145 Replies to “Reimagine CBC”

  1. Just sent my suggestion in. It was polite and respectful, however, I would venture, not very well received.

  2. HAHA! Awesome!
    I want the CBC to STOP receiving my tax dollars! If I no longer pay for it, then I won’t care if it is:
    – insidiously left-wing biased
    – anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-business, anti-private sector, anti-progress, anti-gun
    – pro-socialist, pro-multiculturalist, pro-liberal/ndp/green, pro-government employee, pro-union
    When CBC is defunded, it can do whatever it wants! I’m no longer paying for the CBC to destroy my country!
    Privatize the CBC NOW! Let its dwindling left-wing socialist viewers pay for it! BUT NOT ME !!
    “To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical. ”
    Idea Body:
    I want the CBC to STOP receiving my tax dollars! If I no longer pay for it, then I won’t care if it is:
    – insidiously left-wing biased
    – anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-business, anti-private sector, anti-progress, anti-gun
    – pro-socialist, pro-multiculturalist, pro-liberal/ndp/green, pro-government employee, pro-union
    When CBC is defunded, it can do whatever it wants! I’m no longer paying for the CBC to destroy my country!
    Privatize the CBC NOW! Let its dwindling left-wing socialist viewers pay for it! BUT NOT ME !!
    “To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical. ”

  3. I did mine to and voted and liked everyone’s who was for privatizing ,or in Kate case firing up the bulldozers lol love it dig a hole pour lime in the hole lol. But I can’t find mine rights ow it was good too.

  4. I damn near choked on my coffee when I read this idiot’s recommendation:
    “CBC is becomming increasingly under the influence of the Harper dictatorship. Viewpoints expressed are favouring the right wing more and more with little representation from progressive political and social sides. Example: the right wing panel of “experts” on the National News. There is not enough critical commentary about the ultra-right Harper government. CBC seems to be afraid of criticising Harper lest he step in and pull the plug at once. Have some courage and faith in the Canadian people!”
    WTF! This guy actually believes this?

  5. We all need to over run these idiots I just copy and paste my messages over and over again.

  6. Submitted:
    “I would like to see CBC only as a display – relegated to a tiny, dusty, cobwebbed corner in the basement of the Museum of Civilization.”

  7. I want to puke after reading the artsy unicorn fart feminazi/redistribution/health care/native languages comments on there…

  8. Kate, would you also possibly have the appropriate email address’s for those government officials that should be getting a cc on this? Just wondering.

  9. I posted some comments on
    and my comments were taken down. Seems as though the CBC wants NO dissent, NO criticism, and NO “collaborative brainstorming”, as stated on their site. How unfair and disingenuous. How is it possible for the CBC to sanction and support this censorship?
    – J .

  10. Kate..clicked on the “stars”(they should be red) and sent my bitch to the omBUDsman,re censorship.
    Wonder if I’ll get a reply?

  11. Bloody hell, I didn’t type a word or vote, and they’ve banned my IP – obviously anyone clicking over from SDA. Arrogant bastards.

  12. Just attempted to enter the website. A message comes up- Sorry, has been banned.

  13. AHHHHahahahahaha
    I was just voting, I didn’t try to add a comment or participate in any way other then voting on their ideas, and I was banned.
    “Too much democracy is only a problem for Liberals.”

  14. When I click the link I only get the following message from the website:
    Sorry, xx.xx.xx.xx has been banned.
    (Not sure who’s IP address it’s listing so I redacted just to be safe)

  15. CBC Bias
    One of the stranger developments in left- wing orthodoxy has been the slow elimination of any sense of ideology amongst the subscribers of the left-wing worldview. Typically, the new left self- identifies as “progressive”, “moderate”, and”centrist”. These semantics have allowed left-wingers to be left-wingers without the notion of ideology attached to  their points of view Left-wingers have not just adopted this language cynically, they’ve internalized it completely. As a result, many left-wingers – especially the younger ones – are unaware of their standing on the political spectrum. They think left-wing policies are naturally “progressive”,”moderate” and “centrist”. This has led them to believe that any ideology that doesn’t conform to what they see as self-evident truths must be “regressive”, “extreme” and”fringe”.
    Why does this matter within the context of the CBC? It matters because the bias that is so obvious to so many, is completely hidden from the minds of the people perpetuating the bias at the CBC. They don’t consciously realize the bias they bring to the table. When criticism arrives, they are confused and surprised. Why? Because it didn’t occur to them that what they presented was biased in the first place. More emphasis needs to be given to self-evaluation in order to guard against bias. How to do this? Question your assumptions! By the time you become a legal adult, you are bound to have an opinion about the world in which you live. The problem for media types is that they allow their worldview to colour their profession. This happens naturally to everyone, but with media (especially taxpayer funded media), this natural tendency can anger a lot of people who disagree with you. The way to guard against your own natural inclinations is to dig deep and question your own assumptions. This is tough because it requires you to anticipate things that don’t naturally occur to you. In other words, you have to ‘know what it is you don’t know’. How do you do this? Step outside yourself! This is incredibly difficult for anyone to do. It requires you to go against your own instincts. As a media organization, the CBC needs to think about all angles to a story.
    Kirsta Erickson of the SunNews Network has criticised the mainstream media in Canada, for being “a big echo chamber” – everyone chasing the same stories with the same attitudes and interests. This makes for “consensus media“. Take the time to talk to other people with other points of view. Not just He said/She said clip grabbing, but real consideration for all the angles involved. Ask people outside the cameras aren’t rolling. One thing that used to strike me when I was working in media full time, was how reporters and producers and editors would talk about a story amongst themselves. They were often cynical, dismissive, skeptical and wry. television or over the radio, they transformed it all into standard liberal orthodoxy. Why didn’t they bring that same sense of outside the box thinking to their professional work? Why not ask the questions that aren’t politically correct? Why not do a story with a different focus? Why not? Because to be politically correct is to be liberal, and to be liberal is to be centrist and to be centrist is to be objective.
    CBC needs to take other perspectives into account in order to avoid not only bias, but blandness. Expand your horizons! As more and more sources and outlets for media arrive in the 21st century, the focus can, unfortunately, become narrower and narrower. As a result, people can tend to look deeper inward. This circles back to liberals not realizing that they’re liberals. If all you do is read liberal sources of news because it conforms to your worldview, then you run the risk of losing touch with the broader picture. What’s worse is that you fail to realize that you’re losing touch, because you believe yourself to be well informed. So well informed, that when presented with alternative points of view, your instinct is to defend against them. Objective journalism doesn’t defend against points of view. It presents a balanced perspective. This is in pursuit of the highest form of journalism. The reporting of fact and context and research and background rolled up into information that the audience is able to digest for their own benefit. them. Objective journalism doesn’t defend against points of view. It presents a balanced perspective. This is in pursuit of the highest form of journalism. The reporting of fact and context and research and background rolled up into information that the audience is able to digest for their own benefit. So read wild editorials, visit blogs you would never think of visiting, and and talk to people you don’t agree with. Humble yourself and put it into your work. It’ll make your work better. The CBC is a taxpayer funded organization. People work hard for a living and pay taxes for the luxury (yes…luxury) of having a state financed broadcaster. Rather than petulantly defending entitlements, the CBC should maximize the quality of the work and humbly serve the interests of all Canadians The interests of all Canadians, in the context of the CBC, is information and entertainment. When bias can’t be eliminated it should, at least, be balanced. This i a very hard task to follow, but the CBC must be held to a higher standard than any other media outlet, due to the taxpayer funding they receive. The CBC is a valuable cultural institution that need not get bogged down in issues of bias. If the above 5 points are kept in mind on a day to day basis, then the quality of CBC production is bound to improve. If the quality improves, the allegations of bias will begin to be unfounded.

  16. Heh. Looks like the ban is lifted as quick as that. Someone’s squirming over there. They have no idea the level of contempt a significant portion of the country has for their organization. Nothing has prepared them for this.

  17. FYI, the “unhelpful” suggestions are still disappearing. The “defund” suggestion I was reading disappeared immediately upon reload. Seems these folks are worried.

  18. This is typical of the cowardice of the left. Ask a question and ignore the answers. They really don’t care what Canadians think. They are only doing lip service to their claim of being the VOICE of Canada. They are the voice of the Liberal Party and the NDP. In their minds they are entitled to tax payer’s money to run their left wing fiefdom. When tax payer’s speak against them they don’t want to hear it because they think that it isn’t productive for the “re-imagining” of the CBC. They can’t wrap their minds around the concept of a privatized CBC that would have to actually produce quality programs that Canadians want to watch. If they had it their way they would be like the taliban who forced people at gunpoint to go to the mosques 5 times a day. We would be forced to watch Little Mosque On The Prairie and The National every night. Too bad the CBC can’t get over themselves. They are a lousy network, staffed with lousy people, who produce lousy shows. Just because they are funded by our taxes doesn’t mean we are getting anything good.

  19. The wider story:
    Reimagine CBC:
    “A new effort that coincides with the Conservatives’ renewed attack on the public broadcaster as Parliament has resumed: “Reimagine CBC.” Leadnow.ca is driving the idea:”
    Leadnow.ca – “Tell Harper to stop bullying Canadian charities – send a message *button”

  20. Like many of the rest of you, I would ideally like for zero tax dollars to fund the CBC. But in the interest of reaching out, I’ve just posted the following on the “Reimagine CBC” Facebook site:
    “Can I ask a sincere question? As we all know, the CBC is greatly funded by the tax dollars of all Canadians. Therefore, is it possible to reimagine the CBC with 50% conservative voices? If not, how about 40%? Or even 30%?
    Or am I being unfair to ask for some semblance of equality? Trust me, if CBC News would effect something close to what I’ve suggested above, 90% of the criticism of the entire organization would evaporate.”
    I am most curious to see:
    1. If my posting is allowed to remain or if it gets deleted.
    2. What sort of comments I get to it. Very few people have joined the group so far (376 at this time). If wonder if any of those folks can summon up the intellectual honesty to say, “Yeah, he has a good point.”

  21. Well I guess if you have to wonder whether the battle lines have been drawn, try posting something that isn’t Pro-CBC or Pro-Socialism and watch how fast you’re deleted or banned.
    There is no longer even an attempt at “appearing” unbiased. Now it’s right out there.

  22. The best part is that they’re not officially a CBC site, so the ombudsman is going to get slammed for their arms length crap … LOL

  23. It looks like only comments that support the CBC are allowed, I had to stop reading as most of them make me want to vomit. I’ve been CBC free for at least 5 years now and I feel great! Instead of wasting time posting on the reimagine CBC fairy farts website send your MP an email requesting the defunding of this taxpayer sinkhole.

  24. I just posted a privatize the CBC idea.
    Canadians should not be forced to pay for a media outlet with their tax dollars or otherwise. especially at a rate of 1.1 billion dollars a year.
    Privatization would force the CBC to play on the same field as the rest of private media.
    Who knows, privatization may force the CBC to produce higher quality programming in order to gain viewership. Plus there would be the added bonus of not having to answer to government.

  25. My favorite comment about burning every CBC building to the ground and then salting the earth was removed….sigh. So was mine.

  26. Sadly, I’m sure the ombudsman is in “whatever” mode 24/7. He gets paid no matter who sends what in, remember.
    However it is very nice to watch these Leftists reveal their true nature in a documented way. Its like getting a signed confession from a concentration camp guard.

  27. Even the CBC’s “fluffy stories” make you want to puke. It’s akin to walking into a daycare and seeing the devil reading the children a feel nice bedtime story.
    You can look at the world optimistically or pessimistically. Intelligent people can see the outright lies, spins, and manipulations of the MSM and generally conclude a pessimistic view of a muddled world saturated in disinformation and special interest agendas.
    The CBC is a tax funded special interest that serves to corrupt our understanding of the real world and values that have made us unique and independent peoples.

  28. I’ll bet 1.1 billion that the response to anybody here that reported this to the ombudsman (like I did) has the word “hack” (ironically) in it.

  29. Warren Z: “Who knows, privatization may force the CBC to produce higher quality programming in order to gain viewership. Plus there would be the added bonus of not having to answer to government.”
    It’s for their own good.
