Now is the Time at SDA When We Juxtapose

Nov, 20, 2011: I’ve been a Republican all my adult life. I have worked on the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal, at Forbes magazine, at the Manhattan and American Enterprise Institutes, as a speechwriter in the George W. Bush administration. I believe in free markets, low taxes, reasonable regulation, and limited government. I voted for John ­McCain in 2008, and I have strongly criticized the major policy decisions of the Obama administration. But as I contemplate my party and my movement in 2011, I see things I simply cannot support.
Feb 10, 2012: “Anyone who is willing to stand next me, to fight the progressive left. I will be in that bunker. And if you’re not in that bunker ’cause you’re not satisfied with this candidate…More than shame on you…you’re on the other side.” (12:20 to end, but listen to the whole thing)

32 Replies to “Now is the Time at SDA When We Juxtapose”

  1. David’s mother Barbara was a class act and first class journalist. David not so much. He can’t seem to make up his mind just what he believes in.

  2. Breitbart accomplished more in his 40-odd years than Frum will ever accomplish in his entire life.
    As a note, could Frum name-check anyone else in that quote? Yes, David, we get it, your mommy and daddy got you lots of jobs. Congrats. Now, please go away.

  3. Like I said to Blazing Cat Fur last night on Twitter, Frum couldn’t pick out a conservative at CPAC.
    But he is a favourite of the morons at SunTV..

  4. Here’s a better juxtaposition to go with Frump on Breitbart, Frum on Ted Kennedy:

  5. Frum is a classic lefty. When someone on the right pushes back and exposes the left’s hypocricy, they’re “poison” and “divisive”. The left’s inability to recognize its own hypocricy was one of their many shortcomings that drove Andrew crazy. RIP Andrew Breitbart. You will be missed.

  6. You can easily understand why a born lucky dufus like frum would really resent an incandescent talent like Andrew Breitbart.

  7. The piece at Ace sums it up, time to stop treating scum with any acknowledgement or link or regard, like that other piece of self regarding Malice, cut them all lose.
    R.I.P Mr Breitbart, you drove the pond life crazy, and they should remain the nameless scum they are, not fit to be spoken of in the same sentence let alone polite company.

  8. Several friends have reported that he had heart problems over the past year, Mike Sr.

  9. I have passed over David Frum’s articles for quite some time. David isn’t fit to shine Andrew’s shoes.

  10. I read the first few paragraphs of Frum only ‘cos it was linked here.
    One of my proudest moments in what became a vicious exchange with a former old friend was when he sent me a unattribued quote about economics and asked me what I thought about it.
    “On guard, this cat is a trickster”, I thought.
    So through the magic of google I was able to locate the piece containing the moronic quote.
    I replied, “Well, David Frum’s never been my go-to guy on economics”.
    And note Frum’s rote cant: “I believe in free markets, low taxes, reasonable regulation, and limited government.”.
    BULLSHIT. I vividly recall his praise of Cass Sunstein (Beck’s “most dangerous man in America (TM)”. You see, he was a Harvard Man from whom Frum took a course.

  11. And Kathy Shaidle comes up with the best shot at Frum, “Does anybody remember any “‘Barbara Frum, what a bitch!’ obits? Yeah me either.”
    [Sun TV video at the link too.]

  12. David Frum, the quintessential Joe Clark conservative who personifies someone who pleases his enemies.

  13. ‘Does anyone know what caused Andrew Britbart’s heart attack? Just thinking.’
    Posted by: MikeSr at March 1, 2012 4:40 PM
    I was just thinking too MikeSr.; as soon as I heard about Andrew’s death. He mentioned some videos, in his possession, relating to thug fests with the Chicago terrorists and the ‘present’ president. What was in that food that Billy and his gal pal cooked up for Andrew? Things that make me go hummmm?
    Andrew was a fabulous person, I will miss him very much. RIP brave warrior. The Lord will have another champion for Freedom raising Caine in Heaven. I am certain that the Good Lord will treasure His new champion. Our loss is Heaven’s gain – my heart grieves for Andrew’s family and friends.
    He leaves big empty boots that will not be easily filled. Certainly Frump David has no business even commenting on this great Man’s death, Frump may have once had a mind but he left it somewhere and went on ‘paid for auto-pilot’.
    ‘David Frum, so busy shooting on his own net. Genius.’
    Posted by: The Phantom at March 1, 2012 7:31 PM So true Phantom.

  14. I have no desire to try and discredit Frum. He is part of the chattering class – not to be taken too serious. Mildly entertaining at best.
    What Frum represents is just what he is, a talking political head. These guys like the politicians they worship are never part of the solution, they are the problem.
    In order to change the way political parties think we need to recognize conservative philosophy. Forget about entitlements and embrace the rights of the smallest of minorities, the individual, and property rights. That would be a start.
    Politics is the problem.

  15. I took the liberty of apologizing on behalf of Canada over at Ace. Black Mamba
    As Andrew Breitbart would say, don’t apologize for Canada, because Frum has chosen to stand with the other side ( the progressive side ).
    Confront Frum, and the totalitarian freaks he is the stalking horse for.

  16. And if they don’t agree with Babyshitter’s solutions, then it’s off to the Gulag with them.

  17. small c conservative – dude, guys named “David” were officially distancing themselves.

  18. Old enough to remember Barbara the Turdo bu.. licker, David’s MO is hardly a surprise, exhausted his welcome at the adult table so now he crowes and clucks from the children’s/lefties table where he is the right height, but lies to much for even the children’s/lefties liking. Crawl in a hole David and take the babysitter with you, neither of you could be trusted to even park Andrews’s car.

  19. Frum discusses the polarization of the right and Breitbart talks of polarization of the left. Maybe they both are correct.

  20. Frum doesn’t seem to have understood the principles involved at any time.
    However, the current crop of Republican candidates are not the greatest bunch. If it came down to Obama versus Santorum, I think I’d consider suicide seriously as a third option, because that’s what about the country would be facing either way.

  21. That’s telling, Breitbart! “Republicans” who stand with Romneycare should be ashamed of themselves for adopting this progressive Leftist into the Republican party.

  22. The left always “prefer reasoned debate in a democracy to vicious partisanship” unless the other party does not agree with them.

  23. Frum was the guy in Iraq that was supposed to be an unbiased reporter from Iraq.He was there with the blessing of Sadam and said NOTHING that would cause him to be evicted.He was the same in Iraq as Duranty was in Russia in the thirties.
