71 Replies to “Breaking….”

  1. Are you sayin’ the leadah is a cheatah…?
    The “Ring Rustler” is a hustler…?
    Oh say it ain’t so…!
    Well at least the cancer victims still get the cash, well I hope it doesn’t all come in pennies.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. Actually, and this is according to the most recent update from Reuters, a bit of hair gel dropped into the cup and gave a false positive reading. The OPG Athletic Commission has announced that Trudeau’s urine is officially clean and fragrant, with subtle undertones of saddle-leather, hibiscus, and plum.

  3. The President of the Liberal Party of Canada is said to be holding all the money raised at the boxing event in a brown paper bag. Canadian charity will never see it again. I’ll keep you informed.

  4. Don’t be too quick to judge.
    It was probably a Conservative that laced his juice with the Viagra,or he may have taken it by mistake.

  5. I did not even have to look cause I already knew it was an APRIL FOOLS JOKE !!!!
    I am currently thinking of a good one for my wife!

  6. Well the “Thrilla on the Hilla” for April 1st is Palm Sunday.
    Oh DJ that would be wicked lad, wicked I tells ya…stealing from cancer victims!
    Psalm 24:3 Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place?
    4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false, and does not swear deceitfully.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  7. It appears that Kim Justin-il is fit to represent Canada in boxing at the Olympics this summer. However, he is certainly not fit to be prime minister.

  8. That’s not fair as an April Fools joke. I just assumed marijuana and thought “this is news?”.

  9. Stupid probably took ‘meth or another speed derivative to try to dodge his way of of getting his ass kicked.
    Disappointing, I wanted to see the Senator knock the mop top off his head.
    streaming Sun news online, but the link is bogging down, not really concerned one way or another.
    I have been involved with punk rock concerts were I had to weaponize my Fender Stratocaster guitar.
    Loser Turduae might have came to a too late “growing up” moment that Mick Jagger is not talking to his Mom anymore and that his real Daddy is long gone. (I’m not talking about Pierre)
    IMHO as usual

  10. Sun news online is crashed.
    Coverup? Who Knows.
    Who cares?
    Not me, my opinion of the Trudeau blood line is well known.

  11. It wasn’t a fair fight.
    Because Liberals hate a fair fight.
    That’s why.

  12. ‘Just watched the knockout punches. ‘Not an elegant sport, at least watching Brazeau and Trudeau at it.
    I’ll hand it to them both, however, for raising over $200,000 for charity.
    If this fight boosts Trudeau’s chances of becoming Canada’s next PM, we’re in a lot more trouble than I thought. He still looked like a wuss: His gloves seemed too heavy for his hands and did you notice the bow to the crowd with his gloved hand to his heart? ‘Definitely a supply drama teacher touch.
    He’ll always be the Shiny Pony to me, maybe with a little more lustre.

  13. He looked pretty zoned when he crawled in the ring. Few snorts of performance enhancing feel-no-pain Peruvian cocoa powder and shazam! – shiny pony becomes the rainbow stallion.
    April fool’s day or not I want the test results before I kiss any Lib butt on this loss.

  14. His gloves seemed too heavy for his hands…
    Yeah, he fights like a girl. Good thing he was up against another political type. Any farmboy could have flattened him.

  15. “He’ll always be the Shiny Pony to me, maybe with a little more lustre” — but without one ounce more of gravitas.

  16. I agree with Occam. Both my wife and I looked at each other and said Trudeau looks zonked when the camera showed a close up of his face prior to the start of the match. He looked bombed and that is no April 1st joke. There should have been a drug test as in any other boxing match.

  17. In other news, GlobalBC reports that David Beckham has been acquired by the Whitecaps. Lenarduzzi interview and all. Funny, it hasn’t been on again…

  18. Fiddle at 10:43 said
    “Yeah, he fights like a girl. Good thing he was up against another political type. Any farmboy could have flattened him.”
    You might want to reconsider the insult of “fighting like a girl”… I know many females who could kick his ass, especially farm GIRLS.

  19. I didn’t watch the fight last night as I was too busy turning on all my lights and appliances and then after Human Achievement Hour was done I went out.
    I learned of Trudeau’s victory this morning and then found the complete fight online. It was pretty lousy and difficult to watch. It made amateur boxing look like a heavy weight champion of the world event.
    For a guy who was supposed to be an experienced boxer Trudeau looked like a child with his weak punches and girlie posture. He used his longer reach to keep Brazeau at a distance and negate most of his punches. I’m sure he only agreed to fight Brazeau because he has 4 inches on him and more experience. A boxer with the same reach and experience would have destroyed Trudeau.
    Trudeau’s punches were pretty sad. He threw a lot of them and most of them were weak and ineffective. However, he landed the ones on Brazeau’s face that cut him a bit and caused his eye to swell. If Brazeau hadn’t tired himself out he would have been able to keep his hands up and Trudeau’s punches would not have landed on his face. Still, if Trudeau could actually punch he would have taken better advantage of his tired opponent and probably have taken him out with one or two punches instead of the flurry of girlie punches he used.
    Brazeau clearly was at a disadvantage. He has no experience and treated the fight like a street brawl and not a sport. He went in heavy and tried to win quickly with brawn instead of playng it out with strategy. If it were a bar fight without rules he would have knocked Trudeau into next week. However, this was not the case. The result was he tired himself out and had nothing left. He had a lot of heart and landed some good hits early but he ended up exhausting himself. He ended up being too tired to counter the taller Trudeau and his smaller size put him in a sticky situation. If he had fought smarter he would have easily beaten Trudeau. If there is a rematch next year I hope that he learns from this bout and applies the lessons learned to countering Trudeau’s longer reach and his passive style of letting his opponent tire out and then throwing side windmill girlie punches.

  20. Brazeau burned himself out in the first couple of minutes looking for the quick KO. And I have to say, for a second degree black belt I was surprised at his lack of discipline in terms of throwing punches. It was almost like he went into street brawling mode. That sort of thing doesn’t get you anywhere in the black belt world.

  21. Posted by: fiddle at April 1, 2012 10:43 AM
    Speaking as a farm boy that has been involved with too many bench clearing hockey brawls for my own good.
    YES, give me 2 weeks with my local boxing coach and I would destroy “Prince T”
    If his hands have recovered from that last right cross i socked into his training mitts.
    He didn’t cry, honest.

  22. Did I just call out “super-entitled adult child”?
    I believe I did, the challenge is open Trudeau, I’m your size and build, but my muscles are earned, not entitled.
    I just dropped the gloves. Will you step up to 4 oz MMA gloves or am I going to have to pay your Orthodontist for your missing molars after I knock your ass out.
    Dale Wright

  23. forgot to dox
    Dale Wright, 6887 Fairmont St.
    Powell River, BC
    V8A 1T4
    (I’m not holding my breath, for a creep that thinks I’m “poo on his shoe” while I think he’s shit on my boots.
    Especially after my size 11 is done with his “input/ output port”

  24. I’ll wait until I see the entire fight,but it looks like Brazeau doesn’t know how to punch,boxing style.
    Trudeau looks very much the amateur,but at least he does know how to throw ’em for effect. One of the first things my boxing coach demonstrated was the straight up the middle punch,no side-arm Trudeau-style swings allowed.
    But,in a pinch, the side-swing punches still work if you can land ’em,and it looks like Saint Justin did just that.
    I’ve seen quite a few karate guys take a beating from boxers,with the exception of the Full Contact karate guys,who learn to hit,hard, and do learn boxing style defence.
    Brazeau appears the “stylish” type of karate guy. They look good breaking boards and posing, but aren’t much good in a real fight.
    Patrick, ya bombed. Now, Trudeau MUST become the next Liberal Leader,and we can anticipate a Liberal government in 2015. Saint Justin,the Tory dragon slayer. I wonder which members of the MSM felt a tingle up their leg when Justin triumphed.
    Kady O’Malley may have had a multiple orgasm moment.
    Justin can gloat,like his Dad did in the famous 1981 election when Pierre once again defeated the Forces of Darkness, “Welcome to the eighties”, to a resounding cheer.

  25. good insight dmorris, so called Karate training has suffered under nanny state rules and muscle bound meatheads in the last 10 years.
    My Sensei was 70 years old and used my 22 year old ass to wipe his hardwood Dojo floor until I grabbed his Karategi and “grounded and pounded” him. Canny old guy switched to Judo and tapped me out.
    Then taught me a Brazilian Jujitsu move that he stunned me with. REAL MMA circa 1996.
    they consider “planned matches” an offence against the faith.
    I just tried to google Kento Warrior Monk and got bupkiss,’Secretugd

  26. This isn’t going to be a popular opinion, but I’d like to share a coach’s perspective on the fighters.
    If I were Trudeau’s coach, and he were 18 to 21, and in his first amateur bout, this is my assessment; Good discipline, aggressive, and a good finisher. Not much punching power, and not great defense, but decent footwork and hand speed. I’d be anxious to get back in the gym, and get back to work. I’d rate his potential as very good.
    If I were Brazeau’s coach; Terrible conditioning, probably compounded by nerves. Terrible discipline problem, easily rattled, can’t take a punch, no punching power. Potential? Are you joking? He’ll never be back to the gym.
    If this match becomes a metaphor for their actual political potential, conservatives just witnessed the first battle in a war that’s going to be hard to win. The next conservative leader better know how to throw body blows, because Trudeau just earned himself a shot at the title. God help us all.

  27. @ Coach:
    I agree with you. When I watched the prematch interviews with both fighters as well as the sparring in the ring I knew Trudeau had it right there. But that’s boxing and not necessarily fighting.
    I would like to see them fight MMA style rules. I think it would not have worked out well for Trudeau but Braz sure had better work on his endurance…

  28. Secret religions is what I was trying to say.
    Try getting asked in to The Knights Templar.
    You won’t.
    The come to you, and test you.
    Is you don’t fail in their eyes you don’t a secret handshake, you just get respect.

  29. @ coach:
    To continue: if Braz actually had endurance to keep up whatever one wants to call what he was doing in the first 1:20 for the next 5 minutes I think Trudeau would have either been confused or completely rattled throughout the thing, and possibly even hurt badly. A more experienced boxer could have handled that and earned points but Trudeau wasn’t that guy. Once Braz completely tired it was simply a matter of applying basic skills and endurance.
    As to the future, well if Trudeau thinks this will be the thing to bouy him up for a round against Harper he’s sadly mistaken and will be a bigger idiot than I already think he is. But the future is hard to predict: one real scandal and a left wing merger and Harper is in trouble no matter who leads the Libs. I mean the media basically supports any Liberal leader…

  30. Coach good insight but those guys have never been in a street fight.
    Switching tactics is a survival response.
    I wonder how either of those guys could handle a snap kick after a wild punch.
    Side of knee, on whichever knee he shifts his weight to.

  31. Some of you guys need to a get a grip. I can’t stand Trudeau myself but he had the courage to get in the ring with a black belt and a guy known to be a stout little scrapper. Not only that, but he won that bout fair and square, and rather decisively at that.
    Give him the credit due for this one. Anything else is childish.

  32. @ dwight: in some ways Braz’s style reminded me of a MMA fighter trying to box – a completely different game. At the beginning I was convinced Trudeau would win having watched them spar previously against trainers, but when I saw Braz hitting Trudeau hard and getting in one him and seeing Trudeau completely stunned by it, I was like well Braz will make it through this with that style and Trudeau won’t be able to do much. Not sure if the refs and judges will like it but at least it won’t be embarrasing to him.
    Then the mouth opened and Braz just fatigued fast. Arms down, playing with his protective gear and it was just a matter of Trudeau hitting him.
    What do you think, if Braz actually had stamina to keep the pressure on the next 5 minutes what would have happened?

  33. @ Kevin: speaking for myself 100% agree with your sentiments. Not sure if Trudeau had any choice though because he put the challenge out without considering he might be facing someone who could fight. Trudeau is kind of impulsive and it worked out for him like it does with those lucky guys.
    He won fair and square and with more talent and endurance as far as I am concerned. Plus my opinion of him in the face of adversity has increased because he kept his cool throughout all the media hype. Do I ever want his socialist ideals running this country, No. But he’s more like his dad than I previously thought.
    Personally I couldn’t care less about this whole thing from the beginning. It was kind of like watching an accident on the road: cannot really look away and now I’m just sitting here bored babysitting my two kids who are scrapping right now.

  34. The thought that occurs to me is, did Brazeau purposely not go for the KO punch, afraid of actually hurting Trudeau? It wouldn’t have gone over very well with the media and the leftard public if Justin got bloodied real good, would it? (And, besides, Justin’s Mom and wife were watching.)
    Perhaps by not KO-ing Trudeau, Brazeau ensured no nasty backlash against the Conservatives … ‘just one take on things … who knows? Can a charitable fight be fixed?

  35. “Give him the credit due for this one. Anything else is childish.”
    And for Trudeau’s next hollow victory, he will be competing in a french spelling bee with an opponent who has only been speaking french for 3 months and has never used anything but the cyrillic alphabet before. 😉

  36. Posted by: langmann at April 1, 2012 3:59 PM
    Good points, remember that I have 2 tv channels and Sun is not one of them, website crashed earlier, so I have not seen the footage yet.
    But yes guys that spend time pumping iron and acting like “prima donnas” (Diva factor again, a deadly sin called Hubris )
    He probably threw his best punch, missed and gave up.
    They do that, you don’t wan’t to know you many
    ” gym culture workout kings” I have K.O.ed through working and believing.
    The size of my man boobs (Pectoral muscles) does Not define my muscles, and do not mean strong.

  37. Fine, I bow to your more knowledgeable judgment, langmann, and hand it to Trudeau.
    However, that said, for those saying that this victory is going to work to make him our next PM, no go. Trudeau may have won a charitable boxing match, but that didn’t add one iota to his already lacking gravitas.
    And, happily, no one can accuse Patrick Brazeau of being a sore loser. Both he and Trudeau are good sports.
    In fact, there’s no loser here: Trudeau won the match, Brazeau and Trudeau raised almost $300,000 for charity: Win/win!

  38. @ batb, no problem and I agree this will not make Trudeau in any way be able to take on the likes of Harper.
    Actually Braz kind of annoys me. I expected a lot of this pre match smack talk to simply be smack to raise money and at the end of the day they would both get in the ring, trade some friendly but competitive punches and then hug, and go for drinks. I actually think Trudeau expected that sort of thing.
    I think the hype actually got to Braz and he wanted to knock Trudeau silly. If this was MMA and you like that sort of thing, its all good. But this is the House and Senate and should not be condoned as it takes politics to a level it shouldn’t be at. If Braz had any endurance he could actually have hurt Trudeau and in a friendly boxing match for charity that’s not excuseable.

  39. “Trudeau won the match, Brazeau and Trudeau raised almost $300,000 for charity: Win/win!”
    Indeed. The first year they ran the event they were only able to raise $500. They’ve come a long way.

  40. Seriously I throw up after a fight.
    But as hurts as it hurts, (quoting a famous film)
    “I’m not all classy so I’m going to keep it short.
    Chicks dig scars, bruises heal, glory lasts for forever. We are the Replacements, we have Nothing to lose, and that makes us VERY VERY DANGEROUS PEOPLE.”
