We need you!

“The report by the council also said keeping employees will be a challenge with 18 per cent of the construction workforce or about 6,600 workers expected to retire within the next 10 years.” – CKOM
“Over the next five years, between 75,000 and 90,000 skilled workers will be needed to plug the labour shortage. Recruitment will mainly be in areas of advanced technology, construction, mineral exploration, agriculture and petroleum.” – and we’ll go to Europe to get you.
I wonder if this tweet might have something to do with that?
“Brad Wall ‏@PremierBradWall In Sask we’ll make decisions that ensure our budget is balanced, promises are kept and programs that help people are sustainable. #skpoli”

19 Replies to “We need you!”

  1. What burns me about these companies is that they never advertise entry level positions. I have seen both sides of the trap of dealing with a HR type hiring a politically correct resume over a guy that actually knows how to work.
    Some people are brilliant workers after failing an HR Psychological mind-frack exam.
    I still refuse to this day to answer the
    “would you rat out your family to get a promotion”
    F you I don’t want to work for you is not A, B, or C.

  2. Forget looking to Ontario for skilled workers. . . Dulton will have everyone there building solar panels and changing oil in wind turbine transmissions, if they aren’t happily composting their garbage or whatever.
    Nope, all the skilled workers will be happy little greenies in Dulton’s Eco Greenie Wonderland Ontari-ari-ario.

  3. rant continued
    I recall taking a brutally hard Power Engineering exam in the next office (orifice, not my shop we called it at the time)
    While 12 HR staff (all young women with degrees in French Lit, Sociology, Comparative Basket Weaving, Womyns Studies Etc.
    Had a party
    I had to ask my boss to ask them to kindly STFU while I took an exam that anything under %70 would of failed them out of their precious University Degree programming.

  4. Hey Fred,
    Check the last election figures. TORONTO put McGuinty back in. Before you get too smug, watch out for the same re: Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Regina.
    There are millions of hard working Ontarians building a lot more than windmills. But as I’ve said numerous times before, we never get enough of the smug while we endure our nightmare. Thanks.

  5. All I hear on the ground in Saskatchewan is that the boom doesn’t benefit the little guy.
    Housing is too expensive, new jobs are minimum wage, the budget is balanced by pillaging the crowns, and Brad Wall is either too right wing for being mean to unions and arts or not right wing enough for just riding the wave that started when Calvert was still in.
    Help me out people. What’s the story?

  6. jeff, you would be hearing that from NDPers who do want a boom of any sort and would prefer a Cuban style economy.
    Jamie, right, hopefully Brad Wall does not import any Sid Ryans, as we have enough Bolshevik agitators here as is.

  7. LMAO….I cant help thinking of “blazing Saddles” when I read this ……something about yadda yadda but we dont want the god dam Irish

  8. So we are in competition with Australia to hire Irish workers. That will be tough…Australia has the sunshine and a large Irish descendants population….like the Irish Outlaw….Ned Kelly. We in Saskatchewan have a large Irish descendant population…..but the closet we come to an Irish Outlaw would be that Scottish Outlaw…Tommy Douglas.
    I read Premier Wall is going on this recruitment drive. Little do the Aussies know that we have Mr. Wall as our secret weapon…besides that he can speak English. I can’t imagine an Irishman and Australian having a onversation.
    Subtitles Anyone.

  9. Doowleb
    Yeah…..One might sympathize with POL POT when he drove all the urban dwellers into the country and killed them.
    However, unlike the GTA, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Regina it was not a rural vs urban political matter….the victims were largely ethnic Chinese… a factor missing in Canada’s political/rural/urban mess.
    Canada demographically has become more urban than rural….and the left until recently had a lock on the urban element.
    Here3 in Ontariario, the left is limited to the core GTA…but hope springs…the suburban 416 has revolted.

  10. Sask desperately needs workers?
    Try Spain – half of all Spaniards under 30 are jobless. Surely one could find laborers and oil workers and miners amongst the lot. Right?
    (I hope that Alan Clendenning and Harold Heckle of The Associated Press wrote their piece ‘tongue in check’ – but I doubt it.)
    Worker prospects? What about this
    ” 23-year-old university student majoring in economics — says the only job offers he has received are for menial positions.”
    Er, … maybe not.
    Well, what about
    “Eric Lluent, an underemployed freelance journalist in Barcelona ”
    mmm, guess not – the world already has too many journalists.
    But there must be many youth who are desperate for work, who are doing all they can to help themselves?
    “Thousands erected protest camps last spring and summer in Madrid and Barcelona in illegal tent cities set up in central plazas.”
    I see.
    So what effect is all this unemployment having? “This puts the whole welfare state at risk,” said Gayle Allard, a labour market specialist at Madrid’s IE Business School.”
    mmmmm egg. chicken. first. comes. unemploment. dole.
    So what is going to happen?
    “The main risk for the country is we could lose a generation who go away and the young people who stay will have less education”
    You say – just left with the uneducated ones? .. as in, the ones who are left are the ones in demand and have jobs already?
    “Some have landed jobs by dumbing down their resumes, they do not want to appear over “qualified”.
    As in ‘Higher Educated Bubble?’
    This is all going to take a while to cure – the mindset, that is.

  11. Irish?
    are they kinda like Nova Scotia buays?
    (did I pronounce thae wright?)
    (( I am ducking and covering, knowing what a proper left jab followed by a short right cross means:0))
    My ancestors landed in New Brunswick 200 odd years ago. So I just might have no problem with the Irish, better late than never. 😀

  12. Beware reports by “the council”! Who is the council? Bureaucrats, and/or, so called entrepreneurs that spend their life ingratiating themselves to bureaucrats who spend their life justifying their jobs by ingratiating themselves to “entrepreneurs”. The council may have spoken but does it reflect reality or the group think of cratprenuers who like to keep meeting and pronouncing?

  13. Do they know that a great migration from Europestan is beginning? Credentialism has destroyed jobs for Canadians. Much better when we had an apprentice program. In fact most where at one time till schools started making it mandatory to spend thousands for a nod from them. Than business believed the lie. Seniority with experience used to mean something. Now only the sacred stamp from an institution of Marxist liberalism is supposed to have any weight. This forced certification is a con by schools to force others into debt for their enrichment. The endless cash to keep them moneyed beyond limits mere mortals can achieve for job security. Mean while less men go to University or college while experience is degraded.

  14. Why look to Europe for skilled trades….south of the boarder there is a lot of the idle trades and general labour….and 99% speak English….they employ our nurses all the time lets employ the trades and so on….in the 1990’s Canadian trades went down to the US to work…we were in a resession…they recovered two years before us…for three years I was going down and installing machines in the US….Mexico…90% of our work was for the US….//
