68 Replies to “Rex Murphy on Canada’s Newest Separatist, Justin Trudeau”

  1. dont blame Justin , the product of a failed marriage, a bi father, a looney mom, a brother overinfatuated with Castro.and Michel sleeps with the fishes. a product of CBCpravda hype ever since he was born barely 9 months after the weddin’ on christmas day 1971

  2. KPD @ 6:06 AM :
    “Minister Dweezil Zappa Trudeau to you sir!”
    That’s it! That’s it exactly – that’s the look the royal hoser is aping. I wonder if Dweez knows – gotta tweet him.

  3. I miss quuerbec NDPissed.
    It would be fun to read the regurgitated fromage musings of the petty snail slurper.

  4. As unpleasant, annoying and mind-bogglingly (is that a word?) stupid as Trudeau is, the fawning media is just as bad, if not worse…
    Posted by: biffjr. at February 17, 2012 11:20 AM
    Boy, you said it all right there my friend.
    It’s kind of a narcism thing: the media peers into the Trudeau pool and see a reflection of themselves…but the only thing they miss is the shallowness.

  5. I agree with biff also. Those zombies stood there waiting breathlessly, mikes in hand , cameras running to catch every twist and twirl in his curls and whirls.
    BTW…if anyone has the know how…it would be great to post the ‘toon in the print edition of todays’ TOSun. It is priceless.

  6. I for one, strongly object to Murphy comparing Turdeau to Captain Jack Sparrow. Capt’n Jack has much more scruples.

  7. The best thing that can happen to Canada is if Justin becomes the Dauphin of Quebec, and leads them into a glorious new empire… all by themselves.

  8. i’m with ‘nord du soixante” at February 17, 2012 12:51 AM and MJ at February 17, 2012 10:34 AM —-
    in quebec separatism, nationalism, sovereignty association and independence are the failed diluted rebrandings of national socialism. justin denies lusting after the laurel but it has yet to be offered (don’t hold your breath.) he’d make a great successor to duceppe, marois, landry, boisclair and parizeau – all pretenders to the throne.
    in the local sense, it rubs me the wrong way that many posters here are willing to validate this greasy political suicide by suggesting a breakup of canada is in anyone’s interest. it would be a disastrous calamity of biblical proportion by any reckoning (ok i’m exaggerating a bit) whether you lived in quebec or anywhere else in canada.
    it’s fourty years on now and they’re all dead or looking mortality straight in the eye. this ridiculous notion that “it’s MY ball and if you won’t follow MY rules i’m taking the ball home” is dying with them. it’s not a threat anymore – it never was; it was always just a ridiculous frothing at the mouth. the moment you look back squarely in the eye and say – ok no problem we’ll just buy another ball – the entire ruse is dished and up.
    i would like to remind trudopia jr. that democracy is a messy process but head and shoulders above having some “enlightened” collectivity impose “popular” thought.
    and the horse he rode in on.

  9. As the Reverend Little Ed Pembroke might say, Rex puts Justin’s argument in a Bulgarian headlock and tosses it into the soda pop machine of logic.

  10. “Yes! Yes! Please!! With sugar on it! And tiny ponies.”
    Hands down, it’s Louise for the win on this thread.

  11. political suicide by suggesting a breakup of canada is in anyone’s interest
    Au Contraire, mes amis. Quebec has done nothing but sow dissension, and take arrogant entitlement to new heights. The majority of us in western Canada would welcome Quebec leaving confederation and going it on their own. The money we’d save on bilingual foolishness and transfer payments to their bottomless pit could be better spent to make our education system more relevant for all Canadians, not just the ‘distinct society’. I hope Justin goes for it.

  12. Wish someone(SUN NEWS?)would find Ms. Melodrama’s semi-swoon with the rose at his old man’s funeral and play it over, and over, and over…

  13. ok at …not English,sentence structure, spelling. or making sense. But, thanks for your interest.

  14. Barry Soetoro, USA’s # 1 affirmative action narcissist foul…
    Justin Trudeau, Canada’s # 1 asSPERMitive action narcissist foul…
