
Very fun reading the time-line and replies of @TheBrazman today. Seems he’s upset a certain Toronto journalist. She, of course, threatens to ask ‘tough questions’.
Sun News Network will be broadcasting the match between Senator Brazeau and Justin Trudeau on the 31’st. Tune in and maybe send a little something to the Canadian Cancer Society, eh?
For the record…Brazeau wins in a walk.

43 Replies to “#sunfight”

  1. Don’t forget to give some kudos to the shiney pony for sacrificing his chin for a good charitable cause.

  2. I hate that my tax dollars pay Trudeau’s salary, but he did surprise me by taking this fight. Still, I wish he was fighting GSP in the octogan instead.

  3. I don’t have TV. Will this fight be broadcast via internet? Braz ‘Knuckles’ Brazeau is gonna’ kill poor Justine!

  4. If the feed is authentic, he (and he alone) is treating Delacourt as she treats others, the PM or Duffy better not come down on this guy or there will be hell to pay.
    In my right world view, and remembering my Sun Tzu, this is a political left jab out of nowhere.
    The fact that I think the above says something. I may dislike Harper’s fiscal policies, but man, the guy is simply _impressive_ as a politician.

  5. Won’t be sending a thin dime to the Canadian Cancer Society. Big Charity pisses away the good deeds of citizens on bloated salaries and “fund raising”. What is left goes for “awareness” and other crap with almost nothing left for real research into a cure.

  6. I didn’t get much of an assessment from the video and ignored the chatter.
    I did get the feeling that Brazeau will chase the shiny pony around the ring and when the shiny pony leans back…Brazeau will take him apart.

  7. Wow! He knows how to throw some punches! He has Delacourt, Macgregor and Maher in the ring while he’s dancing like a butterfly, and stinging like a bee!
    Brazman will win.

  8. Brazeau said something about how he’s going to go in for the ribs and how it’s harder to knock someone out when you have to wear headgear.
    This is going to be absolutely awesome!

  9. The more serious body throws the Senator can land, the better. I hope Justin can stand and take it for all 3 rounds, with bruises that penetrate from the front ribs all the way through to his spine..
    … seeing Susan Delacourt and Heather Mallick crying as Justin is pummeled mercilessly would alone be worth the price of admission.

  10. I got 5 bucks says the dauphin takes a dive.. brass knuckles gives him about 3 in the ribs the little fugger weasels. Jmho

  11. Justine (son of turd) Trudeau better learn to tuck in his chin… Saw some footage of Justine sparring and every time he throws a straight left hand he lifts his head leaving himself wide open for a left hook or and over hand right… Justine is going to get his head taken off… which would be fantastic! Cannot stand Justine (POS) Trudeau but the dope has guts… he’s going to get destroyed! Go Senator Brazeau!!

  12. Skip has it right. Cancer fundraising is the elephant in the room. They are the fundraising bully on the block. They have become so bloated with burocracy – so many people depending on NOT finding any kind of cure for cancer – I cannot give another “thin dime” to any cancer fundraising.
    Sorry if this offends anybody but the truth is the truth and people need to know the truth.

  13. This will be interesting. They’re both relatively fit for their age. They’ve both been training hard.
    Justin Trudeau has been training boxing on and off for years.
    Just because his political opinions often lack substance, remember he was brought up to be an avid outdoorsman. He’s done contact martial arts training since he was young.
    His father was physically tough, and fearless and competitive. The boys were raised to his standards.
    He and Brazeau are likely to go out and do a wilderness canoe trip together, after this is over.
    I expect the two of them will go the distance and it will come down to a referees decision.
    Trudeau, with his longer reach, if he has the timing he can score. How hard he can hit and how well he can take body shots will be interesting, but he’s not a novice at this.

  14. I want to ask Adam Carolla what he thinks is going to happen in this fight.

  15. The father’s fearlessness was the kind born of megalomania. Justin has plenty of fear, he’s to stupid to have that particular personality disorder.

  16. robins111 at March 24, 2012 12:33 AM
    The Dauphin!!
    You absolutely nailed it! That is the perfect description for the demon spawn.

  17. His father was physically tough, and fearless and competitive…
    Posted by: Larry at March 24, 2012 3:13 AM
    Another Trudeau myth that doesn’t stand up to any scrutiny.
    His father crapped himself and called in the troops when the FLQ started picking on his ivory tower crowd.

  18. Olympic boxing scoring rules tend to favour a boxer who can build up points by landing many jab style outside light punches in the shortest time.
    This leaves his opponent under pressure to do the chasing and go inside for the big body punches while giving up even more points to light hits.
    Guess it will take a round or two before we will know how they each handle the “ahead on points, behind on points” problems.

  19. Different Bob; a friend of mine had time on his hands while being treated for cancer in Calgary so he looked into the fund raising of both the Canadian Cancer Society and the Alberta one. He announced at the next meeting of our charity that not one dime would go to the Canadian one ever again, the research he did proved your point, but he said a lot of the Alberta cancer organizations money gets all the way back to research without the bloated salaries and useless dicks like usually coagulate into anything run out of Toronto, CBC CTV Globe Star etc. It is only Justins money that might save his ass this time, one thing for sure his big mouth will be closed for a change.

  20. You can’t tell much about either fighter from the scant video coverage of them sparring, but it does look like Trudeau’s got a powder puff left jab,which could be a real detriment if Brazeau swarms in with hard body shots.
    Unless Trudeau possesses real punching power,he’d better “dance all night long” as Bundini used to say.
    Brazeau carries the weight of the vicarious wishes of every non-Liberal male in Canada,hope it’s not too much for him.

  21. Just for the record I detested PM Trudeau and his governance from Day One…Juniour is a politicallight-weight.
    Kudos to the Kid for putting the gloves for a good cause. Hope they reach their goal.

  22. Any bets on a TKO in the first round or will Brazeau toy around for entertainment purposes?

  23. Doesn’t look like Dartanian’s got anything but straightening his arm behind that hand.

  24. There may be more direct local and personal ways to help your friends that have cancer. I will not contribute to “foundations” or “societies” If you tally up all the $ form Terry Fox runs and those pink ribbon campaigns you will find it won’t be to help the people suffering, and research seem to be an self perpetuating industry.
    Here is the American palace:
    I am stoked about this fight. It’s going to be fun, and I hate boxing!

  25. I have always rooted for the underdog but in this case I hope Brazeau wipes up the canvas with that arrogant little snot.

  26. I expect the Senator is too much of a sportsman to do it, but I hope he really hurts the little prick.

  27. I’ve felt a bit uneasy about this fight from the beginning because almost any outcome will be good for Trudeau: If he wins he’ll be a Liberal hero whose “toughness” has been underrated, blah blah blah, and if he loses – whether by decision, or knockout, or if the referee decides to save him from further punishment – the media will be talking for years about his courage, and what a brave battler he is, and how he proved that he’s not pretty boy, and how he didn’t quit when the odds were against him, etc. etc.
    In PR terms, the only way Trudeau can really “lose” is if he quits, either on his stool or in the ring, without having been *seen* to take much punishment, so what I’m hoping for is that Brazeau lands heavily to the body on the inside and makes him quit. I’ve noticed that people who don’t follow boxing or other combat sports very closely (which I assume describes most of the Ottawa PPG) tend to only see head shots; when a fighter goes down or is forced to take a knee due after taking a hard body shot, non-boxing-fans almost always say “What happened? He didn’t even get hit!”
    Plus – and this is entering into schadenfreude territory – anyone who’s ever boxed or sparred knows that when your adrenaline is flowing head shots don’t hurt in usual sense unless you take one square on the point of the nose; you can feel the effects, but they don’t really hurt. A hard body shot, on the other hand, is really, really painful and takes the physical energy right out of you.
    Dig to the body, Senator Brazeau.

  28. EBD…you are correct about the PR terms. Senator Brazeau has certainly riled up the PPG with those tweets, to the point where one has suggested he needs to be muzzled. He has a wit and confidence, and of course is ‘insulting’ the media by asking questions. He definitely touched a few sore spots.

  29. Here is a link to the Alberta Cancer Foundation.
    It’s a good organization.
    They fund a ton of stuff and 70% is research, 15% is prevention and 15% is patient care.
    (Canadian Cancer Society has research at about 22%.
    Prevention about 10% and patient care about 15%.)

  30. Trudeau has the reach, Brazeau has the power. He’ll stick to the infight and go for the body.
    Brazeau by TKO late in the second or the third.

  31. While it’s true that Justine (son of turd) Trudeau has the reach advantage, that will only help him if there is enough power behind his jab. From the small amount of footage I’ve seen I would say that Brazeau will be able to walk right through Justine’s jab. As far as Trudeau Sr. possessing toughness, perhaps Maggie could answer to that mythical assumption. I come from a Scottish, Irish heritage and have no doubt my older sister could have knocked that midget Trudeau Sr. senseless.

  32. Brazeau is a 2nd degree black belt. You don’t get belts by being a pussy. He is also native (no slur intended) so you can bet he has been in a few fist a cuffs before. It comes with the territory. Turdeau is toast.

  33. Brazeau is a 2nd degree black belt. You don’t get belts by being a pussy. He is also native (no slur intended) so you can bet he has been in a few fist a cuffs before. It comes with the territory. Turdeau is toast.

  34. g-You can earn a black belt in Karate without ever throwing a punch, in anger. As Spider says, his Karate isn’t going to help him. Brazeau is going to have endurance problems. He has cat muscles. Boxers need dog muscles. He’ll burn out in under 2 minutes. If Trudeau can survive a couple of hard shots, he has the edge in the 2nd and 3rd rounds. If Trudeau has any punching power (which I doubt), he’ll stop Brazeau in the third round. That said, I wouldn’t put money on this one. They’re both healthy, they’re both training hard, and they’re both competitive. The deciding factor might be the referee. If he allows them to fight inside, Trudeau could get banged up. If he breaks them right away, Trudeau could pile on points with his jab, before Brazeau gets close enough to punch. I tend to root for Native fighters, so I hope Brazeau does well.

  35. The fact that we’re having this conversation is a victory itself. I’ll prefer a boxing match on Sun TV in which Justin Trudeau gets punched in the face to a progressive laden “discussion panel” on the CBC anytime, thanks very much. At least this airing of grievances will be fair and honest.

  36. His father was physically tough, and fearless and competitive…
    Posted by: Larry at March 24, 2012 3:13 AM
    Ha! Ha! Ha!
    That skinny little runt with a big nodule sitting on the soft cushion of his concave armpits was nothing short of a ‘mommy pantywaist’ When Turdos pals in Cuba got a bit rough during the Cuban slaughter (err revolution), Turdo, who had been there to ‘play’ the fat head intellectual capitalist hater (his daddy had lots of money and probably told his whiny son to shape up and then little turdy hated his daddy so he rebelled by joining the Castro cult); our wee ‘gallant’ jumped in a boat and floated to shore in America. Once on ‘safe shores’ the rumpled little traitor held out his waif hands and asked to get a free pass ‘home’ to Canada. America sent him and told the little prune to never come back with his pinko ideas.
    The burnt out bulbs in Canada elected Turdo PM and he went back in ‘sows ear’ (not ‘silk purse’) class, many years later. His record, like some in the USA of today included ‘differal’ from the draft – to go to school.
    A coward as well as a communist sympathizer. As long as the top honchos in the Communist guments supplied champagne, big fancy cars, state dinners, red carpet…..Turdo was there with rings on his fingers, bells on his toes and a red rose on his coat.
    The guy was as effeminate as they come, Larry! You did provide some comic relief though.

  37. Well said Jema54… Amazing that anyone still buys the multitude of preposterous nonsensical myths surrounding the fancy pants midget dictator from Quebec. Pirouetting Pierre was about as physically tough as Liberace… perhaps less.
