30 Replies to “Every Time I’m Called A Bigot, A Virgin Gets Her Wings”

  1. Somehow I do not think that the people who drowned would think this is particularly funny.

  2. bigot bigot bigot bigot bigot bigot
    Sorry, I was just trying to be helpful.
    Way to go Kate. Wear the label with honour.

  3. If there would have been more so called bigots when these girls begged for help from a politically correct system that failed them. Run by Multicult appeasers.They would be alive to day to answer that prissy?
    Instead the they dies on the alter of leftist tolerance.

  4. Right on, Rev. The true bigots are the pc multiculti progressives who refused — and continue to refuse — to help Muslim girls who are being brutalized by their families. It’s the tyranny of lowered expectations: “We need to be culturally ‘sensitive,’ and turn a blind eye because, after all, they’re Muslims and their culture is different from ours.”
    What a load of utter crap. Shari’a goes against every freedom right and law we have in Canada. NO TWO-TIER JUSTICE SYSTEM ANYWHERE IN CANADA, NOT FOR ABORIGINALS, NOT FOR MUSLIMS, NOT FOR ANY VISIBLE MINORITY!
    The two-tier justice system in Canada is plain wrong and offers no justice to victims of misogyny/crimes. Not every culture is equal — and this trial makes that perfectly clear.
    Wake up, you pc, multiculti progressives. You’ve created a monster with your culturally “sensitive” (sic) scruples — and you haven’t raised a finger to help the true victims of your monstrous socially engineered all-cultures-are-equal construct.

  5. Did you not appreciate the “expert witness” who tried to assure the Court that Shafia’s filthy and maniacal telephone rants about his daughters were no more than a set of colloquial Afghani expressions of mild annoyance?
    Might it not be better simply to send the Shafias back home, where they can converse more comfortably without being misunderstood and where they can heal after the tragic loss of their daughters, rather than endure (and pay for) their expected endless round of appeals and their continued presence on Canadian soil as guests of Her Majesty?

  6. “Somehow I do not think that the people who drowned would think this is particularly funny.”
    Um… that’s sorta the point, isn’t it? They’re no longer HERE, to find anything funny or not.
    And no, Little Mosque (which is never, ever funny) will not deal wit this issue. Nor will All American Muslim. These shows are specifically designed for the opposite purpose: to deny legitimate concerns about honour killing and other Islamist atrocities and portray those who are concerned about them as mere bigots.

  7. Did you take note that Shafia stated that he knew nothing about or had heard nothing about honor killings. His lies were nothing less than Taqiya(deception to advance Islam) or in his case lies to excuse Islam.

  8. If the Shafia girls had been Christian and had complained to the school and social services, one can safely bet that they’d have been whisked away from their family tout de suite.
    The double standards batb mentions and the anti-Christian bigotry of the “all cultures/religions are equal, except our very own” morons are despicable. One wonders what it would take to open the eyes of these deluded and dangerous hypocrites, whose “tolerant and diversity loving” brains actually seem to be made of cement.

  9. It’s OK to lie if you’re a Muslim = Don’t trust anything a Muslim says – ever.

  10. What I find remarkable about this case is that the accused were tried and convicted, underline, convicted, of 1st degree murder! The first time in Canada, all previous “unnamed but certain honour” killings tried and convicted, received to date, 2nd degree!

  11. They call it “houour killings” as part of their religion but when they are caught they don’t have the houour or the guts to stand up for their religious “honour killings”.

  12. The National Post’s editorial, “Guilty as Charged” is a disappointing—actually, disgusting, appeasing, PC—cop out.
    From the penultimate paragraph: “Indeed, in the days to come, it will be tempting to permit our accumulated frustration and sorrow to erupt in passionate debates about multiculturalism, immigration and the parlous situation of many girls and women in certain communities. But it is also important to remember that the vast majority of immigrants from Middle Eastern and South Asian nations never perpetrate such grisly crimes, regardless of their background. Families such as the Shafias, whose members give in to the evil impulse to kill their own, are the exception.”
    Well, isn’t that just fine? And the NP’s cop out entirely begs the question. Is killing one’s own family members the only issue concerning Islam’s backwardness and brutality? What about the countless women and girls, like the terrified Shafia women, who live as captives? Maybe they’re not dead, but they’re certainly not free. NP: Nothing to see here. Move on. What about all the “honour” killings, like the murders after the Danish cartoon fiasco and 9/11? NP: Nothing to see here. Move on.
    These “honour” killings are “individual” the NP implies. I’m really disappointed at this enabling of a brutal and deadly dangerous culture. And, yes, despite the grovelling of the NP, we should, indeed, “in the days to come, . . . be tempt[ed] to permit our accumulated frustration and sorrow [and ANGER] to erupt in passionate debates about multiculturalism, immigration and the parlous situation of many girls and women in certain communities.” If SUN News does the same “dhimmi” dance, God help us.
    And, NP, smarten up!

  13. Why is an expression such as “intelligent design” a statement for ridicule?
    If we believe in evolution either through a plan or by chance, what is the thinking behind a reluctance to accept the concept of the evolution of civilization? Cheers

  14. CTV has really jumped the shark this a.m. Jackie Milczarek had some woman from Can.Council of Muslim wimmin on,and left-tard Jackie asked her if “this Gov’t has done enough to protect women?”..then ‘helped’ this woman fill in the blanks..ie,’all the cutbacks to wimmins programs!’ Despicable.

  15. Nicely said Mike Sr… and food for thought.
    Is society really able to control its own destiny?
    A topic worthy of its own posting.

  16. AHHHHhahahahahaha.
    “Little Mosque In The Canal”
    I hope it becomes a regular feature like “Let’s Hang a Plaque”
    Great White North 3
    Islam 0
    Game ON!

  17. If we can’t hang ’em, then deport ’em back to the 3rd world feudal society they love. Why should taxpayers have to spend another dollar on these monsters. The blame is equally shared by the lawyers on both sides who are treating this case as a big fat cash cow.

  18. In the Canada I live in, and the one my father fought for in WWII, there is no honour in killing your own children. EVER.

  19. Lets not forget about the interrupted plans of the Toronto 18.
    That’s why the CBC will always side with Islamic fascists, it’s because they are under threat from them. It’s also why they made the “Little Mosque” show, it was a act of submission.

  20. Sasquatch & Old Duffer @ 12:45; I guess the intent is to comment on how some, for the most part, societies/cultures have evolved beyond misogyny, honour killings, and religious repression.
    Why is there not an acceptance of cultural improvement both as a fact and a goal? Just wondering. Cheers;

  21. and then there was the little 5 year old girl from pakistan who was killed and cut up and disposed of in shoping bags , by the lake, t’was not honerable either. All she did was ask for 10 bucks for class pictures at school
    there is good reason to support the return of the death penalty, even if it is used only as a bergining tool!!!

  22. Roseberry asks: “Might it not be better simply to send the Shafias back home…”
    Yes, but only if Canada sends them in a box. Or maybe several small boxes, just so the folks back home get the message…
    I’m normally against capital punishment, due to the high possibility of official stupidity and/or shenanigans. But not when there’s no question whatever who did it, as in this case.

  23. The campaign is already on to classify honor killings as “domestic violence”. Global’s report on the 6 o’clock news tonight was on that line.
    These killings were not domestic violence. They were the result of following ancient cultural practices that have no place in our country and should not in any country.
    Some muslims have begun work to change this kind of cultural practice, at least in Canada. Sweeping it under the rug of “domestic violence” will not help them in that quest.

  24. “In the Canada I live in, and the one my father fought for in WWII, there is no honour in killing your own children. EVER.”
    You’ve never met my children, have you?
