24 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. Kate – good morning. I have often commented to friends that the US is, at least to me, in their own version of the “Fall of the Roman Empire.”
    Savages at the gates, morality in the toilet, debt that could swallow planets, they & the media, instead focus on entertainment…quality stuff like Jersey Shores and the latest funeral for a coked up celebrity. Those things are obviously more important than their looming NON future.

  2. It speaks volumes about the entire American situation, when its MSM is entirely immersed and obsessed with ‘free’ contraception, and, as just stated, the national funeral over a coked up singer, as being the most important issues facing America today.
    The bankruptcy of their government is at hand, yet, almost all Americans are either devoid of understanding, or in complete denial over their impending financial doom.
    Repeating after themselves, “America is the greatest country in the world”, is not the cure for their ills. Yet, it is the mantra they seem to repeat.
    A further S&P/Moody’s downgrade seems to be in the cards, hopefully in Sept 2012.

  3. DanBC….if S&P/Moody’s was anywheres close to actually truly rating the USSRofUS’ credit rating,other countries would all ready be calling in their markers. How come if my income/outcome ratio goes over 1:1, and I have to borrow to pay any bills, I am forced into bankruptcy? Oh well. Guess it’s the old saying…owe 100 grand,you are a household, owe 10 million, you are a business, owe a trillion, you are a government. And besides, I see no problem with focusing on sex. After all, for the foreseeable future (next 1000 yrs), that’s all most Yanks(and Canucks if we don’t wise up) are going to have to do: screwing each other!

  4. Imho, Americans have always had an unhealthy obsession with matters sexual. They just dropped the Republican candidate with the best hope of beating Obama over a minor affair,and over the years have dumped many candidates who haven’t been monks.

  5. A@c…I stand corrected.! so true..do we not see the same here in canada.? Methinks so. Antoher subject though.
    While their debt goes ballistic they unknowingly seek solace and gain inner peace from two things truly “American”: Watching MSM trash on their new 46″ LCD while their new ’12 GM vehicle grazes peacfully outside their 1973 40′ house trailer.
    nirvanna to most

  6. Liberal extremists and the lamestream media are all fired up and filled with hate, that makes them feel good, but regular people don’t seem too interested. Women don’t seem to think their access to birth control is threatened, nor do they want to align themselves with ‘feminists’. If the Democrats can keep this theme going for months, then this strategy might work, but it looks like they’ll ‘jump the shark’ on this one.

  7. The problem with Steyn’s analysis is that it unfortunately is not a pop-culture caricature of Republicans. It is all too real.
    This is what Santorum said on an interview with the Atlantic on Thursday:
    “One of the things I will talk about that no president has talked about before is I think the dangers of contraception in this country, the whole sexual libertine idea… It’s not okay because it’s a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be. They’re supposed to be within marriage, for purposes that are, yes, conjugal… but also procreative.
    That’s the perfect way that a sexual union should happen. We take any part of that out, we diminish the act. And if you can take one part out that’s not for purposes of procreation, that’s not one of the reasons, then you diminish this very special bond between men and women, so why can’t you take other parts of that out? And all of a sudden, it becomes deconstructed to the point where it’s simply pleasure. And that’s certainly a part of it–and it’s an important part of it, don’t get me wrong–but there’s a lot of things we do for pleasure, and this is special, and it needs to be seen as special. Again, I know most presidents don’t talk about those things, and maybe people don’t want us to talk about those things, but I think it’s important that you are who you are. I’m not running for preacher.
    I’m not running for pastor, but these are IMPORTANT PUBLIC POLICY ISSUES” (emphasis mine)
    Now, I think it is great that this guy is as religious as he is, but is this really what the frontrunner of the “conservative” party of the brokest nation in history should be fussing about? Especially after seeing the apocalyptic charts that Steyn talks about?

  8. I wuz gonna say something about “gay marrages” and the crowd’s, in here, reaction to it’s mention, but I’ll pass!!!!

  9. In a strange way the left’s obsession with sex is symptomatic of what is causing the downfall of the human experiment called America. The hedonism of unfettered sex and the wantonness of wealth redistribution spring from the same selfish well. The desire on not being judged has forbidden the act of judging right from wrong. I’ll overlook your indolence if you overlook my sexual licentiousness is the driving force amongst many on the left who imagine that they are reaching a more elevated level of human sophistication. Of course they never realize that having the sexual morals of a randy tom cat and the ambition of a slug is not elevated nor sophisticated humanity. Only when mankind looks beyond himself and his base needs/wants does mankind show any potential at all. Unfortunately America has entered a dark age where the means has become the end.

  10. NME666 @1:47 – We weren’t the ones who decided all of a sudden to make this lunacy an issue.

  11. Steyn nails it again (har, har). And if you check the comments on his article, we may have found “Davenport” — Troll de la Floride perhaps?

  12. The problem with Steyn’s analysis is that it unfortunately is NOT a pop-culture caricature of Republicans. It is all too real.
    This is what Santorum said on an interview with the Atlantic on Thursday:
    One of the things I will talk about that no president has talked about before is I think the dangers of contraception in this country, the whole sexual libertine idea… It’s not okay because it’s a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be. They’re supposed to be within marriage, for purposes that are, yes, conjugal… but also procreative.
    That’s the perfect way that a sexual union should happen. We take any part of that out, we diminish the act. And if you can take one part out that’s not for purposes of procreation, that’s not one of the reasons, then you diminish this very special bond between men and women, so why can’t you take other parts of that out? And all of a sudden, it becomes deconstructed to the point where it’s simply pleasure. And that’s certainly a part of it–and it’s an important part of it, don’t get me wrong–but there’s a lot of things we do for pleasure, and this is special, and it needs to be seen as special. Again, I know most presidents don’t talk about those things, and maybe people don’t want us to talk about those things, but I think it’s important that you are who you are. I’m not running for preacher.
    I’m not running for pastor, but these are IMPORTANT PUBLIC POLICY ISSUES.
    Now, I think it is great that this guy is as religious as he is and all, but is THIS really what the frontrunner of the “conservative” party of the brokest nation in history should be fussing about? Especially after seeing the apocalyptic charts that Steyn talks about?
    This is what happens when “conservatives in name only” infiltrate your party. They are not going to talk about cutting spending and rolling back entitlements, so what will they talk about?

  13. What is everyone so fussing about?
    Earned money is so 20th century. In this century it is printed money coming from nowhere and given out free to entitled recipients. You only ‘earn’ your money if you are not in an entitled category.
    And remember, printed money has a one way flow – it never has to be paid back.
    This is the end of my sermon.
    Thank you.

  14. Steakman, your 11:30 AM comment is so true and Stein is so right.
    What is the latest figure now for the percentage of Americans that pay no Federal taxes…47%…and concerned only with more handouts and entertainment?
    Does this remind anyone else of Rome, the free bread and the circuses?
    Davenport? I saw that. She gets around.

  15. If only there was a Republican candidate who said “I don’t care about gay marriage”, or “I’d rather see contraception than abortion”, or “I think it’s stupid to spend $100,000 a year to put someone in jail for smoking a weed”, or “I think it’s more important to talk about what’s in the Constitution that we’re NOT doing than what’s NOT in the Constitution that we are doing”, or even, in a metaphorical fit of pique “WTF?! The house is burning down, and you’re all arguing over whether we should watch PPV porn or UFC on TV!?!”.
    Oh wait. There is.
    Ron Paul.

  16. Never mind Possible Florida Davs. This comment seems more interesting:
    Kay Shannon · Top Commenter
    “I’m angry with Stein due to his hatred for Romney, but I would like to point out an important consideration about Santorum:
    In 2006, Rick Santorum was named as one of the three most corrupt senators in Washington. If you would like to read the report, search for “2006 Report by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington” beginning on p. 207.
    I was not aware of these issues until today when another poster mentioned the “honor.” What I dd know about him is that his campaign paid his wife’s advertising agency for ads for a four year period; the problem here is that no one in his family should have received campaign funds. The other surprise to me is that his wife sued her chiropractor for $500K and settled for $350K. Her back surgery cost $18K and was paid for by Rick’s insurance.
    I worked in a law firm that defended doctors against malpractice years ago. Good people don’t sue their doctors 99.9% of the time. Given the ethical challenges I see with Santorum, I’m surprised that people are willing to support him. Of course, the conservative media has failed to vett Santorum JUST LIKE the mainstream media failed to vett Obama. What a coincidence. I’d be willing to bet that the conservative media could give lessons to the MSM on how to destroy a frontrunner.”
    Reply · Like· 21 hours ago

  17. We are so screwed.
    I swear to God, if you Canadians hadn’t banned handguns, I would be living there now.

  18. They are truly in deep KaKa.
    The only way out I can see is a massive increase in M1 supply. Say hello to inflation folks..its goona come and make 1981 look tame. At 13 Trillion, not really repayable in any normal sense of time. However inflate the supply so that the value is pooched..dooable. Given China owns a huge chunk of US debt, it will be interesting to see if they will allow the Fed to print that much more coin & undermine their holdings of US treasury.
    and now for “Entertainment Tonight…

  19. They are truly in deep KaKa.
    The only way out I can see is a massive increase in M1 supply. Say hello to inflation folks..its goona come and make 1981 look tame. At 13 Trillion, not really repayable in any normal sense of time. However inflate the M1 moeny supply so that the value is pooched… hmm, that is dooable. Given China owns a huge chunk of US debt, it will be interesting to see if they will allow the Fed to print that much more coin & undermine their holdings of US treasury.
    and now for “Entertainment Tonight and the Whitney Houston Funeral”……

  20. Steyn is right. The US is not quite yet in the same dire demographic straits as Canada and Europe and Japan, but it’s getting there. And the most pressing concerns of its current administration are what? The supposed “right” to free birth control, and the supposed “right” of inherently infertile people (gays & lesbians) to marry. Bit of a disconnect there, no?

  21. Theo, well said, both times and Ellie, that is a smoke screen and is called distraction.
    Deep KaKa is right and hooped to boot.
