Destroying Memorials

When you elected the Conservative Party of Canada, I bet you didn’t expect them to be destroying memorials in Quebec. Isn’t that a crime?

Jeff Larivee, whose wife was killed in the 1989 Montreal massacre, is a spokesman for the Coalition for Gun Control. He said he and many other Quebecers feel outrage at the Harper government’s determination to dismantle laws that, for many, serve as a memorial.

43 Replies to “Destroying Memorials”

  1. Memorials are ususally made out of stone, and carved with some sort of inscription.
    You know those quaint things like the 10 commandments which contain such curiosities like:
    Thou shalt not kill.
    I think the current Criminal Code also has a few sections in it about murder.
    Thus all the gun control twaddle serves no useful symbolic purpose.
    So go buy yourself some granite, get out your hammer and chisel and memorialize to your hearts content.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. Well, there’s the answer, then. The CPC should introduce a “shall issue” concealed-carry law, and title it the Montreal Massacre Memorial bill.
    I can hear the lefty heads exploding now.

  3. Am I ever sick and tired of the never ending exploitation of the Montreal murders, because it has been constant lies. First of all the refusal to identify the killer as a woman abusing and hating Muslim preferring to claim he is the typical Canadian male is an outrage. Second, no matter the gun registry and the abusive Liberal firearms Act would have prevented nothing in this case. Finally and equally importantly is the fact that not a single male present at the time acted as a man. They carry as much responsibility for what happened as the nutter who did the shooting.
    When laws are created as memorials it is the end of society.

  4. Although all right-minded people feel sympathy for Mr. Larivee for the loss of his wife, that doesn’t excuse the fact that he is obviously an idiot and his foolish comments do not deserve any degree of recognition.
    As a wise man once said, “If you look hard enough for something to make you mad, you will find it.”

  5. Gordinkneehill >
    If one or a couple of those nurses had a handgun nearby, it may have saved many lives. The Liberal left is killing people every day by not allowing people to protect themselves.

  6. @ Curious:
    Well maybe in Quebec, Lenin and Stalin statues will have some attraction in some quarters.
    Maybe they can use some of the material from their collapsing bridges, overpasses and buildings to create said memorials.
    Actually some gal was killed by a chunk of granite facing which fell from a building into the cafe below, a couple years back.
    So it appears there is no shortage of memorial material, as it is falling all over the place.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  7. If the left wants an ideological memorial, why not ban Islam by law for all the atrocities committed around the world, in Canada, and including the victims of 9/11.
    It’s funny that we didn’t see them try to ban airplanes after 9/11, can we assume that was because unlike guns the left just likes airplanes, or was it just because of all out love for Islam and the destruction of western culture that made everything ok?

  8. Actually I think we should built a very prominent memorial to the LGR.It can be named “how stupid,emotion led leftards have killed innocents by hiding from facts”.Put it at the front door to Rock’s place.

  9. or maybe a memorial that says something like.
    from now on, anyone committing murder will have their necks stretched and we will leave the honest gun owner alone.

  10. In the Times Colonist, Victoria, this morning the headline reads “Chief wants to know:Where has riot gear gone?” The article goes on to say that the Victoria Police department has lost a 12 gauge riot control shotgun and other assorted riot gear including three tactical vests. All this from a police department that lost approx. twenty service revolvers in the late Ninties. Seems to me that the Liberals and the NDP are barking at the wrong tree when they criticize the Harper government. It’s bloody well time to start issueing CCW permits to law-abiding Canadian citizens because it is abundantly clear that in this country the professed enforcers of justice are not capable of doing the job (Caledonia and Fast and Furious come to mind). I wonder if anyone in the department will be charged with unsafe storage of a firearm as the homeowner in Southern Ontario was.

  11. When laws are created as memorials it is the end of society.
    Very True. Its a cheap way of enforcing their hold on culture & costs the left nothing. Its all a con game. As the whole shooting Has become mired in lies.
    So we have to go along with their Memorial of lies for social policy . Let more Canadians be persecuted in the name of an indecent that has been twisted out of shape. I would like a memorial to the cowardice of the men who did nothing. All 60.

  12. As I said over at Cjunk, its sad this guy’s wife died. But its sadder that he’s been making a living dragging her corpse around like some kind of bloody talisman ever since. To perpetuate the conditions that led to her death in the first place as well.
    She didn’t die because some bad guy had a gun. Bad guys always have guns. She died because she couldn’t shoot back and neither could anyone else in the whole place.
    I guess its easier for Jeff Larivee to keep on blaming the rest of us than face up to reality.

  13. Antenor >
    Many more guns than that have disappeared from Police arsenals across Canada.
    What the idiotic left fails to understand is that there will always be trafficking in firearms to those who want them and are willing to pay for them. From criminals to terrorists/ freedom fighters in any nation or backwater craphole across the planet there is a market, underground or not.
    The Liberal left are traitors to society and to their fellow man when they insist on disarming the law abiding public………..

  14. @ BL@KBIRD Would it help to rename it Canadas first big Honor Killing?
    Exactly my observation. If there should be any memorial it should be a memorial to the demise of the masculine man in Quebec culture, and the rise of the Metro-sexual girlie men. These wimps demonstrated amply in that University, exactly what we expected of years of leftist indoctrination.

  15. “Am I ever sick and tired of the never ending exploitation of the Montreal murders, because it has been constant lies. First of all the refusal to identify the killer as a woman abusing and hating Muslim preferring to claim he is the typical Canadian male is an outrage….”
    Posted by: Alain at Feb 18, 2012 12:59 PM
    Marc Lépine:
    Al least they put him on the same site as other mass-murder :
    Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi:
    “Would it help to rename it Canada’s first big Honor Killing?”
    Posted by: BL@LBIRD at 1:19 PM
    Every time I bring this up, people do not want to hear it. MSM do not want to make the association with Muslim – even though he was not a practicing one. Yes, this was a very tragic thing, yet refusal to publish the facts still baffles me.
    What are they afraid of? The truth?
    The problem is, the feminists use this example and use it for their political ends – such as the long gun registry and male bashing.

  16. Clown Party >
    “..the feminists use this example and use it for their political ends”
    True – yet they conveniently left out the fact that 4 MEN were also shot and wounded by Gamil Gharbi!
    The bitter sweet yet most fortunate political advantage for the feminists was that the men happened to live. So in true leftist spin it became a non-Islamic male with free access to weapons killing women for the sake of killing women because they had a gun.
    I wonder if he was gay, smoked pot, and loved cats as well?

  17. A memorial you want? Go tie bunch of flowers and a teddy bear to a hydro pole…
    That would be about as effective as the long gun registry was in preventing crime…

  18. I wish this, and other “conservative thinking” sites, had those little hands {thumbs up or down} because there are so many good comments.
    Just a thought.

  19. Dear Jeff Larivee: I’m sorry your wife died. That doesn’t justify my tax dollars being spent on your memorial. So, go perform a physiologically impossible sexual act upon yourself.

  20. If Jeff wants a memorial,he should do it on his own dime.
    I would suggest that he does whatever is necessary to obtain a handgun and keep this memorial close to him. If the occasion rises that it is needed, he can use his wife’s memorial to stop further deaths. She would be happy.

  21. Someone else at BT pointed out that the Kingston family murders involved almost a quarter as many Montreal women as the PT murders. Obviously tragedies like this aren’t meant to be score keeping contests, but the same commentators who have written for decades about the former, couldn’t bother to even mention the Kingston murders.
    The 9/11 terrorists murdered twice as many Canadians, and as far as I know, no official national monument exists in their memory. Again these victims weren’t identified with the correct victim groups so they can be forgotten. Strange how people decide which murders are politically noteworthy.

  22. In Canada:
    • As many as 24,000 patients die each year due to “adverse events” (code words for a bad result).
    • 87,500 patients admitted annually to Canadian acute care hospitals experience an adverse event.

    There were 16 police officer shooting deaths in Canada between
    1998 and 2009
    14 of those officers were killed by a long gun.

    In the past ten years 1,200 Canadians have died as a result of long guns.
    240,000 have died as a result of adverse events in a doctors care..

    you are 20,000 times more likely to die sitting in a Canadian medical office for 10 years,
    than you are to be killed out hunting or walking with a long gun in the beautiful northwest.

  23. Fearless Leader, its utterly useless arguing facts with these people. Better to lead with a head butt, followed by the boot to the @ss. Repeat as needed.

  24. Martin >
    “The 9/11 terrorists murdered twice as many Canadians, and as far as I know, no official national monument exists in their memory”
    Sure there is, it’s called the Ground Zero Mosque!
    The left supports it whole heartedly.
    That’s why I don’t understand why they don’t convert the student nurses school into the new Canadian headquarters for the NRA, or an exclusive Christian white male “only” beer guzzling misogynists club – following their own standards and logic.

  25. I don’t mean to sound cold but the lives of those lost in the Montreal massacre are not more valuable then all the other lives lost via violent acts. Second I have no desire to fund his wife’s memorial that’s his responsibility not Canadians at large.

  26. Seven per cent of all patients admitted to acute care hospitals in Canada (or about 158,000 Canadians a year) will suffer a medical misadventure.
    Close to 60,000 of these cases are preventable.
    About 150 patients die a year as a result of adverse medical events. [data from 2009]
    Police reported 610 homicides in Canada during 2009, according to Statistics Canada.
    Of those, 179 were committed by firearms.
    There are about 7.8 million registered firearms in Canada. [Realistically there are probably twice that number at least.]
    According to Transport Canada, in 2009 there were 21.8 million registered motor vehicles. That year there were approximately 2000 vehicle related fatalities.
    You’re at least 10 times more likely to be killed by a vehicle than by medical ‘misadventure’ or a firearm.
    Should we ban vehicles, or medical procedures, or firearms? Of course not.
    If you’re going to argue with statistics, then use real verifiable facts, not opinion.

  27. Memorials were never meant to impede the living. All those crosses on Highway # 1, in Alberta, are a good example. Maintenance crews avoid them, if possible, but the work has to be done. Sorry, but life goes on.

  28. “Well, there’s the answer, then. The CPC should introduce a “shall issue” concealed-carry law, and title it the Montreal Massacre Memorial bill.
    I can hear the lefty heads exploding now.”
    Best. Idea. Ever.

  29. This is just more leftist mischief.
    A law may be a memorial in a poetic or metaphorical sense, but not in a legal sense, which is the one that matters. End of discussion.

  30. ROTFL… the joke is that most people don’t understand the real problems, and run around blaming lack of ‘gun-control’.
    They beleive medical misadventure and traffic deaths are ‘acceptable’ because they’ve been brainwashed by the MSM.
    People are stupid, they deserve what they get.
    I couldn’t care less what sheeple do, they’re just ‘system noise’.
    “Go Galt”

  31. This is even more hilarious: predicting 24,000 adverse events per year resulting in death from sampling 5 hospitals in 2000.
    Methods: We randomly selected 1 teaching, 1 large community and 2 small community hospitals in each of 5 provinces (British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia) and reviewed a random sample of charts for nonpsychiatric, nonobstetric adult patients in each hospital for the fiscal year 2000. Trained reviewers screened all eligible charts, and physicians reviewed the positively screened charts to identify AEs and determine their preventability.
    Results: At least 1 screening criterion was identified in 1527 (40.8%) of 3745 charts. The physician reviewers identified AEs in 255 of the charts. After adjustment for the sampling strategy, the AE rate was 7.5 per 100 hospital admissions (95% confidence interval [CI] 5.7– 9.3). Among the patients with AEs, events judged to be preventable occurred in 36.9% (95% CI 32.0%–41.8%) and death in 20.8% (95% CI 7.8%–33.8%). Physician reviewers estimated that 1521 additional hospital days were associated with AEs. Although men and women experienced equal rates of AEs, patients who had AEs were significantly older than those who did not (mean age [and standard deviation] 64.9 [16.7] v. 62.0 [18.4] years; p = 0.016).
    Interpretation: The overall incidence rate of AEs of 7.5% in our study suggests that, of the almost 2.5 million annual hospital admissions in Canada similar to the type studied, about 185 000 are associated with an AE and close to 70 000 of these are potentially preventable.
    Actual deaths from adverse events in 2009 was 150.
    Believe whatever makes you happy. I couldn’t care less.

  32. correction: that was a total sample of 20 hospitals in 5 provinces for the statistical prediction of 24,000 adverse events per year resulting in death.

  33. My GP is a good guy….I recall a brief (he is busy) discussion about the statistics, re adverse events, His comment was it was unfortunate but in his view, considering my background, that he was potentially a bigger threat to public safety than me and probably had prevented less deaths and suffering than I.
    I then asked if this was a recent epiphany or a long standing one……
    He responded recent….or he would never have been allowed to practice….politics y’know….

  34. If the anti-gun feminazis are concerned with memorials then they should turn their attention to Edmonton. There is a memorial to the Montreal shootings in Mary Burlie Park at 97 Street and 105 Avenue. This park is on the edge of Chinatown and is a favourite squat for the homeless and drunk natives. They show their respect everyday for the shootings in Montreal by using the park as a toilet to empty their beer-ridden bladders. Every year they hold a memorial service there for what happened at the Montreal Polytechnique. But before any man hating feminist can set foot in the park to bad mouth males the police, mostly males BTW, have to go in there and clear all the sleeping drunks out so they won’t be a threat to anyone if they are suddenly startled awake. If there truly was any concern for memorials well the feminazis aren’t very concerned that the one in Mary Burlie Park is literally a urinal.
