The Obama Presidency: A Bubble Within a Bubble

Maureen Dowd is clearly off of the reservation with her latest column. Here’s an interesting snippet:

Times have been bad and sad, and The One did not turn out to be a messiah, just a mortal politician who ruefully jokes that his talent is hitting the “sweet spot” where he makes no one happy, neither allies nor opponents.
The man who became famous with a speech declaring that we were one America, not opposing teams of red and blue states, presides over an America more riven by blue and red than ever.

41 Replies to “The Obama Presidency: A Bubble Within a Bubble”

  1. She is setting herself up for the disappointment that she knows will occur for her in November.
    They voted for an empty suit three years ago.

  2. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Maureen Dowd do her damnedest to put the miserable little creep in office? That was the impression I had from reading, or at least trying to, some of her columns during the election.
    The One did not turn out to be a messiah…” Well, that’s not what you were saying at the time, hun.

  3. ‘…their friend Valerie Jarrett once said, that Obama was “just too talented to do what ordinary people do.”…’
    Err… Valerie, that’s not what talent is.

  4. Like I keep saying … ANY of the Republican candidates WILL beat Obama this November. He is loathed by Republicans, disliked by Independents, and distrusted by his own Democrats – that doesn’t leave much of a ‘base’ for Obama to build on.
    His own mainstream media megaphones (like Maureen Dowd) are openly admitting to each other that they backed an empty suit. Every sane NON-black Democrat candidate KNOWS it will be poison to be seen or photographed with Obama, which makes for some embarrassing campaigning later this year.
    Republicans have an opportunity for a once-a-generation CRUSHING of the Democrat Party this year – they better not just wound it, because it NEEDS killin’.

  5. She’s hitting her Obamapause phase of life.
    Instead of hot flashes, she gets moments of honesty, clarity and sanity.

  6. Yet, where is this 45.7% approval rate coming from?
    Boggles the mind there are still that many Americans, who think Da Wun is doing a great job.
    Are there that many welfarians, bros, and leftards, who keep believing in unicorns, pixie dust and rainbows?

  7. Yeah, Fred, but those flashes NEVER last for very long. She’ll be back on her knees, lined up with the rest of her peers, waiting for their chance to brew some fresh hot black tea, before the end of the day.

  8. Well, you can’t have a Pulitzer until you write some sappy, heart wrenching, politically correct leftard dreck…good has nothing to do with it…

  9. “Well, you can’t have a Pulitzer until you write some sappy, heart wrenching, politically correct leftard dreck…good has nothing to do with it…”
    I could do that.
    Where’s my no-talent prize?

  10. Obama can crap on CBC front door and it will be covered in glass displaying that the great one came crapped and left all to the media’s delight.
    Obama a ‘no brainer’ decides that the environmentalist hollywood freaks are entitled to their jobs and wealth but the ordinary working joe is not entitled to a job at the PIPELINES.

  11. “the leftards don’t give out major awards on aspiration only.”
    I hate to cast aspersions, but Obama’s synopsis is still in David Axelrod’s head, such as it is.

  12. That article has to be the most inarticulate cross purposed bit of prose since – well – er – um – er – well maybe since Ron Paul’s latest ‘newsletter’.

  13. maybe some of SDA’s Merican friends can answer this….has a sitting POTUS ever screwed up so bad,that his party told him NOT to run for second term? And does the ZERO have to run,or can he step aside(not that his narcissitic ego will let him)?

  14. even on the one time ‘bama appeared to do something half-assed right, it now looks like he did it more to prop up radical islamic terrorists than to hurt them…and the rubes bought it.
    two articles well worth the read…
    “I Got Bin Laden” – And Why Obama’s Big Boast Might Have Been A Huge Mistake
    …The chief foreign policy triumph President Obama continually boasts about consists of taking out a largely defanged terrorist. It cost us millions of dollars, inflamed an already unfriendly but unfortunately necessary relationship between the US and Pakistan, burnt our intel network in that country, gave the Chinese and probably the Russians and Iranians a good look at American state of the art stealth technology that cost additional millions to develop, and helped relocate al-Qaeda to the heart of the Middle East after we had largely driven them out…
    and related…
    Did Osama’s Muslim Funeral Curse Christians And Jews And Ask For Pardon And ‘Paradise’?
    …Formal funeral prayers must be said—and are specifically listed in the service used by the Navy. In the part of the service in which supplication for the deceased is made, the prayer to be used includes the following:
    “O Allah, forgive him, have mercy on him, pardon him, grant him security, provide him a nice place and spacious lodgings, wash him (off from his sins) with water, snow and ice, purify him from his sins as a white garment is cleansed from dirt, replace his present abode with a better one, replace his present family with a better one, replace his present partner with a better one, make him enter paradise and save him from the trials of grave [sic] and the punishment of hell.”
    I’m sure the families of the people who had to chose whether to burn to death or leap to their deaths from the Twin Towers are gratified to know that prayers were said for Osama bin-Laden asking Allah to bestow Paradise on him, with a bigger house and nicer wives!
    But it gets even worse. As Andrew Bostom reveals, according to Navy Military Funerals, the Islamic prayer service ( p. 34) must include the opening sura of the Qu’ran, known as “Fatiha”, before the above prayer which includes an eternal curse upon Jews and Christians:
    “The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the Christians).”…

  15. @ DanBC – don’t let the polls confuse you.
    Obama’s ‘personal’ approval rating in the mid-40s appears to be tolerably OK, but THINK man! …
    1) no sane American (of which I’m one) would ever admit to any stranger on the phone that we do NOT “approve” of THE BLACK GUY who is now president, because THAT would get us into somebody’s official database labelled a RACIST.
    2) Do you realize that 47% of Americans PAY NO INCOME TAX?!?! Which is oddly similar to Obama’s “favorable” poll rating. If you are dependant on the govt teat OF COURSE you approve of the guy who HEADS that govt!
    3) Always check the details … Obama’s numbers are most favorable among ‘adults’, but the ONLY group that matters is “LIKELY VOTERS”, and only Rasmussen measures those every single day. In Rasmussen polls, Obama is toast.

  16. To: justthinkin @7:59PM
    Obama does NOT ‘have to’ run. He could choose not to (although his massive ego wouldn’t let that happen).
    LBJ chose not to run for a second Dem term in 1968, because he KNEW he’d lose big for his mismanagement of the Vietnam War.
    But make no mistake, Obama IS running.

  17. And yet she will still pull the lever for him over any GOP opponent.
    The key take away is that their is significant evidence – including this column – that many Dems will not help out or vote for obama – choosing instead to stay home. If that’s just one in twenty, it along with the far more fervent GOP and independents who want Obama out regardless of who the GOP nom is then Obama will not just be defeated he will suffer the worst defeat of an incumbent possibly in american history.

  18. If Obama wins in November, it will be the first time any president was re-elected because people felt sorry for him.

  19. Oprah says he will win a second term, he has been a good pres. and she wishes him as much success as her new network is enjoying.

  20. “Oprah says he will win a second term, he has been a good pres. and she wishes him as much success as her new network is enjoying.”
    Well, we have nothing to worry about then! 🙂

  21. ‘Connect the gibberish’ commentaries get tedious, she’s as bad as that Krugman goof…

  22. Just for the record, the current president is no “black” man. I am sick and tired of hearing folks refer to him as one. PLEASE tell me WHEN he EVER referred to himself as “black”. Frankly,I cannot recall ONE SINGLE INSTANCE. The overwhelmingly CAUCASIAN MEDIA refers to him as “black” as does most, if not all, of CAUCASIAN AMERICA. PERIOD. FYI, he is half AFRICAN and half AMERICAN, making him TRULY African-American. Most, if not ALL Africans consider themselves BETTER than “Black Americans” and can be more prejudiced than Caucasians ever DARED TO BE!!! PERIOD. If ANY of you people knew any REAL Africans, they would CERTAINLY straighten you out about this little fact in a HURRY! This “fake” usurper has truly cheated Black people out of the wonderful privelege of producing the first GENUINE Black president. Secondly, MANY, MANY Black people saw him for what he REALLY was–an ungodly, evil man with a demonic agenda and many Black Christian ministers preached against him. His horrible voting record on INFANTICIDE and ultra-liberal support of homosexual marriage and anti-Israel stance were enough to make a LOT of Black folks think twice before casting a ballot for this imposter. Thirdly, before you all give this phony props for ridding the world of Mr. Bin Laden, you’d better take a look at the following video of the late Benazir Bhutto being interviewed by David Frost: You just MIGHT be surprised at what you hear. In fact, his WHOLE administration has been a cross between the movies “Wag the Dog” and “Capricorn One”! Get under the SAVING BLOOD of the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF THE MOST HIGH GOD, THE LORD OF LORDS AND KING OF KINGS, CHRIST JESUS. FOLKS! Call on THE LORD, WHILE HE IS NEAR. CHRIST JESUS will never leave or forsake you, you HAVE to know that. Call on THE LORD now, because I have the darkest feeling that we are in for a bumpy bumpy ride in this old world, from now on..

  23. I believe he rented a football stadium for his next State of the Union adress. It will be interesting to see the percentage of Black/White /Mexican and others that make up the audience. Best scenario is stadium being half empty. If his teleprompter crashes he will be toast.

  24. Gord Tulk
    Canadian Standards VS US Standards…
    The differences in the electoral processes overlook that what is termed a landslide in the US is a close contest in Canada.
    The inconvenient truth of american politics is a 2-3% shift results in what they call landslides.
    A bit of enthusiasm makes a lot of difference….or a little bit of election fraud….

  25. The Pres. might have had a rough go of it if he were to run against virtually anyone other then those running… I’m guessing, 54%, pretty much what I’d guessed last time and predicted for this next~

  26. Nice to see even some in the left have enough brains left to see the swath of destruction this guy has left in American politics, foreign relations with his sinking internal policies. To bad these same characters where so happy to hide his real self so readily in 2008.
    Now that the disillusionment rolls in like a greasy fog from LA. Maybe some will actually open up this tuna packed fish to see his real guts.

  27. Louann >
    I dunno, he looks kind of black to me. He also only hangs out with Motown people at the Whitehouse, he immediately had a basketball court installed upon taking office, and refers to himself as black.
    I’m not disagreeing with your point that {he’s genetically an “Oreo”} but I do think that it’s a little presumptuous to not say that he’s black or Negro.
    In fact he can talk to the black people of America like no other white president could, and seems to have their overwhelming support. Not that he does anything for them of course, but they believe he could if he wanted too. That in itself sort of confirms his “blackness”, because if he was truly a white president that was doing what Obamba is doing to the Nations black people, there would be black rioters in the streets. The other proof side of the coin is that the Liberal white Occupy Wall Street crowd would be sitting on the Whitehouse lawn instead of in front of a bank as to not appear racist.
