18 Replies to “Arizona Earlier This Week: An Important Lesson for GOP Leaders”

  1. Hmmm, may have to read this.
    Been ignored…..until now
    She is raising her profile. Wonder why?

  2. Sorry for re-posting this from the above thread but this may be more pertinent to her skyrocketing sales;
    You go Girl!
    That pic of a sitting Gov. giving it to the One did more to resuscitate conservatives and republicans than any of the GOP debates thus far.
    There were a lot of people in the US who were High Fiveing Jan because she stood up to him.
    A sitting Gov. of a state seeking justice while being screwed over re Fast and Furious.
    A sitting Gov. of a state seeking justice while being screwed over re border and immigration security.
    A sitting Gov. that showed that “fight like a girl” trumps a “panties in a wad” sitting Gov. any day.
    All 5’2 of her,,,Heh!

  3. There’s been a lot of imaginative nicknames for obozo (one of my favorites), but “Dumb Bastard” works well – simple, descriptive and memorable.

  4. No, it’s not about book sales. It’s about a Republican Governor, who happens to be a woman, who isn’t going to put up with crap from a President who doesn’t respect her, her State, or the people in it.
    Any Arizonian who is a fan of Barack Obama is an absolute ideological fool. Period.

  5. Left-wing radio went full-retard over that picture, amusing, but too much dumbstuff and hatred to listen for very long

  6. What Paul and Robert said.
    Good for Jan Brewer standing up to him. Obama has done nothing to help Arizona deal with the illegals and in fact has tried to obstruct any efforts it has tried.

  7. Considering the financial mess the US is in, I can not get the image of Nero golfing while Rome is burning out of my mind.

  8. This thing being all set up from the get go is not in the realm of the impossible…Think about it.
    Obama was raised on deceit and has made his entire flimflam career that way so was probably more than willing to play along.
    This is probably pay back for Ms. Brewer as she probably “agreed” to “back down” on something at some point in the past.
    Power *sigh*.

  9. It’s also about the constitution. Other governors need to stand up to the president on behalf of their residents.

  10. Christopher pool; do you think Mike Myers will use “dumb bastard” in an upcoming Austin Powers movie? I doubt it, Hollywood idolizes this twit, it is rumoured that this years oscars are redesigned with much bigger ears to show their love and devotion to the messiah.

  11. ‘Protecting borders’ is better understood as ‘arbitrarily stomping civil liberties to keep out peaceful foreigners with powers my government was never meant to have’.
