to this country,” Mr. Gingrich said, adding that Prime Minister Stephen Harper is “conservative and pro-American.”
    That will leave a mark. Ouch!

  14. There’s probably a significant chunk of Tea Party support split behind Newt, Paul and Santorum given that just like the Republicans they are also a coalition. They can’t collectively endorse at the primary level with the field still full.
    In addition to being capable of passionate stage showmanship, Newt’s biggest tactical advantage over his opposition is that they can never be sure how he will respond on any one issue. It’s also his biggest disadvantage as a potential POTUS. As president, one would hope that he sees shrinking government and eliminating the deficit as the highest priorities but he could just as easily get up one morning and decide that we need to put a man back on the moon or declare war on Global Warming or …….
    There is going to be a spike in nose plug stocks by November.

  15. This related editorial from the G&M had me laughing at how Stuck on Stupid the folks there are. Here’s a key section:

    Many commentators have deplored the flawed collection of candidates for the Republican nomination. While Mitt Romney is, of course, not perfect, and has sought to accommodate his policies to the Tea Party and other radicals in his party, he stands out as a plausible candidate.

    So members of the Tea Party are “radicals”? People who care about responsible spending and adhering to the U.S. Constitution are RADICAL?!? Have no doubt, folks, this is exactly the same mindset that inhabits the Canadian Liberal Party. 🙁

  16. “While Mitt Romney is, of course, not perfect..”
    Let me complete that sentence the way it is meant to be interpreted,”unlike OUR candidate President Barack Obama.”
    I was a Cain supporter,but now he’s gone,am beginning to like old Newt. The man has the courage to hit back against the Media Party,and isn’t afraid to say anything un-PC, unlike Romney,who reminds me more and more of Paul Martin. Wonder if Romney plays “air guitar” too.
    Gingrich,with his ability to think on his feet,and his outspoken way,teamed up with the right VP candidate,just might be the guy to upset the Messiah.
    America bought into sound bites and fancy rhetoric last time,at least this time it can be done by a guy without a teleprompter.
    And Newt, if you DO win the nomination,make frequent references to that device,” are those your words Mr. President,or your teleprompter’s”?

  17. Liberal extremists like to blame those ‘redneck Southern Christians’ for the Mormon’s poor showing, it fits their narrative of the South.

  18. The reason Obama uses a teleprompter is not so much that he is stupid, but rather that he doesn’t care. Having to take a few moments to learn what you want to say is beneath a dictator, and he cannot be bothered with what he views as trivialities. Thus he commands his worker bees to put everything on the teleprompter so that he can just show up at the appointed time, say what someone has told him to say, and then get back to the Whitehouse for the next party with his wife and black friends.

  19. TJ, I agree with a lot of what you say about Zer0. But not that he just doesn’t care. His English language skills are seriously sub-standard. I’ve written about that many times. Not only are his off-teleprompter ideas mangled, so is his grammar. Without TOTUS, this “genius” would be seriously incoherent. (I’d love to see how his handlers would try to stack his teleprompter for a debate with Newt. Actually, it would be an impossible task: to cover the multitude of responses he might be required to give, pronto, they’d have to load at least a million, multi-layered scripts, which couldn’t be put up within a matter of seconds. Isn’t that too bad?)
    MJ, your statements about MND’s comments are hogwash. Like you, I respect Krauthammer, but I believe he’s wrong on this one. (And you’re suggesting that the libels and slanders of the MSM had nothing to do with Sarah’s political problems? Re her “incoherence and meltdown”: just wait and see, my dear.)
    Re the Tea Party, I believe they’re lying low for now: they haven’t gone away. How do I know? I’m a Tea Party type—yeah, I’m SUCH a radical, and proud of it: I’ve lost none of the fire in my belly about combating the Marxist progressives. In fact, I’m even more committed than ever to fighting these traitors.
    Sarah Palin’s endorsed Newt, and, as I’ve said on another thread, that will bring money and on-the-ground organization. It’ll also bring votes.
    The G & M is so out of it: the day after its ludicrous editorial—probably written by that cretinous has-been, Jeffrey Simpson (or maybe MJ!)—their seriously out of it, lefty US correspondent, Konrad—or is it Comrade?—Yakabuski opined as if the G & M editorial had never been written. One would think, for intellectual honesty and in-depth analysis, he’d need to address the Globe’s myopia. Wait . . . of course, as a member of the elite consensus media, he doesn’t have to explain any inconvenient truths. (Silly me, to hold the MSM to honourable, professional standards. Since when . . .?)
    Speaking of “incoherence and meltdown”, it’s going to be a great pleasure to observe the incoherence and meltdown of the consensus media as the Zer0’s Ponzi scheme is exposed and begins to seriously unravel. To the MSM: suck it up, losers!

  20. I certainly admire enthusiasm, but the establishment is already firmly behind Romney, as are many of the new breed of conservatives. Haley, Christie, Huntsman, the Bush family, Bob Dole, Bob McDonnell, etc.
    Gingrich has the support of Bible Beaters who won’t matter in November. What are they going to do, vote for Obama or stay home? Some people would rather lose an election and suffer all the consequences to stick dogmatically to their misguided principles.
    Gingrich is a poor standard bearer for Christian values. Romney lives those values, but he’s in the wrong Christian cult. It took a Mormon to get the Southern Baptists to finally embrace a Papist. Imagine that!

  21. Dr. K would be the first to admit that he gets it wrong sometimes (as he did in the earliest days of the Tea Party). And he’s the most articulate voice that US conservatives have. These and your other criticisms of him are more than slightly unhinged.
    Posted by: MJ at January 22, 2012 12:41 PM
    Heh, MJ, you got the “Dr”. in there, eh?
    Well, then, if he’s a doctor he’ll need to have his sausages, then won’t he? I must defer to the good doctor’s view, then, mustn’t I? (with apologies to Fawlty).
    Dr. Ron Paul, too, what? The lunatic doc and the SNOB doc who thought Jeffersonian Democracy could be brought to the ME through military invasion.
    So now Charles Krauthammer is responsible for Sarah Palin’s incoherence and meltdown?
    No, MJ, that was not my suggestion at all. That was a wonkish term that even the interviewer would have had trouble summarizing. BECAUSE The Bush Doctrine itself is incoherent. I’ll spare us all the summary but, um, the ME is islamizing at an astonishing rate esp. after Bush delivered Iraq to Iran on a silver platter. I doubt even the brilliant K-eister would want to own the moronic Bush Doctrine now, even though he invented it out of whole cloth. The meltdown was Dr. K’s.

  22. Face it Mittens is the liberal media’s choice, they got to pick the Democratic Canadate and then get him elected, they’re trying to do the same with the Republican canadate.

  23. Lev, Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday today said to Mitt Romney that one factor that was held against him in South Carolina is the fact that he’s a Mormon. I watched the debates and news clips and didn’t get that impression at all. Rick Santorum, who was backed by a group of evangelical pastors, had many less votes than Romney did. Wallace was trying to create an issue that wasn’t there.

  24. (Oops…)
    …read Krauthammmer consistently rather than just an occasional MSM driveby snippet.

  25. That’s a fair point WalterF, but he’s still a SNOB and he never seems to doubt himself. I’m not that fond of people who don’t have a modicum of self doubt. I don’t like his Mosesian law-giving!
    And, repeating, (I heard him with mine own ears on Fox) he said, “we should toast Bernanke and Geithner for saving the economy”.

  26. MND, I don’t disagree with you. I view Krauthammer as middle of the road with occasional moments of being a conservative as well as some lapses to the left. By not expecting much, I can be happy on his good days.

  27. chutzpahticular
    I don’t think I’ve said anything about Romney or Mormons.
    As you mention, the media will put forward a made up idea and those poor suckers that don’t dig will not know the difference. It’s not necessarily their fault, taking care of family and such, they depend on the media to tell the truth.
    Wallace is usually balanced kind of guy, maybe he knows something that is not public knowledge, although he should present it with sources or something like that.
    To tell the truth I don’t care what their religion is or anyone else’s, though would have objection to certain crowd from east coast of Africa to Persia excepting a small piece of real estate somewhere in the middle.

  28. Lev: “To tell the truth I don’t care what their religion is or anyone else’s, though would have objection to certain crowd from east coast of Africa to Persia excepting a small piece of real estate somewhere in the middle.”
    Same here.

  29. @ Posted by: Maureen at January 22, 2012 10:49 AM
    I believe, and backed by other blog observations I’ve read on this aspect, that all the hype about the “presidential” is just that. Think about the control that both houses could exercise and possibly be more important than the powers of the presidency. Sure it would be great to get “anybody butt Obama?” in the White House but it’s control of both houses of Congress that’s going to be the safe bet. Maybe more effort should be directed to that goal. Just an opinion of a Canadian observer.
