13 Replies to “Unmasked”

  1. Good for show and tell but I doubt if they busted anything of value. Trying for some deterent threats. The weakest links. True hackers will cover their tracks as they always seem to be a couple steps in front of the people they are pis*ing off.

  2. A la OWS, Anonymous is ideologically bent, and likes to target those it defines as unrighteous, and defend those it defines as righteous. Narcissism is on display when it needs to ‘announce’ its conquests, as if to beat its chest in public, and that ultimately is, or will be, its undoing.
    Superhero-ish altruism, invincibility and invisibility of ‘true hackers’ like Anonymous, Batman, Tron, whomever, exist only in movies, mystery novels and other products of the imagination.

  3. Any time you are connecting to ftp server i.e. downloading software updates, you are Anonymous.
    Anonymous is anybody, could be everybody.

  4. Even the hacker nerds seem to be unaware of the third party monitor capability of the integrated modems on their lap tops. Every keystroke is captured by super user. In this case Interpol.

  5. It may be off subject, but i would like to quote one comment from the linked blog above.
    “Hi Israeli friend, I am Iranian and I can tell you that what you see on your TV is false. Iranians like Israel and Israeli people, our enemy is the Islamic regime in our country, it is a retrograde force against the culture and identity of Iran, it represents Arab barbarism and not Iranian glory.
    Iran and Israel will hopefully be friends some day in the future.
    Love from Mohsen, using VPN in Tehran University.

  6. xiat >
    “Mohsen” sounds a little like someone with a Liberal mental illness. It could probably happen in any soft and lazy entitlement environment like Tehran U.
    Most likely that Mohsen will be found on Utube one day hanging from a crane by the neck in a public square, while the western left continues its support of Islam.

  7. I wonder if Anonymous is part of that ingenious black exchange set up by 2 Ukrainian mobsters-
    one side brings in something of potential value, say, a stripped list of credit card holders;
    the other side wants to buy it.
    The exchange provides an escrow account where each criminal can safely examine the other’s goods. If both are satified, the deal goes through.
    You can buy code, spam, viruses, databases… anything cyber you want!
