A Surefire Way to Make Liberal Heads Explode

I purchased Mark Levin’s latest book at a Costco in Seattle earlier this week:
The looks I received from the pair of hipsters working at the checkout was less than positive when they saw it. So I got to thinking, now that I’m back in Vancouver, what reaction would I get carrying that book wearing my red Canada mittens through the more Lefty infested stomping grounds of Vancouver? I might even opt to read it outside at a Starbucks with the cover prominently shown! 🙂

56 Replies to “A Surefire Way to Make Liberal Heads Explode”

  1. Robert W. (Vancouver) at 7:25 PM: “…only to post probably the single most stupid comment in the history of SDA.”
    Nah. That honour belongs to ok(new). Davenport will always be in second place, I’m afraid. Loser, that he is.

  2. Usually get a wide berth in the city when I wear my Glock Shooting Sports hat. Eagerly awaiting the first tard to say something.

  3. I’ve bought books by Michael Savage and Sean Hannity in Vancouver and the clerks do not bat an eyelash. Most people in Vancouver are too wrapped up in themselves to know or care about US or Canadian politics.

  4. Bought Liberty and Tyranny when it came out a year or so ago and every book had the price sticker smack dab over Levin’s face. Laughed a little when I finally had to ask where it was and got it. It was right in the middle of the main isle, in a sectional stacked on top of one another. You would have never known it was the book… Barnes and Noble.

  5. You know what? You should pat yourself on the back for being able to read such a big book.
    So don’t go feeling funny about reading it in Vancouver. We’re happy that you’re so proud of yourself with the big book and your red mittens!
