36 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Two weeks ago:

    Greeks are stepping up their anti-German rhetoric, in part by increasingly comparing modern day Germans to Nazis, according to Germans who have lived many years in Greece and reports by Greek newspapers.


    More than 160 German tax collectors have volunteered for possible assignments in Greece to help the struggling Mediterranean country gather tax more efficiently, the Finance Ministry in Berlin said on Saturday.

  2. The NHS is the envy of the world! Of course, there’s no guarantee you won’t be eaten by rats.
    America has so much to look forward to.

  3. That solves THAT problem:
    Researchers Find Stem Cells Can Generate Human Eggs:
    New York Times

  4. Once you skin a rat and put it in stir fry it would serve a tasty purpose. Of course PETA would go livid. If, on the other hand you skinned a 42 year old with the mentality of a 2 year old and and put him in a very large stir fry, that would be OK with PETA. A simple question of which life is more precious and to whom. Bet PETA is mourning the death of the rat. Just musing.

  5. @ EBD at February 27, 2012 10:05 PM
    Re: Broke
    I believe a large portion of that statistic is student debt and maxed out credit cards. With almost a third of all mortgages underwater it just boggles the mind at the number of citizens that must be hanging on by their fingernails. When the sh*t finally hits the fan, things will unravel quickly. The MSM is either oblivious or ignoring it. Can’t be ignored much longer.

  6. “Bet PETA is mourning the death of the rat. Just musing.
    Posted by: peterj at February 27, 2012 11:34 PM ”
    Bet ya they ain’t.What they’re mourning is they didn’t get to kill the little bugger themselves.

  7. EBD, thank you for the song. It brings back a lot of memories. The smell of freshly turned earth is one of the most promising smells there is.

  8. Letter to the editor appeared in todays (Feb. 27) Regina Leader Post. The writer blames Sask-Tel for the hoardes of scam calls that Sask. residents have neen receiving in the last while.
    Agreed. The laws set forth by Sask-Tel prohibit customers from using a Sask-Tel phone for illegal purposes. Most scammers pose as collecting agents, investment brokers etc. and subscribe to 800 numbers. By using 800 numbers, they are Sask-Tel customers per se, thus they should abide by the laws that Sask Tel publishes in its phone books.
    Read the letter–interesting.

  9. re: “The Fordson Snow Devil (1929)” at a museum in Fairbanks Alaska it mentioned an expedition that tried to use those things to get to Barrow. They made it about 50 miles and then gave up because they used all their fuel. Neat video. Poor Horsey!

  10. john g @ 11:22 p.m.:
    Like everything else on the left side, if you give them an inch they’ll take a mile.
    Today it’s infants, tomorrow two-year-olds, next week kindergarteners, next month high school students, and next year adults – but only the ones who disagree with their vicious ideology.

  11. “*But westward, look, the land is bright!”
    “If you had your preferences, whether western Canada’s oil and gas sector would continue to grow, or the dollar’s value would drop in order to help Ontario’s manufacturing sector (as Premier McGuinty says he would prefer) which would it be?
    I favour continued rapid growth of the western oil and gas sector. The high dollar is only one factor in Ontario’s rapid decline. McGuinty is scape-goating
    I hope the western oil sector’s growth slows down. In addition to my concern over carbon emissions, I believe our high petro dollars are killing Ontario’s manufacturing jobs
    *AH Clough

  12. Another fine article by Melanie Phillips: 28 February 2012, Justice and evil
    “. . .The problem, however, is that the post-Nuremberg rules of war in the Geneva Conventions and other legal instruments were not designed to cope with the new kind of war waged by the Islamists . . .
    “[William] Shawcross [whose new book ‘Justice and the Enemy: Nuremberg, 9/11 and the Trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’] charts the excruciating difficulties that beset the Bush administration as it grappled with these dilemmas, and the way it was hindered at every turn by the global army of ‘human rights’ lawyers and activists – not to mention political enemies of the Bush administration and of America itself. . . .
    “Shawcross also notes how President Obama, who came to power promising to shut Guantanamo and lambasting the military commissions that were eventually set up, had been forced to change his tune. . . . .
    “There is no mistaking Shawcross’s passionate belief that, through such vacillations, the west is paralysing itself in the face of a ruthless and very focused enemy. But he also fully acknowledges the sharp dilemmas in trying to reconcile justice and security. Both he and Lipstadt, indeed, restrain their obvious emotions to write fairly and judiciously about one of the greatest questions of our times – how a society should respond to immense evil without, on the one hand, compromising its principles or on the other committing national suicide.”

  13. Of Liberal Ad$cam MartinJr, SNC-Lavalin, Dead Duck, and Our CBC.
    “*He was shaking hands with our pale-faced Canadian leader.”
    “*It was December, 2004.”
    “SNC-Lavalin operated for decades in Libya procuring billions of dollars worth of airport, road, water and prison contracts under the Gadhafi regime.”
    “SNC-Lavalin internal probe tied to Libya building projects”
    “Anonymous ‘poison pen’ letter sent to senior executives and board members”
    “Canadian engineering giant SNC-Lavalin has announced it is in the midst of a major internal investigation into $35 million in undocumented payments tied to its construction projects in Libya.
    News of the probe comes on the heels of resignations earlier this month of the executive vice-president of SNC-Lavalin’s contruction arm, Riadh Ben Aissa, and his financial controller, Stephane Roy.
    A CBC News investigation has learned the probe, which was announced this week, began in December after an anonymous “poison pen” letter sent to senior executives and board members outlined a string of unproven criminal allegations involving kickbacks, misuse of supply companies and allegations that company has for years been used to funnel money from SNC-Lavalin through “shell companies” back to members of Libya’s Gadhafi family.”
    “*My moment with Moammar
    February 28, 2011 5:56 PM |
    By Louise Elliott
    As we sprinted across Moammar Gadhafi’s front lawn, we had to swerve to avoid the camels.
    It was a bizarre obstacle course: dozens of the ungainly creatures, sitting, standing, and yes, fornicating.
    It was December, 2004. Our media bus holding a dozen journalists, cameramen and photographers had been delayed after taking a wrong turn on the way in from the Tripoli Airport. Then-prime minister Paul Martin was already in the Bedouin tent inside the compound that the Libyan leader still calls home. If we didn’t hustle, we’d miss the one photo-op: a brief handshake.
    As we jumped off the bus, Alphee Moreau, the PMO’s advance man at the time, shouted: “Run! Run! Be careful, the camels are dangerous!””

  14. The National Post has an article about the ‘robocalls’. It seems that there was a call center in Thunder Bay calling people,saying that they were from the conservative party and directing them to the wrong voting location.
    The employees noticed that they were given out bad info,but were told to continue. The people that they were calling were Conservative supporters.
    Over to you Bob.You still have that apology handy.

  15. From the Left.
    “Retire to the country? Don’t fall for the myths, city folk warned”
    “Author Mavis Cheek, who can’t wait to get back to London, says country life ‘is tough, a little bit dangerous and not for wimps'”
    “Exchanging the harsh reality of urban life for the romance of rural living is a dream for many nearing retirement. But a campaign launched on Wednesday warns against falling for the myth of a rose-tinted third age spent among fields, rose-covered cottages and village greens.
    “Contrary to the romantic notion of blissful calm, living in the country is tough, a little bit dangerous and not for wimps,” said Mavis Cheek, the author and commentator on country living, who is launching the national campaign.
    “Very few of the myths are true. All you need is one thing to go wrong, and you’re vulnerable to anything from immediate danger to a long life of isolation and poverty,” added Cheek, who moved to Wiltshire in 2001 from London but plans to return to the city “before I become feeble”.
    “I cannot imagine growing old here,” she admitted. “If your car breaks down, you need to be able to afford taxis because the public transport is so bad. If you stop being proactive in keeping your brain and social life active, you will find yourself completely unstimulated. If you do something unspeakable at a dinner party, everyone in the area will know about it by the next morning.”
    “Living in the countryside is a constant effort,” Cheek added. “For every glorious summer’s day, there’s a long, hard winter. For every Constable-esque view over fields, there’s a trip that requires driving. And for every kind neighbour, well, scratch many countryside dwellers and you find a sexist, racist, homophobe.””

  16. ” living in the country is tough, a little bit dangerous and not for wimps ”
    ” If your car breaks down, you need to be able to afford taxis because the public transport is so bad”
    Imagine how she’d feel if she went to the real countryside,where if her car broke down,there would be no taxis and no public transportation.
    Another rough and tumble individual, totally unaware.

  17. “Canada will get no warning next time we strike, says Mohawk”:
    “The Canadian government won’t get any warning the next time it faces a major strike against its economy of the scale witnessed in 2007 when Mohawks from Tyendinaga shut down rail-lines…”
    The article is accompanied by a video complaining about the Canadian Government (under the Liberals) comparing the Mohawks to terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas:
    Interestingly, in recent Mohawk protests they have in fact flown the flags of terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas! Just coincidence I guess.
