64 Replies to “President Romney a Disaster for America’s Conservatives?”

  1. And I will give boys to be their princes, and with impulsive changing minds shall rule over them. (Isa 3:4)

  2. The only thing that Barry has learned on the job is how to accelerate the expansion of America’s debt.
    Not really something that would inspire my vote, not that I have one.

  3. Romney reminds me of John Tory.
    Delringopole’s missive is based on the assumption that Romney can beat Obama. But he won’t beat Obama. There’s nothing in him to inspire Republican voters to bother to get out of their home and vote. Sure, most still will, but a few percent will not, and that will decide the election, as it always does.
    America needs Mike Harris, not John Tory.
    The ONLY reason to really want Obama out is that he will appoint more supremes, and that’s going to be a big problem.

  4. fiddle: with Valerie Jarret running the White House I think Issiah 3:12 is more appropriate. “Childish leaders oppress my people, and women rule over them. O my people, your leaders mislead you; they send you down the wrong road.”

  5. 20% of Republicans leaning to Obama! 2012 election looks like replay of 2008
    Before the primaries the GOP had a good chance of ousting Obama, instead they’ve come across as pigs on ice instead of credible leadership material. The Republican stupidity of warring amongst themselves and tearing each other down has turned off the middle-of-the-road voters who could have given them the White House.
    WASHINGTON 09 Feb, 2012 – For critics of Barack Obama, 2012 has been portrayed as a do-or-die year for the country – an election that will determine whether America stays on the road to European-style socialism or veers right to reclaim its positions as the most vibrant economy in the world and the home of individual liberty.
    But the 2012 election is looking more like a replay of 2008 than a do-over.
    The latest WND/Wenzel Poll shows none of the current crop of Republican presidential candidates has solidified the base of the party, with one in five GOP voters leaning toward support of Obama in November.

  6. I said earlier that Romney with a Republican house and senate is a conservative government.
    For those who say that Obama = Romney, would you agree with the following?
    Obama + Republican Senate + Republican House = Conservative Government?
    Remember, Obama > Clinton. He will not pivot like Clinton did.

  7. Jesus, this guy doesn’t understand American government.
    There are three Supreme Court nominations at stake here and hundreds of federal judge appointments.
    There are appointments of leaders of government departments, agencies, and corporations at stake.
    There are vetoes and executive orders at stake.
    No Republican candidate can possibly cause as much damage through moderation than Obama can with extreme leftism.
    People are still clinging to faint hopes of a conservative or libertarian messiah. Remember, that’s how we got Obama.
    We need a winner, now more than ever.

  8. Zog’s comments about those “hard-assed conservatives” only highlight that the Right has a number of supporters who are just as pig-ignorant as the kibbitzers at a ghetto barbershop. Unfortunately, the kibbitzers will accept their drive to the polls (probably several different polls) and pull the “Vote all Democrats” lever.

  9. I think Delingpole is wrong on this one.
    I agree with the second post: “Don’t reject the good and embrace the bad because the good isn’t perfect.”
    On economic policy, Ron Paul is far ahead of the others (Paul Ryan might be up there with him, were he in the race). The biggest problem with Ron Paul is that his foreign policy has its eyes closed, which is not a libertarian attitude at all.

  10. Zero will not accept defeat – it’s not in his narcissist personality to do so. He will do ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING to keep himself in power. I’d say he would off his own grandmother, but she already died the day before he was elected.

  11. It’s too late…Obama will AGAIN be President…it has been preordained…unfortunately.

  12. Even with a 63% turnout, that still leaves a majority of eligible voters that didn’t vote
    Where did you study arithmetic? In Greece?

  13. half canadian
    The gravest danger with Maobama is his already advanced policy of bypassing Congress by means of executive orders and executive agencies such as the EPA and Justice….governing/ruling without Congress….
    The man’s gotta go!
    Maobama’s albatros is his blatant play of the race card…..
    My considerable circle of “black” contacts are perhaps not representative, due to their membership in the “warrior caste” (eg Allen West), but it may indicate Maobama’s support in the Afro-American demographic is restricted mostly to the bottom end of the “black” food chain.
    Those most offended by Maobama’s racism are the middle-upper class “blacks”…..inconvenienced and marginalized by Maobama’s resurrection of racial division.
    Maobama has not lost Jewish/Catholic support for DEMONcRATS but lost a majority of those demographics.
    ACORN is Maobama’s and the DEMONcRATS last great black hope for re-election. Deceased voters in 2008, have been estimated in the millions….2.5 million dead folk on the current voter rolls….
    Holder and Maobama have made voter photo ID a line in the sand…..
