The Victimized President

Earlier this week Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and Barack Obama were photographed having what appeared to be a mildly heated exchange on a tarmac outside of Phoenix shortly after Obama’s arrival on Air Force One. According to Brewer, Obama was expressing his displeasure over her characterization of a meeting at the Whitehouse where, she said, Obama had lectured her “like a little kid in a classroom” for her views on illegal immigration.
MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry looks at the snapshot and sees evidence of widespread racism:

The fact is, when I see that still, I cannot help but to be reminded of the still photograph that was captured in 1957 in Little Rock, Arkansas, of the young woman Hazel screaming at a young Elizabeth Eckford on her way trying to get into Little Rock High School…that image captured all of the ugliness, all of the nastiness of the larger political milieu, and I feel that (the Obama/Brewer) picture does as well.

Americans should think twice about electing another black President until this sort of ridiculousness is expunged from the body politic.

51 Replies to “The Victimized President”

  1. “On top of this, it’s astonishingly disgusting to claim that any disagreement between Brewer and Obama is at all related to the color his skin.”
    True,and that’s the claim that is going to be repeated ad nauseum in the next election debates,no matter who is representing the Republicans.
    Too bad Herman Cain’s out.

  2. “Americans should think twice about electing another black President until this sort of ridiculousness is expunged from the body politic.”
    So, Thomas Sowell shouldn’t become president because reporters at MNBC are idiots?

  3. Thomas Sowell or Colin Powell would have been GREAT presidents.
    Because they see the big picture.
    Can’t see the forest if you’re always the victim:
    “give me free rent…easy degrees, sex with white women,… and drugs”.

  4. Re MSNBC, did you catch the story re Jeprody where not one of the contestants could name the woman in the picture of that female that looks like a man. Must make her happy to learn that intelligent people don’t watch that network or her show.

  5. Almost as bad as that is a split screen photo going around. On the left is Obama hugging Congresswoman Giffords. On the right is the photo of Brewer pointing at Obama. The caption underneath paints Obama as the compassionate one on the left and the victim of a horrible Republican on the right.
    Trying to reveal to Leftists what actually occurred on that tarmac is like throwing a ball up in the air and hoping it reaches the moon.

  6. No, chip, I say that not because MSNBC reporters are idiots, but because of the apparent effectiveness of the relentlessly hammered meme, spouted not just by idiot reporters and pundits but also by prominent Democratic politicians, celebrities, talk show hosts, regular citizens, etc., that opposition to Obama’s policies is caused by *racism.*
    As long as criticism of the policies of a black president is seen by a large percentage of the body politic as “everybody knows” evidence of racism, Americans should make sure they elect presidents whose policies can be discussed and criticized on their own merit, and not excused away by dumb, specious, victim-mongering bullshit.
    Every rational person knows full well that if this completely unqualified, quasi-fifth-columnist was white he would be widely excoriated for his disastrous presidency — albeit a white candidate who had Obama’s (un)qualifications and thoroughly dodgy personal associations would never have been elected in the first place.

  7. “If you voted for Obama to prove you are not a racist, vote for someone else this election to prove you are not an idiot”

  8. Watch out folks!! We haven’t seen anything yet. My bet is that the empty suit will preempt the election, “for reasons of national security”. If it looks like he’s going to take a whooping, he’ll do what he said he’d do and that is “Will not let anything stop the transformation of America”

  9. Obama is a failure as as President.
    BUT, there has been crticism that has had tinges of racism.
    HOWEVER, the MSM that went all out for him in 2008 to get him elected did it solely on his pigmentation(half-black). That was racist too.
    As for the picture: Presiden Obama approves of illegal immigrants(he calls them undocumented workers). Governor Brewer opposes them.

  10. The problem isn’t people who say stupid things, it’s that so many people continue to listen to them. That’s why I’m comforted by MSNBC’s near rock bottom ratings.

  11. You go Girl!
    That pic of a sitting Gov. giving it to the One did more to resuscitate conservatives and republicans than any of the GOP debates thus far.
    There were a lot of people in the US who were High Fiveing Jan because she stood up to him.
    A sitting Gov. of a state seeking justice while being screwed over re Fast and Furious.
    A sitting Gov. of a state seeking justice while being screwed over re border and immigration security.
    A sitting Gov. that showed that “fight like a girl” trumps a “panties in a wad” sitting Gov. any day.
    All 5’2 of her,,,Heh!

  12. If anybody noticed, Obama gave the same treatment to Rick Perry when he visited Austin. Perry was trying to hand Obama a letter as well. He walked away and one of his flunkies took the letter. This President, who invokes class warfare and plays the blame game, is an insult to our intelligence. He has thrown race relations back at least 20 years. The Great Uniter and Campaigner turned out to be the Great Divider. For the good of all of us, I hope people don’t buy into his lies a second time.

  13. “BUT, there has been crticism that has had tinges of racism.”
    Cite with sources, please.
    I’ve seen Obama criticized for his lack of experience, for his radical ideology, for his policies, for his haughty personality, for spending too much time golfing, for attending a church led by an extremist minister, even for his fashion sense. I’ve yet to see ONE criticism based on his skin pigmentation. (Of course, if you’re a lefty all of the above constitutes racism; I’m appealing to rational people.)

  14. EBD
    ” albeit a white candidate who had Obama’s (un)qualifications and thoroughly dodgy personal associations would never have been elected in the first place.”
    how easily you forget Jeeema Cotta

  15. Exactly, Ellie (7:09). I’ve seen high-ranking Democrats and progressives of all stripes aver that criticism of Obama is driven by racism, but I’ve never seen a single instance of Obama being criticized — by pundits/analysts/Republican politicians — for, as you put it, his skin pigmentation.

  16. Nothing about the dominant, paternalistic male figure towering over the feisty “speak truth to power female”, huh?

  17. Ebd….jc had at least serveed in the military on a sub….and had been a governor.
    Obama didnt even have those…the second of which is important.
    However…experience is an old argument now. He has been President.
    If the argument is experience it isnt his experience anymore but the american peoples experience with him.

  18. the problem isnt that a black man was elected president. It is that he was elected, in large part because he is black. Saddest of all was the fervent hope by so many that this would be the post racism presidency. I almost hope he gets another term so that folks in the US can finally figure out that it is the accusation of racism, rather than the practice of it that is holding them back. You can`t have equality until people are treated equally. That includes hamstringing the presidents crtics with rediculous accusations, and truning a blind eye to racism as practiced by minorities themselves.

  19. NME666 (7:24 PM): Not comparable at all. At the time Jimmy Carter was elected as president he was a graduate of the US Naval Academy, he had owned and run a successful private business (peanut farming), and he had been Governor of the State of Georgia. He never hung out with known terrorists, nor attended a church whose minister said things like “God damn America!”
    He was a heckuva lot more qualified than Obama. It’s no contest.

  20. john S >
    “Saddest of all was the fervent hope by so many that this would be the post racism presidency.”
    Kazaam, all white racism ends 2009. Damn, maybe it’ll all end in 2012.
    Thank god it’s only the honky cracker whites we’re still waiting on over the next couple of years. If other people were racist as well, we’d be in trouble.

  21. It should be noted that the race baiters are the racists….
    Oprah and Maobama’s wookie are really much like Sharpton/Jackson/Wright….race-baiters.
    Maobama is living, breathing proof that we, as a people, are not so past racism that even blatantly false accusations of racism work so effectively to suppress criticism. Once we get truly post racial…the accusation of racism will be recognized for what it is….political opportunism.
    I expect in the not too distant future, Maobama getting elected will attract as much study as the Austrian corporal’s rise to power…..a study of mass psychology.
    Already the DEMONcRAT hold on the afro-minority despite it’s, even recent, history as the racist, segregatist, party. This is a subject so delicate that even Kate’s filter will not allow passage of mention of KILO/KILO/KILO…..or her moderators.

  22. What an infant Obama and his empty-headed supporters are. Even now, no one gets it that Obama is a useless president and THAT is the whole of the argument against him.
    The best way to challenge this man’s- and his admirers’- perception is to put a black man on the ticket. What will everyone say when race cannot logically be used for or against anyone?

  23. Posted by: Vern at January 28, 2012 6:19 PM
    hahahahahaha!! True statement, if there ever was one.
    mhb23re at gmail d0t calm

  24. EBD at 7:50 PM
    An incumants “priors” should reflect in their performanc, with jimmy they didn’t, his level of incompetance was/is equal to Nobama’s
    Jimmy’s service record only qualifies his citizen status, it has NO berring on his leadership ability, and his business qualifications are about as usefull a PMPM’s were to being priminister of Canada, NONE

  25. Sadly, the young lady in Little Rock was likely a Democrat, that being the party supporting non-integration at the time.
    Shhhh, can’t mention that……

  26. “Americans should make sure they elect presidents whose policies can be discussed and criticized on their own merit, and not excused away by dumb, specious, victim-mongering bullshit.”
    That rules out everyone then.

  27. “That rules out everyone then.” – 8:41 PM
    Chip, Republicans never claimed that criticism of G.W. Bush was driven by Texanism, or that criticism of Reagan was driven by ageism, and Democrats never avered that criticism of Clinton was sure evidence of prejudice against southerners. The “raaacist!” canard is singular in both its virulence and its illogic.

  28. It’s simply a matter of fact, that the two are held to different standards of conduct.
    For example.
    Say at Christmas dinner, the dog is observed over in the corner licking himself. Yes, a mildly embarrassing situation, but not earth shattering.
    But consider if over in the corner, it’s Uncle Pete who is found licking his balls. This would constitute, a MAJOR social faux pas anywhere outside of metro Toronto.
    The difference is: humans and dogs are held to different expectations of their behavior. It will always be thus.

  29. Jan Brewer was only pointing out that Barack Shettetino has hit a rock, he has been hitting the rock for over three years and the US economy has now capsized big time, he is blaming everyone else from the life-boat, but it aint working, he is an idiot and needs to be impeached, not for anything but incompetence. This doofus, is, and was, the epitome of the left, he was touted as a saviour, but he is a dope, a loser propped up by fellow dopes like Oprah, Sharpton and Jackson, race baiters and frauds. If this is the epitome of the left, they should start their own country of clowns, and because of their beliefs in “glow ball warming”, I suggest they start it in Antarctica.

  30. Just wondering if any of those so clalled black victims will be angered at the treatment of Herman Cain by the MSM. how can any black person not be angered at his character assasanation when the president is priveleged, pampered, rich kid who accomplished nothing but being a victim claiming crooked politician.

  31. GIVE ME A BREAK: People point their fingers at other people all the time in conversations. Do we know exactly what Governor Brewer was saying to Obambam when she pointed her finger? How do we know she wasn’t using her index finger for emphasis and that her pointing at Barry had nothing to do with “wagging” a finger at him?
    OTOH, what if she was wagging an admonishing finger at him? So what? Poor wittle wimpie-poo Barry. Boo hoo.
    My problem with Barry as POTUS is this: If a white man who had been a Senator for only three years and had absolutely no executive or business experience had run for President, would he have been taken seriously? I sincerely doubt it. So, why should a black man with only three years in the Senate and with absolutely no executive or business experience be taken seriously for the job?
    We all know the answer to that question. And, that’s the racist element here: an inexperienced politician becoming President of the most powerful nation on earth simply because of the colour of his skin.

  32. batb, scary is right. The present POTUS reminds me of some of the emperors Rome had. No I am not that old, just what I have read.

  33. A bit of a different angle.
    Caught a bit of Saving Private Ryan tonight.
    The Lincoln Bixby letter is read in one scene:
    “Washington, Nov. 21, 1864.
    Dear Madam,
    I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save. I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.
    Yours, very sincerely and respectfully,
    A. Lincoln”
    Do you think the Kenyan could scrape together even four words, as well as this author did? Not on his own that’s for sure.

  34. Great letter. Thanks, Robert W.
    The disrespect is wholly on the part of the thin-skinned POTUS. All of her invitations make sense and he’s the lout for not taking her up on her offers of a guided tour of the border situation and an explanation as to how Arizona went from being a have-not state to a self-supporting one.
    It’s clear he’s not interested in success for the U.S. His modus operandi appears to be to grind it into the dirt. Governor Brewer’s not on his wavelength.

  35. Perhaps he avoids meeting her because he knows she’ll make up some baloney story afterwards that she can use as red meat for her base.

  36. Right, kevinw, we know that Zer0 never makes up stories.
    Here’s another fine column, by Victor Davis Hanson, about the Manchurian candidate in the WH:
    ‘What We Do Not Want to Hear Anymore
    ‘The State of the Union could have been written by a computer program. All the now familiar Obama furniture was in the room: the mock outrage at “them,” the psychodramatic first-person boasting (as in, “I will oppose..,” “I will not work with…,” “I will decline…,” “I will not stand by …,” I will not cede…,” “I will not walk away…,” “I will not back down…,” “I will not go back…”); the now customary rear-view-mirror jab at his fading predecessor; the monotonous promising that something is so bad that we must have a new program for it (each year the same threat, the same solution, the same failure); and the silence about the Obama legacy of stimulus, debt, and ObamaCare.
    ‘But the people are tired and simply by now shut their ears. Here are five things in the current age that exhaust us. . . .’
    Read the rest:

  37. This writer (and some of us) are wandering into the idea of the Imperial President.
    The US president is NOT a king, dictator, potentate, or leader of the nation. He is an elected executive of the Federal government, given strong but limited powers.
    Governor Brewer is the elected executive of her state. The president holds no dominion over her. She is NOT like the governor of Judea who answered directly to the emperor in Rome.
    He has no business lecturing her on anything. They are political equals as far as US government is concerned. The authority to commit our forces into battle is mighty, but those forces cannot be used internally for anything less than suppression of insurrection. A state’s police powers are greater than the Federal government’s powers. That’s why Romneycare was legal (albeit unwise IMO) and Obamacare is not.
    The primacy of federal law over state law is mitigated by states rights and individual liberty, checks and balances, and separation of powers. A president can’t make law – he can only approve or reject laws proposed by Congress. His executive authority is limited.

  38. Obama is only half black. Imagine how bad the race baiting would be if we had gone the Full Leroy.
    Of course Thomas Sowell, Colin Powell, Herman Cain, or Condi Rice would make a better president than the most unqualified president in our history. But they would face the long knives of Uncle Tom recriminations from the leftists. Black conservatives and neoconservatives roil liberals in the same way that an apostate Muslim is even more objectionable than a Kaffir.

  39. “MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry looks at the snapshot and sees evidence of widespread racism”
    The only thing that’s wrong with that photo is that it wasn’t Brewer’s MIDDLE finger that was raised!

  40. Wether they are black,yellow,white,brown and others..all races have nutbars…she was simply telling the simpleton Obama…to shut the front door up…as she was not part of his indentured servants…who crawl around on their knees a lot..that is not racism…on Govenor Brewer part..but it certainty was on Obama’s part…///
