Tales from the no dissent zone

Former “Daily Kos” contributor Eric Allen Bell was a filmmaker who had a POV entirely in keeping with that of typical west-coast progressives. In 2010, after leaving Hollywood for a quieter life in Murfreesbo,Tennessee, he saw American-flag-waving Evangelicals in his new hometown protesting against the proposed construction of a mega mosque, and decided to make a feature-length documentary about the controversy: “I saw this as something of a David vs. Golliath story – with fanatical Evangelicals bullying a peaceful Muslims population, which had been in the community for over 30 years without their being trouble.”
He returned to California to show a short version of the documentary to his backers and received the go-ahead. “It was decided”, he writes, “that the focus would be on ‘the enemy at home’, that being what we were calling ‘Apocalyptic Christianity'”, and America’s “religious lunatic fringe.” But “something kept nagging at me on a gut level.” He saw the Arab Spring “degenerate into the Islamist Winter”, and read about women in Pakistan facing execution for being raped, and Indonesians being arrested for atheism; he met a cab driver, a Coptic Christian, who expressed concern about his relatives in Egypt, and then “saw that cab driver’s worst fears come true as Coptic Christians were attacked by Islamist mobs.”
Now more informed, he told his backers that the documentary they were making wasn’t entirely honest, and suggested a more balanced view:

“I wanted to show what happens to countries when they gain a Muslim majority, how women are treated, that homosexuals were executed, that free speech did not exist, that the forced Islamic Law was not consistent with Democratic Values – anything and everything I could think of that ought to strike a chord with the Liberal mindset. And the response I received was, ‘Eric you are starting to sound like an Islamophobe.…‘”

The accusation was more than a warning shot: he was banned from Daily Kos, and personally denounced in articles published there; his photo was disseminated online with the appellation “Loon at Large”, and even his progressive friends and acquaintances vilified him a hatemonger and an Islamophobe. Read about Bell’s unpleasant experience with dogmatic forces of the Left in The High Price of Telling the Truth About Islam. Highly recommended.

38 Replies to “Tales from the no dissent zone”

  1. Bee and the Lamb..Gates of Vienna.. Very strong, disturbing language.. However many truth’s. Long, but must read.

  2. This shows what happens when any prominent person leaves the left: they are targeted for destruction by, as the left is so fond of reiterating ” any means necessary. ”

  3. In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
    George Orwell
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  4. It’s a great moment when someone’s eyes open and they truly wake up to the realities of Multiculturalism and Islam.

  5. “Will movie theaters refuse to show it, just like those many bookstores who removed the Danish cartoons from their shelves? Will film festivals be afraid to screen it? Will my life be in danger? Will some lunatic Islamic cleric issue a Fatwa ordering my death?”
    YES,Eric,to all the above. Get your estate in order,appoint an executor,soon.
    You might want to reexamine your liberal feelings regarding gun ownership,too. You may need one.

  6. It’s good that he has seen how ugly the left and Islamofascism are.
    What needs to be done is to pounce on any useful idiot (whatever the debate may be) every time he makes a stupid, indefensible statement. It might be a waste of time on that particular idiot but a would-be idiot might be saved. Also, the echelons of power that would protect this kind of illogical reactionary mud-slinging have to be brought down.

  7. I think as minirity christian live among Muslim majority has same fear and treat
    we saw so many other accident and hate crime toward muslim who live in miniroty among majority of christian
    please don’t tell me you majority of christian are all so nice with muslim miniroty in Canada
    amount of humuilation and disrespect I saw in Canada as Muslim minirity group labled us I never faced or can immigine when I was lived among Muslim majority group in our back home
    and how christian treat us in Canada like trash and take our freedom of human right in find job in way we eat in way we dress in way we like law to support us is worst in Canada jail muslim in Canada with hate and charge Muslim with so many unfact criminal charges just because they hated Muslim
    Canada is in list most hated Muslim country in world who treat Muslim in Canada in very bad shape
    in future muslim in world need to have human right for muslim to support mulsim in canada
    the problems of some Muslim majority and /or Christian majority is that they never see those difference they grow up with community like each other like same language same idea and like and dislike now they must respect and step back and do not fight or do not hate other party and
    worst than all
    to ACCEPT and welcome minirity group
    most people do not welcome minirority group in thier country and minirity always are different people with different beleives

  8. @ ok at February 17, 2012 12:42 AM
    You state:”Canada is in list most hated Muslim country in world who treat Muslim in Canada in very bad shape
    in future muslim in world need to have human right for muslim to support mulsim in canada”.
    That is where one of the problems lie. You come to this country for a better way of life but do not adapt to our heritage or our ideals. You drag your ideals over here and expect us to adapt to them. You say(I think) that Canada treats Muslims very badly. I would disagree but even if it were true, then you have earned it. Rather than appreciate a new start in your host country the first thing many muslims do is try to bite the hand that welcomed them. Tolerate Christians but never let us forget you hate the cradle of Christianity, Israel. Offer us death threats at the slightest rejection of your religious beliefs. Strive for Sharia laws that are not compatible with our laws. Why do you come here? You would be much happier in countries like Spain which is now 40% muslim due to failed multiculture experiments and the same lefty mentality. I would suggest you either appreciate Canada for the freedoms it has offered you or just go back to where you came from. Take Mohammed with you. We don’t need him.

  9. OK’s bad english is deliberate…
    It’s a projection technique leftists use to portray conservatives as uneducated christian red-neck bigots.
    Get Lost …OK!

  10. Glenn – we conservatives must learn to accept with grace those who have had the scales fall from their eyes.
    It does no good to say “I told you so”, or “you made your bed, now lie in it”. Just because he has not moved as far as you might wish is no reason to castigate him for the difficult distance he has traveled.
    When his former fellow travellers are rejecting him, we would be wiser to embrace and inform him as he continues his journey to intellectual freedom.

  11. Like Andrew Breitbart and Pat Dollard, among many others, perhaps Bell has had his road-to-Damascus moment. I say cut him some slack and let everyone observe who the truly intolerant are.

  12. Wow, some brave soul whose professional life depends on a popular leftist consensus, can do a 180. Don’t think I could do it if it meant my livelihood, guess that’s what Alison Chavez is counting on here in Alberta.

  13. the only way we can stop this “right think” is to constantly correct the idiots who spew it and not let them get away with spouting this nonsense without a rebuttle

  14. Well ya know OK may have a point…..look at how disgracefully Canada has treated the dovout Shafias of Montreal…..this would never occur in Pakistan…

  15. You know ok is correct why just yesterday my church got together and we killed us a Muslim. I suppose kill might be too strong a word. Shall I say, well at least we got together at his coffee shop and enjoyed a cup of his finest.

  16. The fact the left has the MSM wrapped around it’s finger and chirps on command certainly indicates what credibility they have left…………..0

  17. well dear carisssssstians, if your God is in control always, what’s the problem?
    stop fighting it, learn to let go, put it behind you, turn the other cheek.

  18. Not surprising that when someone leaves the progressive plantation of modern-day liberalism, he is met with the same fate as a muslim converting to a different religion.
    Hey Joe, I think ok needs more pork in his/her/it’s diet.

  19. This man’s surprise at getting kicked out of the Left is symptomatic. Same thing happened to that girl Molly Norris who started Everybody Draw Mohamed Day. She back pedalled at the speed of sound and to date she’s still persona non grata on the Left and a major target for Islamist fruitloops.
    People don’t understand that the Left is a collective. When they say “do your own thing” its a lie.

  20. I think Bell should make a documentary, but not about embattled American mosques OR the horrors of the Arab Spring. I’d like to see him do one about leftist support for radical Islam. Gay activists marching with imams, feminists supporting FGM, lefty professors lying about militant Islam’s role in history, left-wing media whitewashing stories about Muslim violence, Hollywood refusing to do movies about Muslim terrorists… Etc, etc, etc.
    It’d be a real eye-opener for a lot of people. There must surely be some well-off conservatives who could back it financially. We need to get this stuff out there.

  21. Kudos to Mr. Bell. When people come to the truth, acknowledge it and act in good conscience on the new information, you’ve got to applaud it. Kind of like St Paul’s conversion. Who knows, perhaps Mr. Bell, if he has the courage, may use his talent in movie-making and shaping opinion to change the opinions of the ignorant who people the Left in a more effective way. God knows, we’ve been saying this a long time…but nobody really listens to our message. So maybe we’re being given new allies in this fight for the Truth to come out…the real test is how we treat the newcomer.

  22. If you have not visited it, Daily Kos is a very creepy web site. There is a sort of cultish, mindless tone to it. It is just a short step away from the old-style propaganda methods that the Russians used to employ.
    Make sure your kids read and understand Orwell’s 1984 – then when they hit a site like the Daily Kos they will recognize it instantly for what it is.

  23. ok >
    That is why we don’t mix.
    You should stay in your country and we will stay in ours. We will trade you wheat and medicine for oil and everyone is happy.
    You should stay home and build your own functioning societies with universities, industries, and institutions that aid your society instead of using our technologies.
    Maybe then we could like each other more and get along.

  24. Upon a bit of reflection, this tells you all you need to know about dealing with The Left. Kate’s quote captures it the best, “Pleasing your enemies does not turn them into friends.”
    Even if you ARE a Lefty, any evidence of independent thought will get you clobbered. Even if all you’re doing is loyally defending The Left’s own standards and philosophy against an obvious threat, as Bell did.
    This is because The Left doesn’t actually -have- standards or philosophy. Or loyalty. Those are Conservative things. What The Left have is “shut up and do as you’re told.” Because ITS A COLLECTIVE! If you stick out you’re going to get hammered down. The individual is a replaceable unit with no rights or importance, just a function. If a unit stops functioning they yank it out, smash it and stick in a new one.
    So they can’t be reasoned with, engaged, pacified, appeased, or even quelled. They must be DEFEATED and driven from power first and foremost, then every time they lift their heads you smack them down like you would a scorpion.
    That’s why I think its a mistake for SUN TV to have Special K on, for example. The way to treat guys like that is to expose them for the frauds they are every single time they show up in public. You don’t give them air time to “tell their side of the story”, because they don’t have a side. There is no story. Its an attack, and you treat it as such.
    Now, I normally don’t read anything ok says, but because of some of the comments I had a look.
    Dear ok, as a country which accepts immigrants, this is as good as it gets. There really is no country more accepting and easy going than Canada. Most of us truly and absolutely do not care a d@mn what religion you are or what you eat or what you wear. Go nuts, have a party. That’s the Canadian opinion.
    But, Canadians have another side too. We don’t like people who won’t follow The Rules.
    We don’t like people who cut in line. We don’t like people who trample the public flower beds at a parade so they can see better. We don’t like people who can’t drive properly on a public street. We aren’t fond of people who disdain our customs, clothing, and history. We really friggin’ hate guys who beat up women and women who beat up their kids.
    We won’t say anything about it though, because we’re Canadians and we were brought up to be polite and distant to people we don’t like. It takes a pretty major transgression to get a Canadian to tell a perfect stranger off in public.
    So if complete strangers are treating you badly, especially in Toronto, you are -really- p1ssing them off. I would suggest that if you tried that crap in Pakistan you’d get a hell of a lot more violent response than you get here on your worst day.
    WE are not going to change our ways to make YOU happy. Because this is OUR country, and we do it here the way WE do it. So if you want to get along, maybe you should start doing what everybody else does instead of being a pain in the @ss to everybody you meet.
    Bonus for you though, if you don’t want to get along we won’t stuff you in jail and beat you to death the way they’re known to do in other places. Like Pakistan. Be all the jerk you can be, we don’t care.
    In Canada, the nail which sticks up is left sticking up.

  25. What is the left’s obsession with radical islam? Why do they love it so much? Is it the common hatred of America that binds them together?

  26. as for ok going home, we don’t need to trade wheat for oil, we have our own.
    Send everyone of the muslims back to the middle east and let them eat there own oil, if anyone else in the world wants to pay them for their oil we should bomb them back the 7th century so they can be equal with the murderous muslims.
    In Libya Qaddafi is dead and so is the big TURDOH, so no more bumbuddies stealing wheat from western farmers to line a dictators pockets. Personally the sooner the muslims are out of MY country the better and if they could a fag or 2 with each of them would be even better.

  27. What is the left’s obsession with radical islam? Why do they love it so much? Is it the common hatred of America that binds them together?
    Posted by: james at February 17, 2012 11:37 AM
    Try Jamie Glazov’s United In Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror.
    It’s all there.

  28. james @ 11:37 a.m.: “What is the left’s obsession with radical islam? Why do they love it so much? Is it the common hatred of America that binds them together?”
    They do hate America, but more than that they hate human life (including themselves). They’re in bed with radical Islam because the latter is so incompatible with the western way of life in general. The left will do anything to disrupt western society. It’s part of the political correctness agenda from the early 20th century, which is an offshoot of Marxism.
    The mindlessness of the left stems from the philosophy of Immanuel Kant in the 18th century, which divorced reason from reality. His successor G. W. F. Hegel claimed to be using “reason” but this was meaningless because he was not talking about reality. Marx famously declared that he would put Hegel “on his feet” (rather than “on his head”, as his critics claimed) and emphasized the material rather than the mental. The existentialists who rejected reason outright are merely offshoots of all of this. Fortunately, Ayn Rand came along to set everything right, but it hasn’t permeated the culture yet. Since she has both reason and reality on her side, I predict that it will do so soon enough.
