41 Replies to “Newt”

  1. As Newt gains steam and momentum, Mitt stammers, looks uncomfortable in his own skin and appears to be hiding something regarding his financial affairs. Newt is far and away a more effective speaker and a fighter.

  2. I don’t think anything is over till Super Tuesday in March. After that its pretty obvious who the candidate is. Till than even anything can happen. Of course after that , its when the political feeding frenzy starts.

  3. Sooke, I’ve grown to expect that kind of rabid ignorance from The Tyee…Well, certain contributors, anyway. The Canadian media, even within the ranks of The National Post, tend to be off base on American politics. They blew out all the stops in supporting Barack Obama, didn’t they.

  4. This is why they hold primaries….Reagan Ford went on for some time…..even the McCain primary went on for awhile.
    The 1980 Reagan Bush primary went till super Tuesday. This is nothing out of the ordinary.
    If Mitt cant survive Newt then he shouldnt be a candidate. If newt is more disciplined than in the past then maybe he can make it through.
    Time and tide

  5. All the pundits are saying the 2012 Presidential race is going to be the nastiest in living memory.
    If that’s the case, there’s no room for a bland Ken doll like Romney or Santorum. The right needs a fighter.
    Despite all his baggage, Newt’s the one.

  6. Newt is the only one who can articulate that which Americans of all political beliefs are thinking. If that wasn’t the case, someone else would have done so already. Mitt for example. And, it’s more than a debate with Obama on NBC, it’s about the debate the public is going to have. Newt is the only person with the stuff to initiate the conversation that needs to be had. You know…the conversation that Republicans, Democrats and the MSM have been stifling for what seems my entire adult life.
    In other words… Newt is the only person demonstrating what is so desperately needed right now: leadership!
    If you can argue otherwise… be my guest.
    Newt/Palin 2012

  7. Is Fellman…Hedy Fry’s new “nome de plume”?
    Precisely mine own sentiment.
    You nailed Fellman to the barn door.
    Good Stuff!

  8. Saw Mitt on Meet the Press Sunday and I have to say he seemed nervous and not forceful enough. If he can’t be more forceful with a relatively benign journalist, how can he stand up to Obama or the enemies of the U.S.?

  9. The Tea Party is flexing its muscles against Mitt, the Republican establishment’s candidate.
    Obama laid out the blueprint when he advised his followers to hit back twice as hard when they were hit.
    So far, Mitt’s throwing a no-hitter.
    Even though much of Newt’s hits, mostly against the MSM, are in the area of ‘I don’t like the tone of your question,’ it shows he’s capable of hitting back big-time against the Obama machine.

  10. Sooke, I checked back at Fellman’s race-baiting piece and saw that the Radical Left thugs are ganging up on you. One of them includes a Janet Vickers who I assume is the same left-wing professor in the Fraser Valley.
    The entire mentality of race-baiting (calling others racist when it’s not true) is despicable. It’s kind of an offshoot of being a permanent victim, thinking that the world is against you. But for the likes of Caucasians like Fellman and Vickers to do race-baiting shows what terrible, hateful individuals they are. Essentially what they’re doing is admitting they hate Republicans but not having any real intellectual ammunition to argue against them. So instead, such low-minded cretins do the next best thing: Pull out the race-card.
    If Gingrich wins the Republican nomination, expect a race-war in America like we haven’t seen since the 1960’s. And the likes of Fellman and Vickers will be fanning the flames … with a big smile on their ugly faces.

  11. With no particular dog in this hunt, I’d say the Eagle “Eye of Newt” takes Florida vs Romney.
    At present Newt is displaying and capitilizing on the Obama-Nation(tm) policies resulting in widespread discontent. The ‘racist’ twaddle over at Tyee doesn’t hold water.
    Eagle Eye Newt has the unmistakable ability to convey with gravitas, what the nation faces. Moreover, if I were an American voter at this juncture I’d want a battle scarred and tested veteran of the political hustings who knows where the bodies lie.
    As for Newt’s sexual proclivities they are no worse than JFK or Clinton. Further, at least he has acknowledged the hurt and pain caused and didn’t give some candy ass answer that “I did not have sex with that woman.” If your going to elect someone I would be glad to know the man has lived a life with some regrets and doesn’t claim to be pristine as the driven snow. In short, I would be willing to live with a president who acknowledges his faults and flaws. That in my view is an advantage, it shows sober reflection which in the end is what you want in a president. The last thing you want is some arrogant empty suit who trys to ‘halo-polish’ his record. Newt basically told the press, yes I’ve ‘screwed up’ in my personal life on occasion but your not going to turn a personal regret or two into a national circus.
    What I suspect the American voter wants is a political warrior with some dents in the armour who won’t be easily unseated from his horse.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  12. Posted by: Robert W. (Vancouver) at January 23, 2012 4:26 PM
    The reason the race card does not work against the ‘Food-Stamp President’ label is the fact, as Sooke points out, that most US food stamp recipients are white.
    It’s a brilliant tactic, since it does flush out a racist label that cannot be proven and shows how that particular political weapon has now been neutralized.

  13. Newt is doing nothing more than articulating what most people of any decency think. We no longer trust the media, the media who hoot and holler with high fives when a sitting president is sticking cigars in 18 year old girls in the orifice office, the same media who run cover for every scam artist associated with the SCAM of the century “global warming” the same media who refuse to vet even the college transcripts, let alone terrorist friends, of the future President, the same media who constantly plant lies only to shudder in mock horror at the reaction. Yes media hacks of the left, your time and business model is over, you let only raging commies teach in your cloistered urinalism schools, thus begetting more lefties to be your useful idiots, well it is not working anymore, the internet has a way of posting the truth, by an associate or neighbour or boss, listen to Mulder you CBC Star Globe types, America will not be fooled again by the likes of Oprah and her sycophants.

  14. Sitting here in AZ I can only say Obama isn’t going to do well here. His base of support has pretty much shrivelled down to the hard-core Dems, even the normally supportive wingnuts of the philosophical Left aren’t for this guy.
    Arizona was never going to go Dem, but in ’08 the cool kids had Obama bumper stickers on their Prius. No more Obama stickers on Priuses down here.

  15. If anyone listened to Rush today, you would have heard that Negro guy that said he’s done with Obama
    after supporting the Dems all through his life.
    His reasons are many but what tossed him over to the light side was Newt’s rant against the MSM during the recent debate. That, and the Keystone XL
    pipeline decision.
    Newt is an interesting guy. I rather like him. I believe his Contract with America was brilliant.

  16. chutzpahticular at January 23, 2012 3:07 PM
    Quite so; Romney is a proven loser and is supported by losers. The Repubs must avoid the Joe Clarke fallacy – be liberal in a blue suite.
    Newt is flawed,as they all are, but hey – they’re politicians. However, he takes the fight to the enemy and is great speaking on his feet.

  17. isn’t newt some kind of lizard?
    Posted by: banana at January 23, 2012 4:56 PM

    Excellent qualities in a politician. Read Macchiavelli’s description how a prince should, at different times, mimic the characterstics of completely different animals. A chamelaon is ideal.

  18. SYF- 66 yrs old.
    I reject political correctness. There are three
    major races in this world as described by anthropologists. Caucasian, Negroid and Oriental.
    This gentleman self-identified as Black. He is therefor from the Negroid, or Negro race.
    It may interest you that the term Negro is included on the US census form. It was included after complaints from self-identified Negroes that felt they were being left out.

  19. The Right Scoop has the clip of that call to Rush this morning from that black caller who’s dumping Oblameya because of the Keystone fiasco.
    It also has the clip from Rush’s show today with his great monologue,saying that the GOP establishment are in a full blown panic over their candidate loosing so badly to Newt.

  20. @ Robert in Ottawa: If you want to pursue the newt analogy…
    “Many newts produce toxins in their skin secretions as a defense mechanism against predators. Taricha newts of western North America are particularly toxic. The Rough-skinned newt Taricha granulosa of the Pacific Northwest produces more than enough tetrodotoxin to kill an adult human, and some Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest used the toxin to poison their enemies.”
    So there you have it, Newt is ‘toxic’ to his enemies…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  21. An excellent viewpoint here.
    “101. Tarnsman
    Forgotten in all of this is that Newt had a Pathfinder in front guiding him in to the target all marked out for him. Her name? Sarah Palin. She showed that you could stand up to the media and the base would applaud. She showed that you got take the wood to Obama and the base would roar in approval. Newt took note and followed her lead. There is a reason that he has carefully courted her support, and has stated that he would love to have her in his Administration should he win. He knows the Palin Army is out there watching and waiting for their leader to tell them where to go. She gave the signal in SC and Newt’s victory margin grew because of it. He even acknowledges that her nod in his direction gave him a boost in donations and volunteers. Palin is the Queen of the Republican Party to the dismay of her critics and enemies. Whom she annoints will be the nominee. Right now it appears for the moment that her man is Newt. Never happen, but a Gingrich/Palin ticket in November would be loads of fun just for the seizures the Left and Republican establishment would go through.
    Why Newt will be one hell of a candidate:

  22. Posted by: banana at January 23, 2012 4:56 PM
    Aren’t you some kind of fruit?
    Posted by: set you free at January 23, 2012 5:37 PM
    Bet he works for Chiquita, LOL

  23. Posted by: John Beresford Tipton at January 23, 2012 6:30 PM
    Congratulations. I guess.

  24. Either eventuality spells the end of the Americam republic – both these RINO punks are Globalist puppets – America is being disassembled to be more like the communist/socialist nations in the expanding G20 trading block – and if you think this is coincidence, then I guess you think the fall of the Roman republic was coincidence too.

  25. Herman Cain is still the man.
    Gingrich swings whichever way the weathervane swings. The only reason he isn’t still peddling AGW is that it was uncovered as a fraud. He was perfectly comfortable carrying water for the radical left. So long as it presented itself as a way to rehabilitate himself; conservatism be damned.
    Newt has revealed one of the consulting contracts he had with Freddie Mac ( for the year 1996 ). Why hasn’t he released all of them?

  26. According to op-eds I’ve seen recently, both Romney and Gingrich are (at least potentially, based on their track records and expressed views) big-government liberal spenders; probably Santorum too. Add their social conservatism to the mix and you’ve got the worst of both worlds.
    Ron Paul at least has a clue when it comes to the economy. But his foreign policy is not realistic (and probably more pacifist than libertarian); this plus the recent newsletter revelations render him as unsupportable as the others.
    At a time when reason is needed to counter a president with thoroughly irrational policies (although not ones that are vastly different from previous presidents, except perhaps in the degree), the egos of the contenders are getting in the way, and more importantly their platforms are based as much on mysticism as those of the Democrats. And none of the candidates who have fallen by the wayside, except possibly Cain, appeared much better.
    In other words, the United States is up the proverbial creek without a paddle. What a disaster.

  27. Fred Thompson and so many here in the comments are all aboard the Newt train.
    Confusing stuff for me these days. All aboard the Newt train for so many conservatives!
    I liked Herman Cain, I liked Perry, I like Santorum, I even like the answers Romney gave in the debates. Conservatives could not stomach Herman Cain but Newt is right on! Right on! Right on!
    Alleged affairs by a man that stayed married. Unsubstantiated affairs by people living in an apartment complex with Obama’s attack dog Axelrod who made attacks on his character from 20 years ago that cannot be substantiated and are made by desperate (financially) people with very checkered pasts. Cannot have this man, Herman Cain in the running for President. But a man who it can be substantiated had 3 affairs and probably many more. One woman, Anne Manning came forth and confirmed a relationship with Newt during the 1976 campaign. She said “We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, ‘I never slept with her.’” If this is the case, what makes republicans think that a long line of accusations is not coming. And that is just sex and adultery…
    There was the book deal in 1984. Horrendous and evil, NO, but illegal and lines were crossed. There were actually 3 border line book deals. Again bad judgment not evil. Story of Newt’s political life…bad judgement.
    Newt is the father of earmarks (he designed them as a way to keep republicans in power, there were none before him), helped develop the idea of an individual Healthcare mandate and supported the idea for 18 years at the Federal level (Newt was for it before he was against it), proposed cap and trade, insisted on a comprehensive immigration proposal rather than build the fence and secure border first- all other issues related get addressed later, was tossed out of the speakership for corruption and poor leadership, was for Medicare part D (not to mention the “doc fix” legislation that deceptively “fix” the Medicare budget yearly but savings are never realized and terrorize doctors) and strong armed Republicans into voting for it, he accused Paul Ryan of Right wing social engineering for trying to gradually nudge Medicare in a bipartisan way toward private accounts (Newt was against Ryan’s plan before he was for it), S-CHIP program now near 4 in 10 children in the US are on Medicaid (a terrible medical plan which would become one of our budget breakers of today’s budgets-err continuing resolutions), and proposed eliminating Federal judges who don’t vote your idea of the constitution and calling up judges before congress (what’s fair for Republicans is fair game for Democrats). Newt bounced 22 checks as was revealed in the House banking scandal. YUP that is our guy. He talks tough to the media and has big ideas. Shesssh, we never learn!
    Glenn Beck is right on Newt but is seems like all others are in the tank including the big voice on the right.
    Glenn Beck endorses Newt http://www.glennbeck.com/2012/01/23/glenn-endorses-newt-gingrich/
    “I think you can write a psychological profile of me, that says I found a way to immerse my insecurities in a cause large enough to justify whatever I wanted it to.” Newt once told interviewer Gail Sheehy. This fits nicely with the infamous comment about Clinton putting Newt on the back of Air Force One. His crushed ego led to the collapse, with this plane comment, of Republicans commitment to their budget and with that -came the reelection of Bill Clinton. Tom Coburn said Gingrich (at that time) became a whipped dog.
    From Avik Roy: Former congressman Chris Shays (R., Conn.) probably captured the strength and weakness of Newt best in comments to Bolduc: “He’s a true entrepreneur in the classic sense. You can launch the business, but you can’t necessarily run it.” Gingrich brought us a once-unimaginable House GOP majority but ended up using that majority to expand, rather than shrink, the size of government. (see father of earmarks above).
    Coburn and Shays are now skewered by Newt admirers as establishment Republicans and some even use the name Rino which is bizarre. They get added to the list of John Campbell, Jason Chaffetz, and Jeff Flake.
    In the debates Newt has rattled off hundreds things that he ‘will’ do to fix things. A president who is going to ‘do’ many many many things but all these things have to be written up in committees and passed by a House and Senate. Reagan had 3 goals and he focused on them and put a lot of energy into getting them done and they changed the country (and the world). A hundred or hundreds of things? Is this leadership, the shotgun approach? Gingrich is famous for finding red meat items to work on but the critical items we conservatives are interested in- to get America back on track, get pushed to the back. The Tea Party was about the insane spending from 2008 through 2010 (and before) and the effect this spending would have on taxes soon enough for us and big time for our children and grandchildren. The Tea Party is still concerned about spending but now have to different arenas in which we battle, enlarging the Tea Party caucus in congress. I know it is David Frum but see http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/01/23/newt-gingrich-trivial-issues-warrior.html

  28. I am neither Newt nor Mitt. However, we should all remember that Newt Gingrich, although a junior congressman at the time, was part of the team that ushered in Reaganomics and kept it going. When I say team he was actually part of the committee that implemented Reagan’s doctrine.

  29. Phantom
    “Sitting here in AZ I can only say Obama isn’t going to do well here.”
    I’m moving to Az next week. If you frequent the valley often, make sure you holla at ya boy.

  30. Just a quick response to Roy Beans who wrote, among other things, “Conservatives could not stomach Herman Cain”. Nonsense. I’m a c/Conservative and I love Herman Cain. I was sad to see his bid end the way it did. I hope he’s given a prominent spot in a Republican administration.
    All the good things said here about Newt, I agree with. Someone on the Republican side needs to come out swinging: so far, IMO, Newt’s the man. And, yes, Palin`s endorsement is key. For those who think the Tea Party`s dead, beware: you need to know your enemy. The Tea Party`s alive and well, and ready to fight.
