30 Replies to “Jack MacLaren MPP Carleton Mississippi Mills – Maiden Speech”

  1. Do words lead to actions ? ……these day’s i wonder. recounting all of the injustices done to people in this country does nothing to prevent further/future injustices….something must be DONE!!!!!
    stike down the intrucive laws that allow this kinds of garbage to have repeal laws that are silly. !!!

  2. Lets see. The State makes laws that violate fundamental freedoms then dispatches enforcers to ensure the fundamental freedoms are further violated,in the interest of said laws, all of course done on behalf of ‘the people’. As to the 500,000 Regulations in Ontario, I’ll bet there are 500,000 untold stories of State abuse over and above those told in this video. This is exactly the utopia the left has wet dreams over yet cannot articulate the end of their journey to anyone. Well, here it is, and it isn’t pretty.

  3. Wow, great speech. Good for him. Lots of good stuff there – stuff we hardly ever hear. Good luck to this MPP in his future endeavours.

  4. This is how bureaucrats keep their salaries, if not jobs. By harassing people with obtuse laws. All For the Children of course.
    Instead of all these useless Cabinet post, there should be one thats only job is eradication this maze of corruptive laws. Now that would be useful.
    Duplication of laws 100 times needed, ever ready to create more Jobs for losers who can’t work in some high paying office job. Never real work.Stealing from the public to stay alive. Worse governments to steal from the very public who they are supposed to represent.

  5. I used to live in Kanata, and work for a high tech firm there. Even thirty years ago, they were spouting this crock that it’s the ‘high tech capital’ of Canada.
    What total BS. There were more high tech jobs in Markham, Ontario than there were in all of Ottawa-Carleton, including the then-mighty BNR. Today, there are still more high tech jobs in the GTA than in Ottawa, and (too lazy to check), I’d wager there are more high tech jobs in Kitchener-Waterloo than in Ottawa (there’s a lot more companies there than just RIM).
    So the guy has two attributes that make him the perfect Ottawa area politician – he gets his facts wrong, and he’s long winded. Feh.

  6. [quote]There were more high tech jobs in Markham, Ontario than there were in all of Ottawa-Carleton [/quote] KevinB
    The world 30 years ago in the Broadcast Industry( Leitch, Ross, CBC), all had facilities for Advanced Development in Ottawa. It might have been Gov’t Money or something in the water…
    Markham had Swiss Chicken & Plumbers

  7. He bumped off Norm Sterling (34 year MPP) in a fairly nasty nomination challenge.
    If only every elected official acted like Jack spoke. Time will tell if politics corrupts him.

  8. MPP Jack MacLaren brings up some excellent examples of big statist government. The reasons for the travesties of common justice that he describes are identical to the reasons why Mr. Samsonme has had the legal difficulties he has had and that would be decades of Liberal/Marxism foisted on the people.
    That being said, why would Jack MacLaren be a Progressive Conservative, as they are almost as guilty as the Liberals for destroying liberty.

  9. Let us see now,
    The speach of the MPP PC was , what you would expect of a conservative.
    It is curious though, that it was unexpected for any of the politicians to talk like that, what ever their shade.
    This particural gentleman mentioned that he worked 6 years in Cagary among other places. Surely he must have been infected by the virus of free thinking west. He has seen how Liberal Prime Minsiter of the time, single handedly destroyed economy of a province for his own purpose.
    One thing though remains to be seen.
    The gentleman is a member of legistation, it is up to him not only to talk, he also has to walk. If he thinks that he can’t do anything about it, the talk is cheap, the speach served no purpose.
    He must take the words and hew them into action, has to get his colegislators to sign up and do what is necessary to get the tyranical system removed and replaced with new system that free’s people and empowers them to rule themselves as they see fit.
    It is also highly unlikely that the plebeians would support him. How would they get free things from other people.
    The politicians are day by day destroyng people’s will, giving them free things and cash taken from other people, all they have to do is teil a sad story.
    Let us see, what is the politician going to do about the wrong doing of the government.

  10. Boycott Liberal-socialist McGuinty.
    “Huron-Bruce Progressive Conservative MPP Lisa Thompson, who took part in the walkout, said she is “cautiously optimistic” that municipalities will soon have more power over wind projects.”
    “Politicians walk out on McGuinty”
    “About 80 municipal politicians walked out on Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty Monday to protest his Liberal government’s wind turbine policies.
    “It felt good. It was empowering to leave the room,” said Arran-Elderslie Deputy-mayor Mark Davis, whose motion sparked the boycott of McGuinty’s keynote address at the Ontario Good Roads Association/Rural Ontario Municipal Association conference in Toronto.”

  11. maz2 @ 7:30, good for those municipal leaders. We need more with their courage. The trouble is that it will take a long time to undo the damage that that incompetent socialist has done and he will get back at them if he is able.

  12. So the guy has two attributes that make him the perfect Ottawa area politician – he gets his facts wrong, and he’s long winded. Feh.
    Posted by: KevinB at February 27, 2012 9:50 PM
    This was his introductory speech to the Legislature – hence the length. And as for his reference to Kanata, who cares.
    How Jack’s intro speech differed from 99 percent of all other intro speeches, is that he he didn’t dance around the problem: Onario is horribly over-governed – and it’s killing us all, individually and collectively. The current state of affairs is a drain on the entire country, not just the province.
    Jack is a brave and honest man. Like Randy Hillier, he has been arrested and criminally charged for standing up for his neighbours on property rights issues. Jack has ‘walked the walk’.
    He’s too good for the Party he’s in.

  13. Jack is my MPP; I voted for him because I like the way he thinks.
    I doubt,though, that the speech will have much impact. McGuinty Liberals and the Dippers probably didn’t understand what he was saying. They think that government makes the world go round.

  14. I doubt,though, that the speech will have much impact. McGuinty Liberals and the Dippers probably didn’t understand what he was saying. They think that government makes the world go round.
    Posted by: JMD at February 28, 2012 10:12 AM
    And even more sad, most of the sphincters Conservatives on the Conservative benches were in pucker mode.

  15. I like what he has to say about Canada being totally over regulated but unfortunately he is part of the problem. Over regulation is the result of being over governed – with federal, provincial, regional and municipal governments we have massive redundacy and too many people legislating needlessly to justify their existance.
    In the end result, civil liberty and rights are gnawed away to make us all safer and more secure…of course safety and security do not exist where rights and freedoms are not respected.

  16. I like what he has to say about Canada being totally over regulated but unfortunately he is part of the problem. Over regulation is the result of being over governed – with federal, provincial, regional and municipal governments we have massive redundacy and too many people legislating needlessly to justify their existance.
    In the end result, civil liberty and rights are gnawed away to make us all safer and more secure…of course safety and security do not exist where rights and freedoms are not respected.

  17. Hopefully he becomes PM one day. Too bad he’s being wasted as an ontario MPP. That province is toasted forever.

  18. I like what he has to say about Canada being totally over regulated but unfortunately he is part of the problem.
    Posted by: Occam at February 28, 2012 11:14 AM
    Just because you’re part of the system, doesn’t necessarily mean you’re part of the problem. A good representative is worth his weight in gold – a bad one is worse than useless.

  19. “Too bad he’s being wasted as an ontario MPP. That province is toasted forever.”
    I wouldn’t throw the last shovel of dirt on the grave just yet. Even though it is what many from the west seem to pine for.
    Small minded and petty…are you sure you’re not a Liberal?

  20. “Just because you’re part of the system, doesn’t necessarily mean you’re part of the problem.”
    yeah it does – too much government is the problem not the solution. The people of this guys riding would never miss the representation because ina whipped party system MPs and MPPs/MLAs ability to represent the constituents against the agendas of their party are nil.

  21. Over-regulated?
    Well there are 1688 Regulations on the books.
    And there are 666 statutes. Somehow the mark of the beast is a fitting image for Queen’s Park

  22. “Just because you’re part of the system, doesn’t necessarily mean you’re part of the problem.”
    “yeah it does – too much government is the problem not the solution.”
    I agree with occam, however, the only way to the solution is through the system.

  23. Lance and occam
    We have too many laws, we have too many useless bureacrats doing make-believe work in useless ministries, and we certainly have too many useless, greedy MPPs – but I don’t count good MPPs who will work to change that as part of the problem.
