Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?

“The real threat is the sophisticated forces of Islamism, which have collaborated with the American Left not only to undermine U.S. national security but to shred the fabric of American constitutional democracy.”

20 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?”

  1. Remember Obama is muslim.He is taking the US down the rat hole. It’s also happening in Canada. It’s time to stand up for freedom in this country and purge this country of the threat.

  2. Bah! belabouring the obvious. “President Obama doesn’t seem to see the problem”, because to him it is not a problem but a desired outcome. Bambi is an anti-American whose father and stepfather were Muslims, and who was partly raised in a Muslim country; whose mother did field work in a Muslim country; whose tenderness toward Islam is well documented; and whose sympathies for the regime in Iran are well known.
    Why people don’t see this about Bambi I don’t know.

  3. i agree, bam bam is a muzzie.
    a trojan horse who’s main objective is the destruction of the u.s.a.
    one more term of this pos and it’s all over, if it isn’t already.
    there won’t be one thing thats a secret to the enemy, the obomination knows them all!
    the only ones being duped is us!
    well, not all of us.
    thats my story and ..

  4. The left and Radical Islam are fellow travelers, “progressing” down the road to cradle to grave state control of… Well, everything. They may have different visions of the details of the destination, but share the belief that a “top down” model of governance is nessesary. Obama’s no fool…

  5. Fu@k racist remarks the man is a muslim who wants to destroy the US. The first muslim US pres. will destroy 250 years in 4 years.

  6. What we have is a magnet. Two philosophies as polar opposite and anathema to each other, yet welded together, as can be…
    – anti-God/ Theocracy
    – feminism/ Chattle
    – open education for all/ … all males
    – ban the bra/ burka rights
    – minority rights/ ‘who?’
    The one commonality is the Lefts loathing of the current American system and Islamists loathing of America period. And toss in Israel as icing.
    Historically one of the first things ultra leftists do when they achieve power is eliminate religious dissent. I wonder if Islamists think this time will be different and they will outsmart the Left.
    I fear they may be right.

  7. No, bama’s not a muslim in colusion with fanatical brethren. He’s more dangerous than that.
    He’s a dickhead who has been handed incredible power; and he sees himself as the world’s saviour.

  8. Bbbbuuuuuut this isn’t what ET said last Feb 2011 defending the Arab Spring and the Muslim brotherhood.
    Anyway, people don’t give Obamba the credit for knowing what he’s doing enough. Every street hustler, scummy politician, or radical with an agenda knows what they are doing; the trick for many is to appear that they don’t.
    There is no way that American administrations, the European Union, and by extension all western governments are as stupid and incompetent as they so obviously appear. It is really inconceivable when you see the grand scale of absurd “mistakes” concerning foreign and domestic policies, the economy, homeland security, open borders, The Patriot and National Defence Authorization Act’s, and the UN’s Agenda 21 et al.
    There are simply far too many accidental consciences to be any sort of coincidence after awhile. The answer key lay’s in Globalization and the social engineering aka restructuring of our societies into a Liberal Progressive utopia of a global pseudo communist society.

  9. Sell weapons to the various middle east countries and then get them to fight each other, shia against sunni, arab against persian.
    The rest of can live in peace and make some money off the rubes at the same time.

  10. It was not an accident that Obama gave his first television interview to Al-Jazeera after his inauguration. When he did thaty I knew exactly what the POS was all about. Too bad the left is too stupid to realize they are his useful idiots.

  11. Jamie MacMaster at February 17, 2012 2:47 PM He thinks he is the second coming. The muslims will rule the world and kill off every one else.

  12. Fred
    I like your thinking, we should do that with the Indians in this country as well just throw in free booze.

  13. I have no reason to believe Obama is a Muslim. He is simply a Left Wing Nut that thinks he can mold America into his Socialist wet dreams.
    We have seen this all before. Marx, Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler and innumerable others.
    Many years ago I read a book by Fletcher Knebel called “The Dark Horse.”
    Very prescient.

  14. Sell weapons to the various middle east countries and then get them to fight each other, shia against sunni, arab against persian.
    The rest of can live in peace and make some money off the rubes at the same time.

    Smart strategy. Get all Christians out and sell them lots of Sarin.

  15. The leftist and the Islamist both seek to destroy the West and its foundational belief system of Christianity. As can be expected as both Leftism and Islam is satanic.

  16. All this was so avoidable with proper immigration restriction. Why import the problem you are waging war against? Unless your objective is to undermine western society – in that regard Radical Islam and the radical left have a convergence point.
