31 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Hands up if you’re surprised:
    “A senior Scientologist was locked up, beaten and tortured by the controversial religion’s tyrannical leadership, a court has heard after an attempt by the Church to silence her spectacularly backfired. Debbie Cook, who was one of the organisation’s most respected executives before she quit in 2007, testified that she was held for 45 days in a crowded, ant-infested trailer in the California desert.
    “Mrs Cook said she was forced to partake in ‘confession’ sessions during which she stood in a dustbin for two hours while water was poured over her head and abuse screamed in her face. One senior executive who upset the Scientology leadership was made to lick a dirty floor for half an hour, she said…”

  2. The New York Times’ definition of paedophilia:
    “[s]exual relations often demanded of [girls] at a young age”
    On the other hand,
    Female Iranian Ninjas (with video, plus soundtrack!)
    Spectacular pictures of the aurora borealis:

  3. Parallel lives?
    A mother of a 25 years old marine killed in Afghanistan four weeks ago is unhappy about half staff flag for the singer Houston as opposed to individual soldiers that died in a war.
    In the affairs of today, the death of a soldier does not count as much as someone that sang for living.
    Unfortunately, it is just a matter of time when race profiteers will point to the race. 1…2…3… listen.
    The ancestors of the bankrupt Greeks of today knew how to honor fallen soldiers.
    One of the funeral oration of Pericles as recorded by Thucydides :
    The speeches of Pericles lifted the spirit of those that lost their sons and made them proud.
    Not so much today.

  4. Two importan things needs to talk about it
    one chore and list of job need to say to kid consider thier age and their physical and mental ability and responsibility
    second: different topics
    If some did accident and went to collision report and said lied in police report TO POLICE
    this is like abstract to police
    and this lying in how accident happend by said story upside down and said other party was guilty while this is not true
    IF this is proof the person lied to collision report they must charge not only to traffic ticket but also they must charge criminally to abstract police station in report collision
    I hate lairs

  5. I don’t get stuff. I’m sorry that everything in the Congo is apparently so awful, but I dont understand why you’re blocking our streets.
    I mean, what are you trying to accomplish? Do you want Canada to colonize the Congo? Is that the idea here? Somehow I doubt it. Also, you will lose a throwdown with a horse.
    Stolen from Five Feet of Fury

  6. from the “things you just can’t make up” file…
    I don’t want to appear insensitive…yeah, I do…but what are pregnant troops going to be doing in a high-impact environment anyway ?
    Soldiers don fake belly, breasts to better understand pregnant troops’ exercise concerns
    By Seth Robson
    Stars and Stripes
    Published: February 16, 2012
    CAMP ZAMA, Japan – The Army is ordering its hardened combat veterans to wear fake breasts and empathy bellies so they can better understand how pregnant soldiers feel during physical training.
    This week, 14 noncommissioned officers at Camp Zama took turns wearing the “pregnancy simulators” as they stretched, twisted and exercised during a three-day class that teaches them to serve as fitness instructors for pregnant soldiers and new mothers.
    Army enlisted leaders all over the world are being ordered to take the Pregnancy Postpartum Physical Training Exercise Leaders Course, or PPPT, according to U.S. Army Medical Activity Japan health promotion educator Jana York.
    Developed by the Army in 2008, the course includes aerobics classes, pool sessions and classroom studies on the physiology of pregnant women. The NCOs learn special exercises for pregnant women, who shouldn’t push themselves too hard or participate in high-impact activities such as snowboarding, bungee jumping or horse riding, York said.

  7. “End of tax credit a blow for wind power industry”
    “Up to 37,000 jobs, many in Illinois, could be lost as projects are halted or abandoned”
    “The wind power industry is predicting massive layoffs and stalled or abandoned projects after a deal to renew a tax credit failed Thursday in Washington.
    The move is expected to have major ramifications in states such as Illinois, where 13,892 megawatts of planned wind projects — enough to power 3.3 million homes per year — are seeking to be connected to the electric grid. Many of those projects will be abandoned or significantly delayed without federal subsidies.”

  8. O.K.
    Everybody lies OK, some even fool themselves. It is part of the price for being a human, the trick is recognizing it in yourself.

  9. Bemused, clearly you haven’t taken any sensitivity training lately. Today’s trained killers are a gentle caring sharing lot, and they have feelings too.
    Chances are these exercises are for political hacks that can point these things out to their leftoid constituents and of course the MSM.

  10. All of those Congolese demonstrators on University Avenue in rush hour should have been arrested. Did they have a permit to disrupt Toronto traffic? Toronto’s hard enough to negotiate in a vehicle without a group of unruly, anarchic demonstrators hijacking one of Toronto’s main arteries.
    I heard about this demonstration on my car radio yesterday afternoon, just after 4:00. and was grateful I didn’t have to go anywhere near the fracas. I did wonder, however, how many emergency vehicles would be able to approach the hospitals on University Avenue with these folks stopping traffic for a few blocks.
    IMO, there should be no demonstrations allowed on University Avenue because of all of the hospitals. In some cases, it’s a matter of life or death if an emergency vehicle can’t get through.
    Enough, already. I’m tired of dissident groups holding Torontonians hostage by unruly demonstrations on our downtown streets.

  11. (Like the three cars in front of me, in fewer than three minutes today, turning right from the left hand lane [and I wasn’t doing anything annoying!], I’ve seen the misuse of “its” and “it’s” so many times in the last two days, in multiple places, it would be nice to see something different. Here’s a free grammar lesson:
    CONTRACTION: “it’s” is the contraction for “it is”, as in, “I hope it’s not going to rain today.”
    POSSESSIVE: “its”—NO APOSTROPHE—means “belonging to it”, as in, “The dog wagged its tail.” Really.
    If I had my way, I’d just put the apostrophe in both of them: not using an apostrophe in the possessive is definitely a very strange breaking of the rule. But, there it is.)

  12. Of Socialism & Tommy Douglas & eugenics.
    Of National Socialism’s “lethal chamber”.
    “Eugenics: the skeleton that rattles loudest in the left’s closet
    Socialism’s one-time interest in eugenics is dismissed as an accident of history. But the truth is far more unpalatable”
    “Does the past matter? When confronted by facts that are uncomfortable, but which relate to people long dead, should we put them aside and, to use a phrase very much of our time, move on? And there’s a separate, but related, question: how should we treat the otherwise admirable thought or writings of people when we discover that those same people also held views we find repugnant?
    Those questions are triggered in part by the early responses to Pantheon, my new novel published this week under the pseudonym Sam Bourne. The book is a thriller, set in the Oxford and Yale of 1940, but it rests on several true stories. Among those is one of the grisliest skeletons in the cupboard of the British intellectual elite, a skeleton that rattles especially loudly inside the closet of the left.
    It is eugenics, the belief that society’s fate rested on its ability to breed more of the strong and fewer of the weak. So-called positive eugenics meant encouraging those of greater intellectual ability and “moral worth” to have more children, while negative eugenics sought to urge, or even force, those deemed inferior to reproduce less often or not at all. The aim was to increase the overall quality of the national herd, multiplying the thoroughbreds and weeding out the runts.
    Such talk repels us now, but in the prewar era it was the common sense of the age. Most alarming, many of its leading advocates were found among the luminaries of the Fabian and socialist left, men and women revered to this day. Thus George Bernard Shaw could insist that “the only fundamental and possible socialism is the socialisation of the selective breeding of man”, even suggesting, in a phrase that chills the blood, that defectives be dealt with by means of a “lethal chamber”.
    Such thinking was not alien to the great Liberal titan and mastermind of the welfare state, William Beveridge, who argued that those with “general defects” should be denied not only the vote, but “civil freedom and fatherhood”.
    “Tommy’s war on the weak”
    “Canada’s icon of health-care compassion wanted to sterilize mentally and physically disabled canadians and ship them to camps. that’s just one of tommy douglas’s many chilling ideas that his fans are trying to erase from history”
    “John Robson – July 3, 2006”
    “The greatest Canadian of all time said we should sterilize mental defectives. Wait. Before you report this magazine to the human rights commission, or press hate crime charges for attempting to glorify some neo-Nazi or antiquated bigot, you should know this: we’re talking about Tommy Douglas. The Tommy Douglas. The New Democrat pioneer. The socialist icon. The father of our vaunted medicare system. The man voted the Greatest Canadian of all time by CBC viewers. His 1933 master’s thesis in sociology–“The Problems of the Subnormal Family”–staunchly advocated eugenics in the most merciless terms. And almost nobody dares mention anything about it.
    That Tommy Douglas holds a venerated place in Canadian mythology is beyond dispute. He’s not just a hero to left-wing nationalists like Mel Hurtig or CBC television viewers. When the Reform party created a portrait gallery of “bridge builders” in their caucus room in 1996, Douglas was there (along with Louis Riel and three of the Famous Five). What’s especially disquieting about Douglas’s flirtation with eugenics is that, like recent revelations about Pierre Trudeau’s youthful anti-Semitism, reactionary clerico-political views and blindness to Nazi aggression, these are not things we did not know. We just chose not to think about them.”

  13. O’solyndra AGW fraud.
    “Solyndra in Grand Jury Crosshairs: Documents”
    “A grand jury has been convened in what appears to be the next significant step of the federal criminal investigation into Solyndra, the politically-connected and now bankrupt solar firm that received a half-billion dollar loan guarantee from the government, according to court documents.
    The role of the grand jury was revealed in documents filed in bankruptcy court last week by K&L Gates, a law firm retained by Solyndra reportedly just weeks after the FBI raided Solyndra’s California headquarters in September. The documents give a daily account of K&L Gates’ employees activities in reference to Solyndra and often refer to communications concerning a “grand jury subpoena”.
    The K&L Gates documents, first reported by The Washington Times, also show the attorneys had more than two dozen interactions with the U.S. Attorney’s office and the FBI. The first mention of a “grand jury” came on Oct. 9.
    The criminal investigation into the failed solar power company has become a political lightning rod as Republicans in Congress have suggested undue political influence affected the Obama administration’s decision to award Solyndra a $535 million loan guarantee in 2009, despite early warning signs the company could be heading for trouble.”

  14. O’solyndra AGW fraud.
    “Solyndra in Grand Jury Crosshairs: Documents”
    “A grand jury has been convened in what appears to be the next significant step of the federal criminal investigation into Solyndra, the politically-connected and now bankrupt solar firm that received a half-billion dollar loan guarantee from the government, according to court documents.
    The role of the grand jury was revealed in documents filed in bankruptcy court last week by K&L Gates, a law firm retained by Solyndra reportedly just weeks after the FBI raided Solyndra’s California headquarters in September. The documents give a daily account of K&L Gates’ employees activities in reference to Solyndra and often refer to communications concerning a “grand jury subpoena”.
    The K&L Gates documents, first reported by The Washington Times, also show the attorneys had more than two dozen interactions with the U.S. Attorney’s office and the FBI. The first mention of a “grand jury” came on Oct. 9.
    The criminal investigation into the failed solar power company has become a political lightning rod as Republicans in Congress have suggested undue political influence affected the Obama administration’s decision to award Solyndra a $535 million loan guarantee in 2009, despite early warning signs the company could be heading for trouble.”
    ABC News:

  15. Of socialism: Our Work Is A Never Endumb Work.
    We seek it here; we seek it there; the denmad “elusive Greek bailout deal”.
    All there is? One more “crunch meeting”; meanwhile the “Greek caretaker”/janitor talks to himself. It’s all Greek.
    “More work needed yet on elusive Greek bailout deal”
    “ATHENS (Reuters) – European leaders expressed optimism on Friday that Greece would secure a new rescue package worth 130 billion euros ($171 billion) though policymakers admitted urgent work was still needed to get its debt-cutting program back on track.
    Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, who will chair a crunch meeting of euro zone finance ministers on Monday, said efforts to slash Greece’s debt from 160 percent of annual output to a target of 120 percent by 2020 were still “far away” from fruition.
    “All the discussions I will have … until Sunday night will try to move the figure nearer to the target,” Juncker, who is also the head of the Eurogroup, told reporters in his home capital.
    Earlier, Greek caretaker Prime Minister Lucas Papademos talked …”.

  16. Eugenics, never implemented by Tommy Douglas, but a part of Alberta’s policy when under the leadership of Premier Ernest Manning. He was the father of Preston Manning, the founder of the Reform Party which would later become the Conservative Party under Stephen Harper. Interesting how there are only a couple of degrees of separation between Stephen Harper’s Conservatives and the Nazis. It’s not that surprising that Vic Teows is doing his best to be the new Himmler.

  17. Proof electric cars DO cause more pollution than normal ones: Study shows impact is worse than petrol-powered vehicles
    No, electric cars CAN cause more pollution.
    It all depends on how they’re charged.
    For example, an electric car charged from a PV solar array does not emit pollution.

  18. Libertarian Libertine’s Journal.
    What is this? >>> “Tart”.
    Who’s the tart?
    Could the tart be “Tabatha Southey | Columnist profile | E-mail
    From Saturday’s Globe and Mail”? Could be.
    “If only Tory caucus walls could talk (and Vic Toews couldn’t)”
    “Tabatha Southey | Columnist profile | E-mail
    From Saturday’s Globe and Mail”

  19. Eugenics Applied in the Bloodlands: H/T National Socialism/communism’s brother/lberia’s Idols.
    The Brothers: Red Joe vs Brown Adolf.
    “Memories of a Jewish ‘Avenger’”
    “She had me at the photo.
    Something about the pose the young woman struck – she’s the one on the right – conveyed that quiet, intense, world-weary romantic look of the partisan resistance fighter that was founded in France, Spain and Greece, staging hit-and-run attacks on the Nazis and Fascists in the 1930s and 40s.”
    “In her case, the battle was fought mostly in Lithuania, and she was Jewish. She died Wednesday at 92.
    Vitka Kovner (nee Kempner) fled her native Poland in 1939 when the German army marched in and took refuge in the then-unoccupied Lithuanian capital of Vilna (known now as Vilnius). A member of the largely Communist Hashomer Hatzair Jewish youth movement, Vitka, then only 19, found comrades in the capital’s Jewish ghetto.
    When Russia occupied Lithuania in 1940, Vitka fled again, returning to the city in June 1941, when Germany occupied the area. That was when Vitka and her young colleagues decided to stay and fight.
    The group rounded up other youths hiding in nearby monasteries and set up operations inside the ghetto, which the German army had isolated. Ms. Kovner told Yad Vashem Quarterly Magazine 11 years ago that her organization had three goals: to wage an uprising if and when the Germans moved in on the ghetto; to stage terrorist attacks outside the ghetto, and ultimately to join the partisans operating in the forest.
    “I joined the team that was responsible for terrorist attacks outside the ghetto,” she said, “and my first and most important mission … was to detonate a bomb on the railway in order to damage the train that transported equipment to the war front.”
    “I sat entire nights following the trains’ routes, trying to determine the hours they passed by and when the Germans patrolled and checked the railways,” she recalled.
    “Finally … we sneaked out the bomb that Abba [Kovner, later a poet and her husband] had built and detonated it.” The blast did serious damage to the train and killed a number of German soldiers.”
