27 Replies to “Guelph”

  1. Isn’t that where you can set up a polling station wherever you like? It should be ok for anyone to call a by-election.

  2. What have we become when any sort of skulduggery is acceptable in order to tear down an elected government.
    I fervently hope that Mr. Poutine’s activities are traced back to a Liberal.

  3. This needs to be repeated:
    Elections Canada has refused to comment on any investigation into the 2011 federal election, but it confirmed Monday that 127 out of 15,626 polling locations were changed across the country during the campaign.
    Elections Canada spokeswoman Diane Benson said in an email that polling stations can be changed or moved for safety reasons such as flooding or fire, accessibility reasons or administrative reasons like insufficient staff reporting to work.
    Benson said returning officers having a variety of means to notify voters of the change.
    Wafergate comes to mind… the media are frothing and all of a sudden they will move to a new “scandal” once this one peters out as there is nothing to see.

  4. I had a wild thought on this. Who stands to gain if this with all the wild accusations can be made to stick to the conservatives?
    Is it possible that the greenies and all that foreign money coming in from Tides could be involved?
    Discredit the conservatives and get the liberals back in and enable all the Kyoto crap, cap and trade and carbon taxes, kill the evil oil sands?
    is this plausible?

  5. No matter how you look at this thing, it isn’t good for any party. I was young Liberal in the 60’s when the Saskatchewan Liberal Party was the voice of the right–there were no Conservative seats at that time.
    We were at a meeting at the newly constructed Regina Inn. A well known Liberal cabinet minister was in our meeting when he got a messsage to go up to his room. A veteran of the party warned him that he should take at least two other guys with him.
    When they got to the room, there was a hooker in the bed and a guy with a camera waiting for him. The Regina Police investigated–they were convinced that an NDP plot was behind the caper. With no proof, the case was closed.
    Today the parties can’t find volunteers so they have to rely on hired guns. Private promos are ok, but the company will not take the fall for anyone. I have a feeling this whole thing will turn to muck!

  6. Osumashi, no idea how it would turn out, don’t really care.
    However, the one riding where disturbing events are almost certainly going to fall on the CPC, embrace it.
    Think of it.
    Instead of doing what every other gov’t in the history of scandals has done; obfuscate and ignore, the crescendo becomes the meme, the gov’t would actually address the issue head on.
    A majority gov’t _can not_ beat the media when they are in a frenzy. Minority, yes, opposition, yes, not a majority.
    There would be no issue of ‘subverting democracy’ or throwing elections, blah, blah blah. You would immediately head off all the crap complaints like the ones from Goodale that I linked to yesterday and all of a sudden every opposition member would think, “Do I really want to go through that again?”
    A riding without gain, maybe a potential gain, what is there to lose?

  7. Wasn’t this the riding where hundreds of university students got to vote early (and often..?) without showing ID?

  8. trappedintrudopia
    “Wasn’t this the riding where hundreds of university students got to vote early (and often..?) without showing ID?”
    Yeah the very same……but Elections Canada said it was OK.

  9. Not only did they get to vote early and often ON Campus but they were allowed to go home and vote there too! Elections Canada said it was Okey Dokey.
    So these morons are now crying fowl when it was their intention to skew an election in the first place.
    This all smacks of the Wisconsin syndrome. Don’t like the way the election went?- Throw tantrums, tell lies, run to the border and hide from the democratic process. Head up a phony RECALL with Mickey Mouse and Hitler voting.
    This last election in Canada had several irregularities I questioned at the time. And they ALL smacked of dem tactics and the Tides and George Soros handiwork.
    I think we dodged a bullet last election. But we still have to put up with the moronic NDP and their 103 seats. Now HOW the hell did that happen?
    That and trying their best to get Jack Layton a sainthood.
    This is all part and parcel of the fantasy they live in while drinking the cool aid of petulance that they are not running things any more.
    If one has ever watched Pat Martin in a commons committee one would know just how lucky we are that the NDP are NOT in power and the Libs can only cry in their beer for the moment.
    These are the tantrums of the left who feel eternally entitled to run our lives. They get petulant and pushy when things do not go their way.
    Thereby making it an excellent thing that we have adults in Parliament with the ability to run things the way they should be run.

  10. A bigger issue is the fact that hundreds of thousands of non citizens are allowed to vote and even bussed to polling stations like happened in Edmonton with Anne McCelland as alleged in the news.

  11. Snowbunny’s points about the lax approach to multiple voting by Elections Canada should be kept in mind as the issue of “free and fair” elections is discussed. Does anyone know if the one-eyed “Democracy Watch” has ever given any attention to this type of electoral fraud?

  12. It would appear that the opposition is suffering from not having an elected leadership.
    Without a legitimate leader in the opposition benches, the members will run to whatever will get their face in the media.
    Without proof that this was anything more than a bunch of crank calls, this will not end well for the opposition, or the bureaucrats they voted to support last session.

  13. You just know where all this is going, don’t you – to an expensive court case.
    The Lib-Dip coalition of douchery will use these fabricated charges of robo calling to get their followers to write in to Elections canada and say they were misdirected to a poll. Elections Kanada must investigate and in most cases where the final tally was tight they will say a bielection is warranted to clear the air.
    The Tories will of course challenge this in court making all parties put concrete evedence on the table – given there is no concrete evidence, just Opposition party manipulative speculation, the voter will again foot a large legal bill courtesy of your local commie dog political party.

  14. @lance
    You give’em one by election and they’ll want another…then another.
    The opposition can not stand a Harper majority. They despise it.
    Harper knows what he’s doing. Minimize, downplay, and quietly defend with dignity.
    This makes the Tories look respectable and professional amongst the Trueau and Pat Martins.
    The general public won’t even remember this in a few months.
    (Go out on the street and ask people if they remember any of the “scandal a day” stories that came about during the last election.)

  15. This whole thing reminds me of the Hans Schreiber “scandal”. The opposition parties rode that bandwagon for all it was worth aided of course by their allies in the MSM. In the end, the issue faded into oblivion. It’s only purpose was to serve as a stick to beat Harper with. In those days though, Harper only had a minority. Today things are vastly different.

  16. Jeff said: “The general public won’t even remember this in a few months.”
    You had better hope so, telling you though, if Guelph goes to court the CPC are screwed.

  17. This is the Lieberals long awaited and manufactured antidote to Adscam.They will play this like a cheap violin until the cows come home, in order to reinforce it in the minds of the voters.Six months before the next federal election there will be another fraudulant accusation of some kind and the MSM will fall all over themselves with righteous indignation.They will wail “how can a government get away with these actions in a democracy” of course they won t offer any proof just accusations and innuendos.Once they have acheived their goal of a Lieberal majority and an NDP opposition the new government will be the benefactor of the “Obama Treatment”and always portrayed in the most favorable method possible.Harper needs to face these guys down,and now, if he wants to have a hope of winning the next election.Get agressive and nail these Bastards and their flunky friends in the media to the cross.

  18. CBC broadcast election results from Eastern Canada in Ont, while the polls were still open. Obviously the Esatern broadcast leaked into Ont, still it was a flagrant violation of the Elections Act. There was no apology or explanation from CBC on election night, just a blank screen. Have I somehow missed the Elections Canada investigation and the discipline handed out to CBC for trying to influence results? Solomon, Tremonti, Masnbridge, JP Kingsley, anuone have an answer?
    I thought so, doesn’t count if CBC does it.
