34 Replies to “Do you agree with the Shafia verdict?”

  1. I disagree with the verdict, but only because it doesn’t involve feeding the Shafias feet first into a wood chipper.

  2. I’m not exactly a huge fan of the CEEB.. but it’s a valid question. Did you agree with the OJ Simpson verdict?
    And I’m glad they’re asking it.. and receiving deserved horribly wrong results. Just like I’m glad they’re taking comments from moonbats and generally doing what they do best – being laughably out of touch with the popular pulse of Canada. Anything they do that offends more people is good for their ultimate demise. Hopefully they start airing bestiality documentaries next.

  3. These limpies at the CBC have to take this question to a poll, how pathetic. Maybe Mansbridge and Solomon need to billet these two “honour” killers at their houses, and eat and sleep with their, families for the next 25 years, unreal. What is wrong with these CBC Toronto Starwiper types, total morons.

  4. Oh, oh, CBC will not like those poll numbers, as 93.5 % agre with the verdict. Seeing that this is a CBC poll that would suggest that even a significant number of lefties agree with the verdict.

  5. Multiculturalism takes a hit. Women are less than cattle according to a 7th century political ideology practiced as a religion by non-whites, so the verdict must simply be racist.

  6. And may the devil sh.t in their cells. suck it up honour killers, enjoy the next 25 years, maybe Cliffies cell has been cleaned up by the maid service by now. Good on this jury, these were beautiful vibrant people who wanted nothing more than to fit into a decent and modern society, called Canada, if these people don’t like our lifestyle maybe they should enjoy their own hellholes and stay there.

  7. Thank you jurors.
    The best day of the year so far.
    Hopefully anyone else thinking of this should start packing to leave our wonderful country.
    Girls from this type of family should be aware and be protected if they continue living in Canada.
    Delighted at the outcome.

  8. Poor CBC, out of touch with reality if they have to take a poll to determine how Canadians feel about this decision. They can’t tell from the collective cheer?
    Privatize the Idiot Organization!

  9. Why are those American soldiers in trouble for whizzing on dead Afghanis? Pappa Shafia said that talk about $hitting on his dead daughters was just a harmless Afghan expression.

  10. the CryBitchComplain network didnt run the poll for that little puke Khadr fearing similar results after putting nearly 1000 stories on in favour of him and the bag lady family.
    they were so shocked by that verdict they allowed only a 6 hr run on the internet story and then it disappeared . similarly they seem to forget their enthusiam for “the one ” shutting down Gitmo. something he hasnt even started.\

  11. I’d agree with the verdict even more if there was the possibility of the judge pronouncing the sentence of capital punishment.
    .. and for those that think they’ll be out in 25, that is the minimum. Typically those sentenced to life in prison are not freed until they’ve accepted some degree of guilt, and made amends to their being so as to not have this happen again. “anger management” for example. In this case, where their so called religion is thought to have led them to commit the murder, I can’t see them being able to separate the honor killing from their koran.
    So I doubt they’ll be out in 25… and I’m fine with that as well.

  12. Only 1.1 billion to come up with that question. Glad they have hired the “best in their field”.

  13. Bending over to Meca, five times a day?
    Might make for some interesting walks in the exercise yard……..for the next 15-20 years!

  14. waiting for the next poll
    should you put your face in front of a drunken drugged mexican while on vacation?

  15. Yes. 93.74% (9,468 votes)
    No. 1.78% (180 votes)
    I didn’t follow the trial. 4.48% (452 votes)

    I was afraid when I read the approx. 94% total that 6% of respondents were idiots but my mood improved tremendously after I read the approx. 5% didn’t follow the trial was the next highest total.

  16. Does CBC have this poll in French as well? Just curious what the people in Quebec are thinking as that is where intervention that could have saved lives was decided against.

  17. Interesting fact.
    Under Sharia, a parent who kills their child has NOT commited murder. There is a very large constituency that is saying “but he IS innocent” because he “only” killed his children.
    “retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.” However, “not subject to retaliation” is “a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.” (‘Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2)
    This was a copy and paste from jihadwatch.
    In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law. Not some twisted form of radical islam, but just your run of the mill, I’m your BFF islam.
    JE (now on a death list somewhere I’m sure)

  18. Good Lord…. In whose universe, aside from the CBC’s, would someone “disagree” with justice for a murderer?
    Please cut the CBC’s funding. Or appoint a normal person to run it.

  19. Thanks for the sharia take on thie John Eggert. I guess that’s why the leftists are so in support of islamofascists — they’ve been practicing post-natal abortion since the 7th century. And we know how the right to abortion is one of the fundamental rights in the moonbat universe.
    Someone should remind the islamofascists about Canadian law and that if they want to practice their depraved barbarism, do so in their own countries. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a CBC poll this skewed before. Hopefully my bringing up the concept of post-natal abortion won’t suddenly get the moonbats voting against the verdict.

  20. Why would someone think that the people who make finding decisions about the CBC would read this comment on this forum?
    Address such comments to the PM, MP James Moore, your MP and the Conservative Party. Posting comments here is just meaningless preaching to the choir.

  21. Let’s hope the Shafias go to one of the less plushy country-club type prisons,like Dorchester or Kingston,not Collins Bay or the place that allowed Colin Thatcher to bring his horse along.

  22. As the CBC screams out to Canadians across the land, “Look how we waste your money on useless crap like this, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it”

  23. The CBC & CTV have been in full Condition Red damage control for Islam tonight. They’ve pulled all the stops…….comical to see, until you realize your paying for it.

  24. This is good news. Means most people still see a little reality. At the CBC not so happy. We know though that most of them are the types that write serial killers wanting an affair.

  25. ‘Why would someone think that the people who make finding decisions about the CBC would read this comment on this forum?
    Address such comments to the PM, MP James Moore, your MP and the Conservative Party. Posting comments here is just meaningless preaching to the choir.’
    Posted by: North of 60 at January 29, 2012 11:29 PM
    North of 60 – any political/msm type who does not read SDA is foolish – SDA gets results. The Who’s Who of Canada, USA and beyond get their hard news right here. Ever wonder what happened to the ‘Glob all warm up’ hoax? SDA that’s what.
    Never underestimate the power of SDA – some have- – old Forlorn Lorne of Sask. comes to mind.

  26. wait until later today when the 22,000 ‘no’ votes suddenly appear…as they usually do.

  27. Watching the Enemy:
    Today again CBC & CTV have an all out assault on Canadians with “expert Islamic spokespersons” now telling us that “the system had failed”.
    Meaning you as Canadians failed to protect these girls from their families.
    The consensus between the apologist News Anchors and their Islamic teachers is that we need more government intervention into Canadian lives. Of course it goes unsaid for now, that will include Sharia Law to help out as we go.

  28. Moral: if you want the “freedom” to murder those who offend your “honor”, you really need to be in some Islamic hell-hole somewhere.

  29. mojo
    But they do. Remember that minor ripple(very minor) when it arose that visits to the old country were being used to off an unwanted spouse?
    An airline tickets to Pakistan were cheaper than divorce…..and no dower rights to be considered….

  30. Somehow, I get the feeling that the joke is on the posters’ here.
    The Wet One
