Great Moments In Socialism

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
A. A. Berle, Jr., US Assistant Secretary of State, 1942;

Greece will not die. She could not, indeed; for there is more of western life and western hope in a handful of dust on the Acropolis than in all the makeshift religions, philosophies and new orders that have come from the diseased brains in Berlin.

Reuters, 2012;

Greece must surrender control of its budget policy to outside institutions if it cannot implement reforms attached to euro zone rescue measures, the German economy minister was quoted as saying on Sunday…

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12 Replies to “Great Moments In Socialism”

  1. Vell you know that some wag will say:
    Deutsch-Marx er I mean Deutschmarks uber alles!
    Soon zey vill all be speaking german…quite re-‘Merkel’ble
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. Somehow I am reminded of the scene from Blazing Saddles where Clevon Little puts a gun to his own head to hold off the townsfolk… ” Don’t move or…”

  3. “so the schwerpunkt of the attack was made by the 12th SS Accountant’s Corps, with support from the 501st SS Heavy Bankers Regiment . . . the Greeks never knew what hit them.

  4. I was gob smacked when I read an article that stated Greece has gone bankrupt 6 times since 1806. They have had lots of practice, so a 7th time should be “easy-peasy!”

  5. Best thing that could happen to Greece would be to get kicked out of the EU. Then they would have to stand or fall on their own merits.

  6. Rumour has it that Greece will announce its departure from the EU or at least the Euro within the next 6 to 8 weeks.
    I don’t think the Germans want the Greeks (Greece maybe, but not her inhabitants). That would be like poling Western Canadians, asking them if they think Quebec should go it alone or be increasingly supported forever by the ROC (Western Canadians). How long would Quebec hang around if Alberta could dictate to Quebec how it was to manage its financial affairs?

  7. Forgive me, I don’t understand.
    Greeks, screwed their country, spent it into oblivion. Have not discipline to get a grip on their affairs.
    Germans, not wanting to do anything by themselves are, because of their enterprising spirit, pushed and pressured by everybody and their grandmother to help the Greeks.
    Now consider this.
    Are the Germans just to throw money at Greeks without any regard in perpetuity? Sort of like a state on welfare?
    Of course the idea that some group is going to force a nation to succumb to a diktat is repulsive to the extent that is unimaginable.
    The Greeks have to reject it out of hand, no discussion, zero.
    What is the world left with, then?
    Here is a suggestion, Greeks, do it yourselves, you may get help if you get off your collective asses and start working for your own well being.
    Socialism does not work, it’s been tried over and over and over, it failed every time. Now the Americans have at it. It is going to fail again, this time though it will bring down half the world.
    Socialism means misery, warm and fuzzy words will work to start with, then you are going to be left with words that you can’t eat, can’t heat your house with. You can repeat the words like some Indian mantra, it will make you lean, it will bring you to your grave.
    Greece has to drop out, get hold of reality and get things in some realistic perspective.
    The wise guys that went to school for a long time, can go on and do this and that, it’s not going to help. Is it not them that screwed the world economy in the first place?
    China is successful because of cheap labour. That is the very base of their economic dominance. Have no fear though, eventually they will end where the US is today. May take a few years, though they will get there, guaranteed.
    It is actually sad to see Greece in this condition. They will get better. In their long and varied history they went through all the ‘isms, economic collapses and every other calamity and malady known to mankind. What is curious, is that they don’t remember that, have not learnt from their own history.

  8. Johanne
    “I was gob smacked when I read an article that stated Greece has gone bankrupt 6 times since 1806. They have had lots of practice, so a 7th time should be “easy-peasy!”
    The only time in all of recorded history when Greece was truly unified was during Macedonian domination….which really amounted to the same type of unity Greece enjoyed as part of the Roman Empire(s).
    John Chittick
    Excellant anology…bang on…

  9. Fred, don’t forget about after the conquest that the “budget Gauleiter” to have the power to veto budget decisions taken by the Greek government if they are not in line with targets set by international lenders.

  10. I’d say Greece has become another poster babe to hightlight the success of socialism.
    Greeks do not actually care that they are broke.
    What they care about is continuing the free ride on the gravy train.
    The Germans are NO better. What they and the rest of EU care about is the faint hope of recovering something from the billions of E$ they have pissed down the sewer. Same goes for the pending Spanish and Italian debt defaults.
