32 Replies to “Riza Cooper, the Lowest of the Low”

  1. ummmmmmmm…quite surprised this happened in the Lone Star State. But then,the commies/socialists do seem to have infiltrated quite far.I say just leave it up to Texan fixing of the problem.Probably wouldn’t happen again!

  2. This is why I do not buy the coupon books which students go around flogging – first of all, the coupons are for totally useless things or restaurants which you would never go to in the first place, and in the second place, I think the schools and teachers get quite enough money, thank you! without me contributing more.

  3. Good grief Captain, where do you find these nuggets. I would have expected this coming out of California, not the Lone Star State. Self entitled fringe benefits. Could be listed under “How to disillusion children without trying”. The only upside is perhaps parents will take more interest on where the money raised in school drves is going.

  4. And speaking of the poor children..bit off topic here,but read article in G&M (linked at Natnewswatch) where Global tv has had to ‘apologize’ for episode of family Guy where Bugs Bunny gets ‘offed’….hmm,I thot it was Lizzie May,not Bugs.

  5. Double irony is these cows are the ones that are promoting the good nutrition meme while scarfing down tacos and donuts. Really trying to emulate Mrs. Bambam of course.

  6. If I recall the Captain has a scholarly tome out about useless degrees and diploma courses.
    If a degree in education isn’t on that list – it should be. These cretins are not professionals, and most are pretty damn stupid.
    A B.Ed. is right up there with basket weaving and retail meat cutting. These people are…have turned our schools into liberal moron factories and diploma mills.
    If your kid is in public school you are doing him a grave disservice.

  7. Don’t believe everything you hear/read. There is a lot more to this story than what is being told, and a lot of what is being told is completely fabricated.

  8. Well what would you expect? This is Public Education . . after all, they are entitled to their entitlements.
    Just look at BC and the BCTF.

  9. It’s no wounder there is so many 400lbs sows teaching. They have to do something in their spare time.

  10. “fairness has no place in the legal system. If it’s legal, it’s legal.”
    Does this guy know he’s not working in the legal system? I assume he figures that was clever. Amazing mentality – he can’t be charged for it, so who cares? It was sickening to listen to him justify this, including the standard BS about how the teachers will be better if they’re happy…

  11. re:Elgin Wildcat at March 1, 2012 8:00 PM
    its on an NBC(KXAN) news site. who are you and what do you offer? do you have anything better at all to add? your post says nothing except “we should just believe you because you say so”

  12. Elgin Wildcat: So you know more, but can’t divulge, hey? Why, the 5th Amendment?

  13. This indoctrinator union douche would love the unaccountability and power Premier Dad (ontario’s co-parent) installed in the nanny state’s pedagogue rackets.

  14. “If it’s legal, it’s legal.”
    It sounds like some people think they can’t be fired unless they do something illegal…
    YES! you can eliminate the problem just fire the hungry Cockroaches, no hanging.

  15. “Elgin Wildcat?”
    Wow, if that isn’t a plant, then what is?
    How about a name? My name is out there. How about you man up and identify yourself. Or woman up, whatever.
    Teacher union parasite.

  16. $10K on food, one school, big deal. Tip of the iceberg folks. You’d puke blood if you saw where the big bucks go, and despite the fact legislation says they have to tell you, good luck finding out heheh.

  17. @ Posted by: Shere Khan at March 1, 2012 9:14 PM
    There again, teasing us with innuendo and nothing behind it. Do you have anything to back that up or not ? Inquiring minds want to know.

  18. “Don’t believe everything you hear/read. There is a lot more to this story than what is being told, and a lot of what is being told is completely fabricated.
    Posted by: Elgin Wildcat at March 1, 2012 8:00 PM ”
    Soooo Elgin. Howza about a link? What is your info? And how did you come by it?
    Or are you just a teacher union scum spewing your usual crap??

  19. Hey Captain.When I try to use your link @ 9:05 PM it says….
    “Sorry, the blog you were looking for does not exist. However, the name captaincaptialism is available to register!”

  20. Texas is a right-to-work state. It’s not likely that that there is a teacher’s union in a little place like Elgin (it’s pronounced with a hard G – not like Kerry’s Gengis). You may be unfamiliar with the good-ole-boy kind of behavior that is still common in much of the rural south, but you just found some.

  21. Justthinkin – yikes! We only wanted him to get rid of the black background. (Actually, I kind of like it.)

  22. Not if I want to keep my job peter, I got kids to feed. Suffice it to say my “betters” have established quite the empire in our happy socialist paradise. It’s not how best to serve our children, but how best to serve themselves, and these guys are pros.
    Question nothing lest you find yourself tossed under a bus.

  23. I admire the altruism of these concerned public servants: taking time from their busy schedules to evaluate the nutrition of a variety of foods, so the kids’ parents won’t have to.
    It doesn’t get more giving than that.

  24. “Alyea said that purchasing food for faculty and staff does benefit the students. The middle school is ranked “underperforming,” and Alyea argued that a happy staff will help students in the long-run.”
    kinda like Ronald Reagan’s ‘trickle down’ thing. looks like texas teachers are all republicans like the rest of the state.

  25. Posted by: solidarityforever at March 2, 2012 9:05 AM
    ” texas teachers are all republicans”
    Wrong, although that would be nice. Like the vast majority of cvil servants they a Democrats. They may not know the damage they do to children with their social engineering but all know the words to “solidarity forever”. The song that binds like cheese and has the same effect on efficiency and the economy.
