71 Replies to “Breaking….”

  1. Didn’t Maggie’s Mom pass on Thursday in BC?
    And she’s happily cheering her son’s fight on Saturday?

  2. langmann: “I expected a lot of this pre match smack talk to simply be smack to raise money and at the end of the day they would both get in the ring, trade some friendly but competitive punches and then hug, and go for drinks.”
    That’s certainly what I expected. Some friendly sparring and then off to the bar, but in the first 45 seconds Braz was obviously trying to knock Trudeau out. It’s probably for the best he only had the fitness for 45 seconds or this could have ended badly.

  3. I defeated the University of Lethbridge Pronghorn hockey team with that line, next year they won the National Trophy after getting beat up by underdog nobodys, we trained them.
    Beware of Hubris and personal Ego issues, a team is stronger than ANY single player.

  4. @ Bocanut: Yeah Maggie may have been a bit of a major douche as a mother but her kid is on national tv making money for charity and fighting what’s for him a scary dude. Don’t reduce yourself to the dumbness level of the typical lefty.
    @ Kevin: Yeah. If Braz had stamina for 6 minutes to pull that off and knocked Trudeau silly or even hurt him badly then not only would that have been completely unsportsmanlike but it would also have affirmed the feelings that the CPC are a bunch of jerks by letting a muscle bound jerk bash a guy at a charity match. Harper must be shaking his head at this whole thing.

  5. Like pretty much everyone else, except for lib lovin media types, I wanted to see Brazeau knock Turdo Jrs teeth down his throat, unfortunately that didn’t happen. However, I thought the fight was entertaining and a good laugh, it also raised some serious cash for a good cause. Ezra’s commentary at the beginning of the fight when it looked like Turdo Jr was going to get knocked senseless had me busting a gut. Watching a couple of prissy non fighters slugging it out is always entertaining, and quite the spectacle. Boxing is called the sweet science for a reason. Brazeau’s inexperience in the ring was obvious and unfortunate, he doesn’t understand angling an opponent or the importance of head movement and footwork, being able to avoid the opponents punches and countering along with having stamina are crucial. Turdo Jr has some basic skills that could have easily been exploited by someone with a bit more knowledge in the ring. All in all I found the whole thing laughably entertaining and I’m sure Brazeau wishes he could do it all over again with a better strategy, but you gotta give it to Turdo jr, he withstood the one and only barrage in the early stages and girly punched his way to a TKO on a tired, frustrated, inexperienced opponent. From what I witnessed, neither one of them could have lasted 1 minute with anyone I grew up with. Congratulations to both, ahem, “fighters” for raising some serious cash for a good cause.

  6. Just watched the whole fight at Youtube, commentary in French.
    Brazeau caught Trudeau a couple of times in the first Round, and Trudeau stood there and took it.Gotta give him credit.
    Brazeau ran out of gas in the second and it was rightly stopped in the third by the Ref. Trudeau DOES punch like a novice,arm punches,side swings,a snap-lacking jab, but it was enough to beat Brazeau.
    It appears Brazeau can’t take much of a punch. I heard somewhere Brazeau was supposed to be a tough street brawler,but the evidence indicates otherwise.
    I knew a lot of street brawlers in the mean town I grew up in,and they could take a punch as well as deliver one,looks to me like Brazeau can’t.
    If Brazeau wants a rematch,he’d better go down to Lake Charles to work out at a real boxing club for about a year. He might come back with some style and know how to punch. Otherwise Trudeau will kick his ass again.

  7. @ dmorris:
    If Trudeau agrees to a rematch he’s a bigger idiot than I thought. If he’s a serious politician than he can get away with this kind of show once or twice but not on a regular basis it becomes a joke. Plus politically he’s won a big battle, now the media can (illegitimately) hype his image as a street scrapper (sounds like you and I came from the crappier side of town and we all know Trudeau’s been silver spooned his whole life).
    There is a chance that if Braz tried hard to learn boxing in a year he could come back and with his stamina and cardio really worked up do some damage to Trudeau. And in fact he should be reluctant to fight Braz again until Braz learns some restraint because if one of those elbows had connected with an eye socket Trudeau could have recieved a nasty blow out fracture.
    Nah, Trudeau can sit on his laurels and say “been there done that” and move on to other things retaining the legend status of being some sort of brawler. Hopefully though Trudeau has enough insight to realize that if it weren’t for all that protection Braz would have done some hurting damage… personally I think Braz knocked himself out with his complete lack of stamina.

  8. I knew a lot of street brawlers in the mean town I grew up in,and they could take a punch as well as deliver one,looks to me like Brazeau can’t.
    Yes exaxctly you don’t win a fight by the punches thrown.
    You win a one on one fight by how much damage you are willing to take.
    There’s a lesson here, somewhere.
    I don’t really want to hurt J. Trudeau I just have a problem with what he represents.
    And those cancer society “donations” pay more super entitled middle managerial types than dying people.

  9. I thought I saw Trudeau, when punching like a girl, I think in round 2, hit Brazeau once, maybe more, not with the cushioned end of his glove, but with the much harder palm and wrist side of the glove. Anybody else notice such a thing?

  10. Posted by: nick at April 1, 2012 8:47 PM
    Nice observation, (still no footage)
    That is a “bitch punch” kinda like throwing like a girl.
    Might do some damage, but at the cost of a broken wrist. (3 times broken nose, that would just make me angry.
    That’s when I shake it on and either to a Mike Tyson level uppercut, or a Spider Silva knee to the head.
    Or just to a simple hip throw (Judo)
    Creeps hit the ground and start to cry.

  11. Where can I find a video of this fight? Don’t have cable and I figure I should watch it before I comment on it.
    Getting winded 45 seconds into a fight indicates someone is in bad shape. The best shape I was ever in was in my kick-boxing days and anyone who hasn’t fought finds it hard to believe how much energy goes into an intense 2 minute round. Karate alone doesn’t help out as the standard training (even 35 years ago) is for non-contact sparring. It’s nice to be able to put ones foot to within 1/4″ of someones head but in real fights kicks to the knees are the most effective. Boxing is a different set of skills and the few times that I’ve had to just use my arms I really missed having the use of my legs.

  12. Little creep will never accept my challenge.
    He will rationalize it away like the CRACKHEAD that he is. No lies.

  13. The freeloadin’ Senator turned in a typical conservative performance… a whole lotta hard talk and zero follow through. Get a job, loser.

  14. phil I I I I shit I have to agree with you, a TKO is a win.
    Desperately trying to stop the sniveling. (from MY side)
    Dale Wright.

  15. WOW Finally got my youtube link and watched.
    Trudeau dominated the fight.
    Dale Wright.
    I could take him. even a boring 2 dimentional boxing.
    give me 10- 1 book odds and I’ll make his face exit the back of his scull.
    Dale Wright.

  16. “The freeloadin’ Senator turned in a typical conservative performance… a whole lotta hard talk and zero follow through.”
    Really, Phil? I’m in the Canadian Army and have been an infantryman for 15 years. There are no liberals in my line of work. They get weeded out in basic training when they come to the hard realization that they have to work hard and EARN their place in the Regiment they are going to. They come in thinking they are gonna be passed regardless of their performance, just like in the liberal school system, and just breeze in for a free pay cheque. Wrong. They give up as soon as things get tough or the temperature outside drops and become MIR commandoes. Eventually they are punted out. The rest that work hard and pass the course to earn their cap badges and serve in the Regiment are consistently conservative types. Non-freeloaders who have pride in themselves and don’t want a hand out. The left leaning wash outs go back to their parents in disgrace and pretty much carry on like the useless POS they are. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were one of those guys. A lot of talk and no drive to follow through.

  17. Posted by: Robert L at April 2, 2012 3:09 AM
    Thanks for that.
    I qualified RCAF.I never back down from a challenge.
    I got hurt and I’m afraid that I will not make through basic. I could fight, and will the stupid entertainment crap……..
    Sucks to be me, but my dream is alive and well.

  18. ahaha oh no Trudeau won, but now we’ve got the internet armchair brawlers to tell us how they’re the hardest of the hardcore and would have whooped his liberal ass *Sarcastic jerk-off motion here*
    even better, that guy’s an Infantryman and he knows no liberals! they’re all too afraid or too wussy to roll in his circles! Must not be paying too much attention then because most of Infantry poll non-political and uninterested, and still more Libs than Cons.
    Something literally everbody needs to realize is that political leanings either way don’t have a lot to do with fighting prowess, but whatever you can pat yourself on the back for…

  19. Something literally everbody needs to realize is that political leanings either way don’t have a lot to do with fighting prowess…
    Have another explanation for who won the cold war?

  20. ….Is the explanation you’re suggesting Rocky? Because he wasn’t real.
