If Women Ran The World

Mankind would still be living in caves, but with really, really fancy curtains.*

Yes, yes, remember the old rule: Whenever researchers find something to be true of females, they will interpret and report it as evidence of female superiority. As I’ve pointed out many times, this rush to patronize women reveals an underlying fear that women actually are inferior.

47 Replies to “If Women Ran The World”

  1. Women need to strenuously resist being patronized by the leftists in this fashion.
    Using these techniques, liberals have turned diversities into pet-like creatures through incessant coddling, patronizing and protection.

  2. Less vermouth in the martini tomorrow darling.
    More cleavage too.
    That’s a good girl.
    *looks around to make sure wife doesn’t see this.

  3. I plead the fifth amendment on account of anything I say might be held against me. Or is it the sixth amendment.
    Agree with Ralph and there are more like those two, including many in our homes, but MSM ignores or denigrates them. (I think I am about to have a great supper).

  4. The better half and I were discusing this over growlies,and she said if women ran the world,we would be way ahead of where we are now. I called BS, and said with the innate visciousness and back stabbing most(99.99%) of women have,we would be in a constant war.
    She replied,and I quote,”Not a chance bubba.We women KNOW that if we backstab or piss off some other woman we are supposed to be working with,we would get it bacK 10 times worse”.
    Things that make you(me at least) go Hummmmmmm??

  5. All us real men, know for a fact that women, real women run the world. And we are OK with that fact, in fact we love it. Especially when they let us think its really a 50/50 partnership. As an old cowboy explained to a couple of us young fellows years ago. “That there little thing can pull more than a team of horses.” And my Gawd he was right…..

  6. I just look at men & Women as Matter & Anti-Matter.
    Whenever in connection it creates a big blast.
    Its pretty hard to codify the sexes when dealing with the same species, but different intellects. That though equal per individuality, vary greatly in observation if not experience of mutual existence..

  7. I noticed that article. I was surprised, because I remember reading in my Wardhaugh text on Sociolinguistics 15 years ago that it was the other way around: men were more likely to be innovative in their speech, and women more conservative because of more severe social penalities imposed on women for deviating from the norm. My memory’s lousy, though, and I can’t be bothered to look it up. Fun stuff, but it’s all in how you spin it.

  8. Is it,like, shallow and insecure that the only thing I gleaned from the NYT article is that taxpayers are still paying, like, far too much for useless junk science. Studying 18-25 year old college students to predict future vocal styles?? Gag me with a spoon. Could the researchers have found a study subject that more than 12 people care about.
    BTW, women have occasionally ruled large pieces of world- Maria Theresa, Elizabeth, Victoria to name three. And, yes, their curtain choices were undoubtedly very tasteful.

  9. It should not be look at as a matter of who is superior.
    Male and females are two pieces of a puzzle that fit together.

  10. BTW
    Question: Why do boys/girls whine
    Answer: Because they are practising to be men/women.
    Take your pick when retelling this old joke.

  11. Elsie Bennett – Okay, so I kind of disapprove of, like, you know, how sexist that was, and stuff?
    Honestly, I still can’t figure out who I hate more, misogynists or women.

  12. Obviously the job market, technology and science can deal better with PMS than husbands and boyfriends can.

  13. Yeah….Maria Theresa, Elizabeth, Victoria……Cleopatra, Catherine the Great….
    More recently Margaret, Golda, Indira……
    Many studies suggest male brains function different than female brains….but nature versus nurture is difficult to establish.

  14. Forget women and misogynists, after re-reading the article, my vote would be for social science researchers. They are quite possibly the most useless and annoying creatures on Earth.

  15. Hm, if women had run the world the last hundred years,would we now have to listen to Liberals call Laureen Harper “another Eva Braun”?
    And would Eva have made the trains run on time?

  16. If women rean the world … it would be like you were trapped in your parents basement … with Dad gone out for a beer and never coming back………..

  17. Sorry i disagree , as a man a REAL man lol, what ever that means , my wife loving submited to me the day she took her vows to me and i vowed to honour her…not honour kill her just honour her appreaciate and respect her as an equal human being …anyone can ask her who the head of the house hold is and she will happily point in my genral direction why ?
    The way i explained it to her was like this.
    At any time honey you can take the riens from me and you can tell me to cook and clean and get the groceries and do the laundry ,and since we both work that is fine i will do the extra that witch you do now….how ever if you ever ask me to shovle the snow ,change the oil in your car , kill the bugs, defend YOU with my life, and work after you have kids , you will feel the wrath of a woman scorn except i will be doing as a man ,(my wife knows my temper all to well ) .
    Oh yeah if you make any selfish or stupid bone headed decisions with OUR money the YOU earn i will properly breath my fire upon you as well.
    Sound good baby?
    To witch she answered “thats not fair” and i responded “your telling me”
    we then discussed our situation as it was i am the man she is the woman my equal but has a proper role for her as do i …she has never ever not even once tried to have a power struggle with me …and if anyone cares to argue with me read my job when i TOOK her to be MY wife (i hope this offends some women in here , it just might help you see your short comings since you have been married) .
    my wife although equal to me in every way has agreed with her wedding vows to lovingly submit to me and my authority over her and our house period end of story , now women are not totally powerless remeber we are equal where i find men go wrong is right here, i swore with all of my heart to god and the people standing around me to honour my wife so if i am at a pub drinking till all hours of the night day in and day out …is that honouring my wife ..nope, if she tries to force me do capitulate to her will is she lovingly submitting to me nope. but she can argue her point but it ultimatley always comes down to her trusting me to listen to her reasoning when she disagrees with me on something witch is very hard for me to do but when she is right she is right , i friken hate it but sometimes she is right , actually alot of times she is right i find most women to be slower in speaking but pretty articulate and very persuasive and matter of fact when it comes to making an argument against a decision i have made and often i will “do it her way” , but i tell her and she tells me if this goes squirrly this is on you and you will hear about it …lol. fortunatly my wife and i make a pretty good team .
    Now if god will just hear our prayers for a child. lol.

  18. I see them as a wonder of evolution, exquisitely adapted to their ecological niche, harvesting nature’s rich bounty of grant money even as they undertake the seasonal migration to their warm-weather networking conference-grounds.

  19. Uptalk is when you imply that a statement is actually a question by hiting a high note on the last few syllabls. Women do it much more than men do. 12-year-old girls do it an awful lot.
    “So I saw Sarah today? And she’s really upset about her pet gerbil?”
    It’s generally interpreted as indicating a desire for approval, or at least affirmation, the unstated question being: “Are you listening to me? Do you understand me? Are you willing at least to pretend that this isn’t the most boring five minutes you’ve ever lived through?”
    Vocal fry I had to look up too, but apparently it’s something to do with that creaky sore-throat inflection valley girl types affect. The example they offered was Britney Spears, back before she went nuts. I’d actually always vaguely wondered why she sounded like that.

  20. The more I read Sarah Palin’s book “Going Rogue” the more impressed I am with her. The way she handled the mayor and governor’s jobs getting things done that men had sat on for years, eliminating corruption and working hard for her community was very impressive.
    When you watch or read Thatcher’s story and realize she was attacked from outside and inside her own party by small minded men yet accomplished so much for all our benefit we can just admire her accomplishments.
    We are in the midst of a sea-change as women are representing more university graduates than men and are moving into all facets of business and society.
    With our own Kate and ET, Black Mamba etc. as examples I think it will turn out just fine. Just hurry up and take over from Dalton the Dim and Obama.

  21. “…harvesting nature’s rich bounty of grant money even as they undertake the seasonal migration to their warm-weather networking conference-grounds.”
    No. Social scientists are po-faced, forked-tongued deviants with retractable fangs and a grasp of realpolitik that makes the Borgias look like Santa’s elves. They develop these characteristics precisely because there are 10 000 applicants for every SSHRC grant. However, it is true that all conferences are held in Hawaii.

  22. The mistake is to divide people into groups – people are individuals. Dividing people into groups based on certain similarities (sex, color, IQ etc.) is the stupidest, laziest way possible to make decisions or sweeping generalizations.

  23. Jema wrote:
    “The mistake is to divide people into groups – people are individuals. Dividing people into groups based on certain similarities (sex, color, IQ etc.) is the stupidest, laziest way possible to make decisions or sweeping generalizations. ”
    I couldn’t agree more.
    “All men are potential rapists.”
    “Only Whites can be racists because they have the power.”
    and what was that one about clinging to guns and religion?
    These type of generalizations, of course, are exempt because they are made by enlightened progressives.
    (Oops, just made another generalization.)

  24. This (utterly moronic) study was published in the “Journal of Voice”.
    The fricking Journal of Voice, forsooth. Can anyone here say “publish or perish”? Say it with me now…
    That there even -is- some idiot thing called the Journal of Voice indicates to me that far too much money is available to Higher Education.
    Somewhere a McDonalds has been deprived of a perfectly good fry cook by this study getting published.

  25. @paul in calgary…are you writing in your second language or typing on an extrememly crappy keyboard? Please make your point within five short sentences. Your misuse of words and length of your diatribe makes the reader lose interest.

  26. “Take it from an old man…
    women are Perfect.
    Joe- go get the girl.”
    (a great scene from an abysmally communist movie set in Cuba, starring Robert Redford)

  27. “Take it from an old man…
    women are Perfect.
    All the rest is bullshit.
    Joe- go get the girl.”
    (a great scene from an abysmally communist movie set in Cuba, starring Robert Redford)

  28. Black Mamba said: “Honestly, I still can’t figure out who I hate more, misogynists or women.”
    Ha! Good one. 🙂
    Honestly, I like women fine as long as I’m not working for them and they’re not working for me. Or around me. Or near me. Because outside of purely social situations, they’re a friggin’ large-by-huge pain in the @ss to deal with. (Men are a pain as well, but men at least you can beat them up when they become difficult. Yes, I am a joy to work with.)
    The rare exceptions to this general rule I treasure like gold.

  29. I’ve never had to directly work with women my entire career; they have existed as receptionists, Benefits administrators, and HR department people in my world.
    Judging by their attitudes and conducts in HR, I know I could never work with them directly.

  30. There are some good articles in the Journal of Voice. This month’s issue has one on laryngeal electromyography for assessment of laryngeal function; another on diagnosis and treatment of Mucosal Bridge of the vocal fold. There is some silliness too, but I don’t know why they were interested in this sociolinguistics paper, which I can’t find. Maybe there is some sort of marketing application for the dissemination of information and trends. Oh well, I’m glad I’m out of it.

  31. Ugh. This is the second smear on women I’ve seen in my top ten blogs in two days. And a woman wrote it. Doesn’t make me feel better.
