10 Replies to “Is the Danish Gravy Train Running on Empty?”

  1. When you give up your independence to the Nanny state, why would you be surprised that Nanny wants to run your life ? Same path we are on as a nation. There are never enough rules and regulations to satisfy professional busybodies or activists. Social justice is another term to bring everyone down to the same poverty level. Denmark, Norway and Sweden are all living in social justice utopia but unfortunately have now run out of other peoples money.

  2. I could live with the nanny state if there was an opt-out clause but there isn’t because nanny statism is collectivist despotism sold as a Happy Meal.
    Until the time the nanny state allows those who do not wish to participate to opt out and fly on their own, best prepare for civil revolt because that is where this will go if the control freaks running it keep pushing.

  3. Nanny state? Police’s state? He11 no. It’s Soviet Union redux. Toews & Harper are trying really hard to get us there.

  4. We Americans don’t have to worry about this. There is no money, and the credit card is tapped out. The Feds are already having trouble rolling over the debt.
    Even the Glorious Imperial Legions are facing significant cuts, and that’s only the beginning. My home state has one of the core, never-will-be-closed Air Force bases. About half of it is a ghost town, right now. The Air Force is getting rid of hundreds of airplanes, including most of the hated A-10s.

  5. There is nothing more vicious than a cornered rat. A ruling bureacracy will do ‘anything’ to maintain their existance and in fact enhance it.
    A under reported story in Canada is the fear that permeates the federal civil service which is facing so called cut backs by the Conservatives. The fact that this government continued hiring through 2008-09 makes absolutely no difference. Even with the fear from what is happening in Euroland opposition politicans argue now is not the time to cut back. Nobody in the MSM challenges such treason.

  6. You can’t make gravy without butter

    I think you’re thinking of Norway.
    This is odd since Danish taxes and business regulation are lighter than in America.

    Danish income taxes are more evenly spread throughout society – “everyone” pays something. And then there’s the 25% VAT. And all the use taxes, like that on fuel, cigarettes, and alcohol… and bottles, cans, bags, and virtually everything else. And, oh, yeah, it’s criminal if you don’t pay your yearly contribution to the state TV/radio.
    As for business regulation, how does one measure lighter? Is there some internationally recognized measurement? I have a lot of trouble believing that a state and a culture with this much interest in taxing will be somehow be less regulatory. Moreover, this is a country with environmental regulations like those in San Francisco, regulations against carrying knives, and anti-free speech laws. Lighter? I doubt it.
    Note also that while this progression has been occurring over the past 20, 30 years, Danes, the so-called happiest people in the world, have accepted each and every new tax and new regulation with a hearty “thank you, sir, may I have another”.
