39 Replies to “The Mindless Talking Points of the Clueless Left”

  1. What is not surprising but worth noting….is the level of vituperation, bitterness this clown projects…it is pure, implacable hate.

  2. What is not surprising but worth noting….is the level of vituperation, bitterness this clown projects…it is pure, implacable hate.
    Nor is it surprising to find the same level of vituperation, bitterness that this clown projects, from the far right…it’s the same pure, implacable hate. We’ve all seen examples of this on the SDA forum.
    Extremists are seldom correct, the truth is usually found somewhere in the middle.

  3. This guy nails it. It’s funny but then it isn’t because most of the people spouting these talking points actually believe them.

  4. North of 60: Shake your head and tell me what you hear.
    If you think that commenters here on SDA, or any other centre-right forum, are right-wing extremists simply because their comments differ from your opinions, then you are just another useful idiot of the new international socialism.

  5. This actually reminds me of my get togethers @ Christmas / Easter / Thanksgiving with the family in Regina… everything is just fine so long as I agree that they’re right.
    although it’s clearly satire Black Mamba, it’s a lot more funny if one doesn’t actually have to put up with this crap in day to day life. uff.

  6. ROTFL – go back, read slowly, and try to accurately digest what I wrote, instead of jumping to unfounded conclusions and beaking personal insults.

  7. marc – yeah, I know. Lefties show up at my “family” (we are numerically insignificant even if you include the cats, but known right-wingers) place for the holidays wearing “Save The CBC” pins, and apropos nothing bring up GOP primaries and try to bait me by insulting Palin and such. I say one sentence in response and I’m an aggressive ideologue. I know it sounds like I’m exaggerating but I’m really not. Self-pity I’ll cop to, but not exaggeration. I feel your pain.

  8. Damn it Black Mamba, if I didn’t know better I’d say you were a Maritimer!
    Seriously, folks here have their priorities wrong. Asked today to participate in a phone survey on healthcare. I don’t normally do surveys but I figure my opinion on the dysfunctional Nova Scotia healthcare system might help. Wrong, bottom line of the survey was should nurses have a distinctive work uniform! The house is falling down and they are choosing window curtains.

  9. The house is falling down and they are choosing window curtains.
    Well said !!! It’s unfortunate in our society that it’s becoming more widespread.
    The phrase: “Washing dishes without using water” is similar.
    This is a common tactic with self serving bureaucracies that are simply going through the motions with no intent of solving problems or accomplishing anything meaningful.

  10. Black Mamba wrote: “I say one sentence in response and I’m an aggressive ideologue.”
    I hear ya m’dear, but I revel in the opportunity to bait them. I’m a member of a discussion group that meets monthly and I’m the ‘righty’ amongst the bunch.
    Our ‘Dear Leader’ is an admittedly staunch federal Liberal, but I was shocked when he told me he admires the ‘journalism’ of Chris Matthews on MSNBC. Most of them love to slag people like Sarah Palin, but when challenged as to whether they have listened to any of her speeches (in there entirety, as opposed to 15 sec. out of context sound bires)or read her book, you get that “you must be kidding” look.
    Others have stated outright that CBC and particularly Radio Canada are their primary sources of information and that they would never consider watching any of Sun News Network.
    The upside is that for those of us who do draw from a wide variety of sources, we are able to pull many more arrows from our quiver and thus, able to run intellectual circles around their shallow and incoherent arguments.
    I love being able to shame and embarass those who argue primarliy from emotion!

  11. Both videos clearly demonstrate that ignorance and stupidity have no political boundaries.
    Like Einstein said:
    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits.

  12. Extremists are seldom correct, the truth is usually found somewhere in the middle.
    That’s the ticket, be lukewarm…

  13. Funny clip but I doubt if the true lefties can see themselves in a mirror. Mental blinders keep them on that narrow path to nirvana.

  14. A lot of the lefties I know are narcissists. What others think of them carries a lot of weight. Many define themselves by the talking points most of their friends parrot. Very few will voice an unpopular opinion. An important metric in their lives is how many farcebook ‘friends’ they have.
    By contrast most of my conservative friends are quite secure in their own identities and opinions and don’t give a rats ass who agrees with them or not.
    The opposing characters can be summarized as ‘stand and fight’ vs ‘cut and run’.
    Kung Hei Fat Choy – Happy Chinese New Year
    The Year of the Dragon
    We certainly live in interesting times.

  15. I thought I was listening to CBC Radio News this Weekend. If you can listen without going insane search the podcasts for Saturday Jan 21. For 3 -4 minutes they went on about the Republican racism without one reference that could back it up. Newt Gingrich’s reference to a hypothetical janitor, and reference to Obama the foodstamp president were their only quotes. THAT’S RACIST!!!????
    Please, oh please, don’t say anything nasty or negative about Obama. THAT’s RACIST!!
    CBC Michael Colton speaks of the “charged language” of this republican primary. OH PLEAZE!! say it’s not so.

  16. If you want to see a funnier take on liberals, just watch “Shit Republicans Say.” It is unbelievable how they can be so xenophobic and nasty about middle America, and still claim to be tolerant. It is funny to see what they think we think.

  17. “It’s just so sad that people who should be running the country are all college professors already.” Too funny!

  18. The scary thing is that my left leaning friends parrot about 90% of the speaking points that were satirized in that video. They mindlessly repeat all that BS and then wonder why I can stomp them in debates and discussions. They can’t think for themselves nor can they think on their feet. They are dead in the water if they try to defend their “beliefs”.
    When I watched the other video, “Shit Republicans Say”, it was pretty much what I expected. Ignorance and stereotypes perpetuated by urban liberals who seldom venture from their comfort bubbles in the city. They may as well have called it “Let’s Bash Palin But Add Some Insults Against Those We Will Never Understand Because We Look Down On Anyone Who Works With Their Hands, Believes In Being Self Sufficient, Or Believes In God”.

  19. “Extremists are seldom correct, the truth is usually found somewhere in the middle.”
    Said the fire to the fireman.

  20. “Extremists are seldom correct, the truth is usually found somewhere in the middle.”
    Don’t be fooled. That is a talking point of the left. It reminds me of this joke:
    So … on one hand the government carried out 9/11, but on the other terrorists did. Clearly the truth is in the middle. Terrorists took down one tower and the George Bush the other.

  21. Michael Colton CBC correspondent clearly passed this course on liberal talking points with flying colours. (see my prior reference to CBC podcasts)

  22. Thanks Robert. Even knowing it’s a pisser the scary thing is I have family and friends who mirror that. It was a good lark to watch just the same.

  23. If you want to see a funnier take on liberals, just watch “Shit Republicans Say.” It is unbelievable how they can be so xenophobic and nasty about middle America, and still claim to be tolerant. It is funny to see what they think we think.
    Posted by: tim in vermont at January 23, 2012 7:53 AM
    No, what’s funny is the total lack of self awarness exibited by Republicans/Conservatives. Everything spoken on that video has been written by commentators on this blog.

  24. “Ah don’t have tahm to follow politics!”
    “You cayn pray the gay away!… just look up to the heavens and ask Jaysus to come down upon you and he will make you not gay anymore. How hard is that?”
    “Ah ahm not over emotional! (Sob.Sob.)”
    “Obama ain’t even a real citizen. Just look at his name!”
    “Ah mean there’s got ta be an enemy out there somewhay-uh!”
    “You wanna see what an American looks lahk, I’m right here!”
    With banjos playing in the background.
    Yes, I read that stuff on this blog all the time, Lavrenti. Word for word. Ass.
