57 Replies to “Because Greece is so far away”

  1. he has exactly one seat left in rural Ont (don’t know what is wrong with Glengarry-Prescott-Russell)
    Posted by: Martin at February 16, 2012 7:30 PM
    If it isn’t Bush or Stephen Harper’s fault it must be Mike Harris. Back in the day when Harris had to clean up Rae’s mess, one of the things on the chopping block, was the french language services Montfort Hospital in Ottawa.
    G/P/R has a large franco population in a town called Hawkesbury and along the Ottawa River that use that hospital. They rallied to save it from the terrible conservatives under Harris.
    A few weeks before the October election ads ran in the local french papers implying that a conservative government elected in Ontario would again threaten to close their french hospital.
    A tried and true liberal tactic to stir up sh*t.
    So they voted for the lying liberals.
    Regardless the liberal lead was shaved by over 7000 votes over the previous election and the elected memeber only won by approx. 1200 votes.
    Approx. a thousand less people voted in 2011 than before…conservatives perhaps that just couldn’t hold their noses to vote for Hudak perhaps.
    That’s my spin on what happened in G/P/R to be the only red riding in a sea of rural blue.

  2. Approx. a thousand less people voted in 2011 than before…conservatives perhaps that just couldn’t hold their noses to vote for Hudak perhaps…
    Posted by: The Glengarrian at February 17, 2012 3:55 PM
    Yup, and if Waldo Hudak doesn’t soon toss his pink knickers, they’ll have something else to vote for next time round.

  3. “Yup, and if Waldo Hudak doesn’t soon toss his pink knickers, they’ll have something else to vote for next time round.”
    The Trillium Party?

  4. The Glengarrian:
    Thanks for the explanation, I can see that Liberal strategy playing out there. I don’t believe G/P/R has a major problem with industrial wind installations, at least not yet. It all makes sense now.

  5. Doowleb @ 12:33pm;
    Sorry but you won’t get any thanks from me for eastern generosity thru equalization. Surely you realize that program has simply shifted western wealth to the east. If you don’t then you had better do more research. Talk to some farmers who went thru the 30’s.
    It won’t be a question of chopping Quebec from the Canadian equation it will be Western Canada saying goodbye to everything east of Manitoba. If the NDPers there don’t like it they can go to. What upsets me the most is that Ontario should have been a national leader in this country and it took a very self interested approach. It wasn’t eastern money that financed western development it was American.

  6. ct:
    I don’t believe in equalization in any form. Without it, Alberta and Ontario would be much wealthier provinces today. Untold billions have also been shifted from Ontario to the west in the past. Good luck with the smug attitude, the leftists have taken hold of a large section of the west as well. Ontario conservatives are fighting the same enemies the west is.
    By the way, what part of Ontario is your family originally from?
