28 Replies to “Hashtag Of The Entitlement Generation”

  1. Kate, that wasn’t a tingle running up my leg when I listened to that, it was the hair standing up on my arms and neck.
    A physical reaction to a lie in speech form.
    God help us, from people that stupid.
    (I love it when people call me a racist on an open forum.)
    Kate, um (awkward) have I told you lately about your awesomeness lady powers?
    Good time?
    Maybe later.

  2. Sorry about the spelling mistake there. It should read:
    About this separation of religion and state!”

  3. The university where I did my undergraduate work gave an honorary degree to Jesse. They received, in turn, a telephone call from me, telling them not to expect any further financial support.

  4. Listen closely. It sounds like he’s saying ‘fool’ stamps.
    If he isn’t using that term, he should.

  5. I aint gonna have to pay my mortgage or pay fo ma gas no mo, cause Obama’s got a secret stash of money of me.

  6. grok, you should have finished that phrase.
    Just imagine the condition of the US when more than half the population will not be paying federal taxes and are on food stamps.

  7. From the cotton fields run by the Democrat K.K.K, to the vote farms run by their inheritors, the Democrat race baiters.
    It looks like the Democrats have decided and insured that the Negro has a destiny of slavery and servitude.

  8. I do not understand the church’s abuse of scripture. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 6:6-10 . . .
    6 Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!
    7 It has no commander, no overseer or ruler,
    8 yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.
    9 How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep?
    10 A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest-
    11 and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man.

  9. Wow. A new marketing mantra:
    “Stupid sells”.
    Even more than sex, it seems, stupid is the best selling point we can make. LAl I gotta do is find some credulous buyer like Jesse’s flock and I’m set.

  10. Wow, this is sounds like a great new economic opportunity. I want to get into the business of food stamps. Maybe open a few branches here and there and hire of those food stamp workers and export some food stamps to other countries. If we can produce enough food stamps we may be able to pay down the deficit and bring back some prosperity to the Western World.
    That is how stupid Jesse Jacksons sounds.

  11. Someone posted that black kids would go hungry if we didn’t have stamps. When I look at all the fat overweight kids wearing Nike runners I have to wonder where all the money is going and a little fasting would help these people get down to a weight that would benefit them health wise.
    I wonder if Jesse’s illegitimate child is living of food stamps? Illegitimate children is the reason so many kids are on food stamps. So Jesse you are part of the problem, you useless hypocrite. You call yourself a Minister of God…..Blasphemy it is.

  12. If you had your way ALL of the American kids would be speaking German poorly and “go to be hungry Mean,mean people” would be shouted in fascist re-education camps by children guards as they shot people in the head and suffocated them with plastic bags.

  13. What’s new ’bout O’s socialism?
    “As a Marxist has maintained, Socialism is in effect nothing but the religion of the stomach.”
    “Gustave Le Bon: The Psychology of Socialism: Book I Chapter 3 …
    As a Marxist has maintained, Socialism is in effect nothing but the religion of the stomach.” It is evident that such a régime implies the absolute dictatorship of the State, or …”

  14. Food stamps and other currency of the “Great Society” is the emblem of an increasingly debauched Black collective in America. The Canadian Indian reserve is their Northern equivalent but luckily for urban guilt-ridden liberal Canadians, fewer in number and mostly tucked away out of site.
    Jesse Jackson, grievance monger supreme and self-appointed spokesman for all things “Black” would rather pimp the collective and glorify the emblem while deriding individuals sharing equivalent melanin levels (Williams, Sowell, West, Cosby, etc……) who have broken with “his” collective and identified the cause and effect of such culturally corrosive statist policies.

  15. Take note that the congregation repeats every psalm of the gimmi sermon.
    This is a patented way to brainwash, it has been perfected by the communists, Jackson is leading them by the nose and they think it’s got something to do with religion.
    He knows so, they know so, he knows that they know and they know that he knows. Just go with the flow.
    It is quite amazing how much credibility is given to the shakedown artist, justice brother of Sharpton and generally low life.
    He has done well for himself and his family, with what a reasonable person would consider shady. However that is, it is curious why he would like to keep his followers in the dirt. Could be that he would loose audience and a lot of cash with it.
    For those who would call on racism, note that there are more white thrash on food stamps than poor blacks.
    Now how do you like that.
    If Jackson is talking only about blacks, that would be racist. No?
    He is very careful not to specify.

  16. Yes food stamps for all & sundry but champaign for Obama plus buddies. Along with any money they earn.
