Reader Tips

In tonight’s video, a euphonic neotextual treatise that deconstructs the (historically) aleatory hermeneutics of female torso lipidity, the avowedly cisgendered T. Mahal challenges the heteronormative oppression and disempowerment of endomorphic colleens by collating his personal stockpile of intercorporeal data into a singularly mythopoeic, ontologically monovalent, and almost turgidly laconic totality called Big Legged Mamas Are Back In Style.
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

36 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Egyptian televangelist Hazem Shuman might arguably be showing, if you read between the lines, the first signs of unexamined racism:
    “These Jews are a cancer. These Jews are a catastrophe. There is not a catastrophe in the world that is not the handiwork of the Jews. These Jews are a cancer in the body of planet Earth, and if permitted, it will spread and infect the entire body. Getting rid of these Jews is a must.”
    At least he’s open to negotiation.

  2. University atheist society president forced to resign after cartoon of Muhammad having a drink with Jesus is posted on Facebook
    Could it be, because something Christians said?
    No, they don’t have the weight, they were told to forgive.
    Must have been them others. They like to kill people.

  3. Well that could very well be, EBD, and I’m sure Michelle Oh!bumma would be extremely pleased to know that! Soo-weeeey!!

  4. Justthinkin, it’s a superfluous “gender issue” BS term. Cisgendered is the label for “individuals who have a match between the gender they were assigned at birth, their bodies, and their personal identity.”
    In other words, men who self-identify as male, or women who self-identify as female — i.e. 99.99% of the people on earth — are “cisgendered.”

  5. Excerpts from Erick Erickson’s “Newt Gingrich Wins. What It Means“:
    “Newt Gingrich’s rise has a lot to do with (his) debate performance, but it has just as much to do with a party base in revolt against its thought and party leaders in Washington, DC. The base is revolting because they swept the GOP back into relevance in Washington just under two years ago and they have been thanked with contempt ever since.”
    “People are mad as hell they are about to be stuck with another boring, moderate, uninspiring choice that has at best a 50/50 shot at losing to the worst president since Carter. They are flocking to Newt not because they think he’s a great guy, but because right now, he’s the only one fighting for conservatism and GOP voters are looking for a vessel to channel their anger with Obama and their complete disappointment with the GOP establishment which is now embodied perfectly by Romney. They want a conservative fighter because most conservatives look back at Ford, Reagan, Bush, Dole, Bush, and McCain and see only the ones taking a conservative path against the Democrats actually winning…”
    The whole thing here.

  6. “EBD…cisgendered? Couldn’t find in any search. Am I missing something?”
    Posted by: Justthinkin at January 21, 2012 11:27 PM
    You may very well be cisphobic. I blame society.

  7. EBD, I don’t always mention it, but I sure like your selections for Readers’ Tips. Tonight’s tune is no exception. Loved it.
    Don’t know where you got the words to introduce it though–don’t think I understood a single one. 🙂

  8. Thanks for the Taj Mahal link as I haven’t heard any of his music for almost 40 years. Now I’ll probably get sidetracked using my new youtube to mp3 conversion tool to update my blues collection.
    Lipoidally enhanced cisgendered females have never gone out of style in some sections of the world and a former patient with a physique that resembled a sphere on legs was overjoyed following a trip to Cuba during which she discovered that Cuban men viewed highly elevated female BMI’s as sexually arousing.

  9. Socialism/Nanny State = Loser.
    “Schoolgirl sailor triumphs after battle with authorities”
    You can probably imagine the kinds of nightmares a teenager on a solo voyage round the world might suffer from: pirate kidnappings, treacherous coral reefs or perhaps scary encounters with mysterious sea creatures.
    But not Laura Dekker.
    The 16-year-old schoolgirl’s sleep is haunted by memories of the traumatic experiences she suffered at the hands of the Dutch authorities.
    And ever since she set her sights on sailing round the world she says Dutch social services have done their best to stop her from pursuing her dream.”

  10. Neo-AGW Progress Report
    “Ont. refineries affected by power outage”
    “A man was arrested on suspicion of causing a power outage that suspended production at Imperial Oil, Suncor and BP refineries on early Saturday in southwestern Ontario.
    The Sarnia, Ont., plants, along with about 18,000 power customers in Sarnia and Lambton County, were without electricity for at least two hours following the 5 a.m. outage.
    Police arrested the 28-year-old Sarnia man after he was found inside a Hydro One transformer station at 5:25 a.m.
    The man was arrested for breaking and entering and taken to Bluewater Health for facial injuries from an unrelated incident, police said.
    It is unknown how he triggered the outage, said Staff Sgt. Dave Bonnema.
    The man was released without charge and police are investigating. Future charges have not been ruled out, Bonnema said.”

  11. “AMSU Daily Global Temperature Sets 10-Year Record Low”
    “The daily global average temperature on January 19, 2012 (for the lower troposphere, 14,000 ft), is at the lowest value in at least 10 years (-21.29 degrees centigrade). Previously the lowest value was on January 15, 2008.”

  12. Of socialism’s brothers: Joe and Adolf.
    Here is Shirer:
    “Why? William Shirer offered a 1,250-page answer.”
    Here are Joe and Adolf: socialist brothers in a death embrace.
    “The Butchery of Hitler and Stalin”
    “James Kirchick on Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin by Timothy Snyder.”
    “There were moments reading this book when I was forced to shut it closed, an experience utterly alien to me. Like any reasonably historically-aware individual, I considered myself familiar with the carnage that overtook Europe in the earlier half of the 20th century: the gas chambers and the gulags, the mass shootings and show trials, the wanton disregard for human life and the heinous ideas which compelled people to, actively or passively, play a part in the deaths of tens of millions of fellow human beings. Reading about this period, there comes a point when the sheer scale and horror of the events which took place — the instant incineration of tens of thousands of civilians, for instance — desensitizes one from appreciating the sheer terror and physical pain that individuals endured.
    Even with the knowledge of these attrocities, there is still little than can prepare a reader for the grisly accounts of the Ukrainian Famine that Timothy Snyder details in Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin. Of course, I knew something about the widespread starvation that afflicted Ukrainians in 1932 and 1933. This mass culling was directly caused by Josef Stalin’s collectivization policies, which were comprised of seizing private farms and exporting whatever food was grown to the rest of the Soviet Union and beyond. Those who have studied the event in-depth will not find anything new in Snyder’s account. But most readers, I imagine, will reevaluate their conception of the depths of human depravity when they read, in particular, about the widespread cannibalism that became rampant in what Robert Conquest has referred to as “one vast Belsen.” These are tales that one imagined lay only in the realm of zombie films: parents cooking and eating their own children, children in a nursery eating each other, a starving toddler literally eating himself.”

  13. hmmph. SOPA got kicked in the balls:

  14. banana wrote
    “hmmph. SOPA got kicked in the balls:”
    In the article Harry Read abd Lamar Snith say.
    “Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said he would postpone a critical vote that had been scheduled for January 24 “in light of recent events.”
    Lamar Smith, the Republican chairman of the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, followed suit, saying his panel would delay action on similar legislation until there is wider agreement on the issue.”
    Sounds to me they will delasy the critical vote until they bribe enough voters to get it passed as the Dems have done since the Osh–bozo was elected.

  15. Need help.
    Been Banned from a site that I have been apart of for over a decade.
    But of the right kind, This is a site that has long championed free speech: left and right.
    I don’t need people to hurl abuse on this but to correct a wrong. Honestly she tossed me for saying Obama sucked.
    Looking for some Conservative …Liberal-like internet occupying.

  16. From SUN News Network:
    “Quebec separatist Gilles Duceppe paid one of his top political operatives with taxpayer dollars for at least seven years, a Montreal newspaper reports.
    Gilbert Gardner, hired as the general director of the Bloc Quebecois in 2004, worked out of the party’s Montreal offices, but was wrongly paid out of the Parliamentary operations budget, about $100,000 per year, according to La Presse.”

  17. My user name is HOZ
    You have been banned for the following reason:
    After a review, we have decided to suspend your account indefinitely.
    Date the ban will be lifted: Never

  18. O’focus artist.
    “Obama’s State Of The Union Speech To Focus On ‘Return To American Values’ [“Great Society” Again?]”
    “Obama suggested that his third State of the Union would bookend the populist themes of his speech last month in Osawatomie, Kan., by laying out the specific steps his administration is taking to achieve a more equitable economy and amplifying his vision of a society that provides greater opportunity to the middle class.”
    “US economy may never fully recover: Carney”
    ““In fact, they are not in our opinion ultimately going to get back fully to the U.S. we used to know.””

  19. Occufilth – don’t be a buzzkill about rapes and theft and stuff or you’ll wind up in hospital with a concussion after being “hit in the head with a chair at a meeting”, and then “officially excluded from future “spoke counsel” meetings for alleged violent behavior”. Idealism, thy name is hippies!
    Ugh. Stolen from Ace.

  20. Of Mohammedanism and its left-liberal western appeasers/allies.
    “Death toll in north Nigeria attack rises to more than 150 as surgical masks …
    Washington Post – ‎40 minutes ago‎
    KANO, Nigeria – People in this north Nigeria city once wore surgical masks to block the dust swirling through its sprawling neighborhoods, but swarming children hawked the masks for pennies apiece Sunday to block the stench of death at a hospital …”
    “Islamist parties are “genuinely popular” in the Arab world, said HRW’s executive director, Kenneth Roth, warning that “ignoring that popularity would violate democratic principles.””

  21. Where were all the anti-oil leftards when this baby was buikt. I guess the prospect of having the KGB stick an AK47 up your butt has a tendency to silence the likes of Redford, Sucksuckie. Greenpeace said they couldn’t get a bus to the protest. Hyprocritical azzholes.
    The 1,768 kilometres (1,099 mi) long pipeline starts at the Sangachal Terminal near Baku in Azerbaijan, crosses Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey and terminates at the Ceyhan Marine Terminal (Haydar Aliyev Terminal) on the south-eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. 443 kilometres (275 mi) of the pipeline lie in Azerbaijan, 249 kilometres (155 mi) in Georgia and 1,076 kilometres (669 mi) in Turkey. It crosses several mountain ranges at altitudes to 2,830 metres (9,300 ft).[14] It also traverses 3,000 roads, railways, and utility lines—both overground and underground—as well as 1,500 watercourses of up to 500 metres (1,600 ft) wide (in the case of the Ceyhan River in Turkey).[15] The pipeline occupies a corridor eight meters wide, and is buried along its entire length at a depth of no less than one meter.[16] The BTC pipeline runs parallel to the South Caucasus Gas Pipeline, which transports natural gas from the Sangachal Terminal to Erzurum in Turkey.[14] From Sarız to Ceyhan, the Samsun–Ceyhan oil pipeline will be laid parallel to the BTC pipeline.[17]

  22. Spaceman from the Liberal Ad$cammers:
    “Garneau told the paper. “It shocks me to see such a lack of judgement.”
    “Duceppe had said he was purer than pure in attacking us over sponsorship,”.
    “Did Duceppe break Commons spending rules while in Ottawa?”
    “A report claims Gilles Duceppe may have run afoul of House of Commons spending rules while he was still leader of the Bloc Québécois.
    A report in Saturday’s edition of La Presse claims that over a period of seven years, Duceppe paid the party’s director-general with public funds, money allotted to it by the House of Commons for its parliamentary functions.
    Gilbert Gardner was hired by the party in 2004, and toward the end of his mandate, he was earning $100,000 a year. The report claims all of that was public money that was not meant for partisan purposes.
    Duceppe himself denies the charges, saying his party’s practices have always been above board, even as those of his rivals were not.
    Nonetheless, there are hints that the matter could wind up before the House of Commons internal review committee, at least according to a spokesperson for the committee, NDP MP Joe Comartin.”
