A Strange Definition of “Right-Wing Extremists”

Listen carefully to what Tarek Fatah says around 1:36. Brian Lilley handles things very tactfully but, in a Canadian context, it’s incomprehensible how a man despised by conservatives and applauded by Radical Leftists can possibly be labeled a “right-wing extremist”. Perhaps someone could publish a Fatah-to-English translation guide?

h/t Matt from Mississauga

55 Replies to “A Strange Definition of “Right-Wing Extremists””

  1. The new leftist mantra for this election cycle is that everything comes down to racism…
    for example, in a movie, if:
    A white man is killed by a black man,
    it’s racist…”why is the criminal always black ?”
    A black man is killed by a white man
    it’s racist…”why does the black man die first ?”
    A black man is killed by a black man
    it’s racist…”why are blacks portrayed as violent ?”
    A white man is killed by a white man
    it’s racist…”why are there no blacks ?”
    you’ll never be able to use logic or common sense against that sort of moonbattery, which is why it’s best to just laugh at them.

  2. “To suggest that an wounded male would not be as much of a concern as an wounded female tells me everything I need to know about your understanding of serving the Colours”
    Is that notwithstanding the jessica lynch sideshow?
    at gmail d0t calm

  3. Fatah and Coren both suffer from the same blind spot, if we followed their logic the world would never have known Margaret Thatcher…… And I would say right about now the entire United Kingdom should be bowing down saying “we are not worthy” to that great lady!
    Like all of us, they are not perfect but I can enjoy the words of wisdom they do share, I just think it is a shame that their idea of the greatness of the individual does not include woman. I truly understand the maternal instinct, but their inability to comprehend that woman, just like men want to play a part in the world where they too, will make a mark, not just as the nurturer of their children, but as an individual with a mind and ideas.

  4. To suggest that an wounded male would not be as much of a concern as an wounded female tells me everything I need to know about your understanding of serving the Colours.
    Atlantic Jim
    You twist the words. Wounded male would be as much of concern as wounded female. Nevertheless, in the same combat situation, male would sometimes try to help female but would not help his male colleagues. And in combat split second decisions are very important. Further, women do differ from males physically and mentally. That’s why women are (I think) better than men in air-force and in other military units. But not in front line combat.
    I am pretty sure that neither Tarek Fatah nor Michel Coren are blind regarding women. The fact that they do not like women in combat does not mean that they think that women can not be great, or as you put it ” that their idea of greatness does not include women”
    I think they think that people are great if and only if they do great deeds. And in people they include women and men.

  5. golfergirl:
    You’re completely off base on Coren.
    It’s people like Coren that ENABLED Thatcher to come to power.
    Please don’t extrapolate his opinion about women in combat into a general misogynistic view of women.
    Michael Coren is NOT a misogynist. Not even close.
    Sounds like you’re a feminist, tho.
