32 Replies to “Human Achievement Hour”

  1. Went to one of my favourite coffee shops last night for meeting. Big sign on the door, “Closed for Earth Hour”. Went to a different coffee shop, won’t be back.

  2. My folks came over for dinner last night. My Dad has bulbar onset ALS.
    People are right fucked if they think I’m going to sit in the dark to soothe their guilty consience when my Dad is literally dying by millimetres every day in front of us. The things he uses to help him get through the day were produced by using “power”, and Western know-how. I will not feel guilty for that. Ever.

  3. BBQ’d up a mess of chicken, had the lights going everywhere.
    Wonderful celebration of humanity.

  4. Regina?Regina?? Oh yeah. Winterpegs little sister.
    Congrats,Saskatchewan! Here in AB, Calgary showed no change,Redmonton up 1.5%, no province wide #’s yet.Hopefully celebrating Human Achievement is on the increase.

  5. I don’t understand why people think HAH is all about wasting excess energy. They just ask you to, instead of turning off your lights, listen to music and have a beer. They don’t say turn on every light, crank your heat to 30C, idle the cars etcetera, and therefore those who said they ignored both events unknowingly participated in HAH while knowingly ignoring Earth Hour.
    Funny how the environmentalists work so hard to insult those unfortunate enough to not have any access to electricity by saying they participated in Earth Hour, and splits the opinion of the other side. Is there no truth at all anymore?
    That poll should have had 2 results – lights on or off. End of story.

  6. A few years past on this night, I found myself visiting my socialist parents in Regina. My parents were all in a flutter shutting electrical devices off, even their beloved CBC went silent. They lit a candle.
    Then, they gathered at the front door, and peered out the window as they counted off their neighbors who weren’t participating, and those that were showing their environmental concern “on their sleeve” as they say…
    Their chatter was mostly centered on this, who was in the club of concerned caring citizens, those that were outside their circle of trust, those folks that didn’t care how high the oceans would rise… or what became of their way of life as the topsoil blew away in the next drought.
    big sigh. … Why don’t those people c_a_r_e? They’re probably Saskatchewan Party supporters.
    Meanwhile, dad drives his large Buick, there’s 2 refrigerators in the house for 2 senior people, another in the garage, the insulation has never been upgraded from R-12, nor the simple dual pane windows since 1966 as their not broken and the wood frames look nice.
    They’ve told me that Greece’s problems would be cured if “those people” would just pay their taxes.
    At least when we argue over the Roughriders / Stampeders, it makes sense to me.
    Hey dad, did you know the Roughriders were named after Theodore Roosevelt’s calvary that liberated Cuba from Spain?

  7. Sweet.
    Sask (stubble jumpers) you make this Alberta proud.
    Poere is about the human ability to generate more of it. NOT like dave the fruit fly sudoki’s OPINION that power is like the cheapskate stoner grasping at the last slice pizza at the party, while never contributing a dirty dime to the original pizza call.
    When we run out of pizza we just make more.
    Tax exempt? That old fraud needs to find himself in a Graphite (Carbon Fiber) prison.

  8. I spent Earth hour sitting in the dark…….movie theatre watching 21 Jump Street.
    Damn that movie is hilarious.

  9. I observed HAH here in Ontario. There were fewer people with their lights out this year on my street. My non-indoctrinated neighbors had a laugh when they saw I had my Xmas lights on as well as all the other lights in the house. I also got a load of laundry and dishes done. I’m glad our lives aren’t run by the eco-retards. We would be perpetually sitting in the dark all night, every night instead of just for one hour every March.

  10. spell check fail
    Poere is about the …………..
    POWER is about the …….
    And about admitting it when you’re WRONG.

  11. Didn’t turn anything ‘extra’ on as we were was busy with entertaining at home, nobody even mentioned it by the way; but later fell asleep with everything on (tv, lights, computer) until about 3 am. So that’ll have to make up for it.
    Ah well, it was time to throw a couple of pieces of wood in the wood stove.

  12. ‘Add thought
    my 67 year old Dad’s Graphite (Carbon fiber) 1 “wood” golf club is more honest.
    Prefer Steel “woods” myself.

  13. Watched a movie on the 60″ widescreen TV. It draws so much power that you can feel the heat coming off of the screen. Meanwhile some “uncaring soul” left the lights on in the rest of the house. It made no sense to run the dryer since it heats with gas.

  14. I can’t even remember what I did last night for Earth Hour,just carried on my usual routine.
    It amazes how how easily sheeple are led,like Regina-ites consuming 5% less power than last year. Of course, to give ’em the benefit of the doubt, the weather might be a little warmer than it was last year,so that may explain the difference.
    Did anyone monitor Gore,Suzuki, and all the other Climate Change pirates? What about the headquarters of WWF?
    I wish some enterprising person would name a “F*** off and quit trying to tell me how to live-Day”. I’ll do whatever is required to celebrate that one.

  15. I checked the IESO demand graph in Ontario after HAH and saw NO discernible drop in usage.

  16. It just dawned on me that HAH must be why several folks in our neighbourhood had their Xmas lights on yesterday evening.

  17. I turned on my oven. No reason to, just did but at a low setting. I wanted to register power consumption but not too much. We here in Ontario have to pay for McGuinty’s green fantasies through our hydro bills.

  18. I turned on every light in my house, turned on all three TV’s and the stereo then walked out the door and went to my neighbours to drink coffee and watch the fight on Sun. Whoo…who, I’m part of the 10% power use increase. I feel good!!!!!

  19. I guess my question would be ‘did Sask hydro have to buy electricity from the open market or did they pre-purchase an appropriate amount?’ for the 10% difference.

  20. Regina decrease probably due to a larger percentage of left leaning civil servants.

  21. Alan,
    Actually, while HAH power didn’t decrease in Ontario from the previous hour, if you look at the projected vs. actual chart, demand was flat instead of the usual expected rise. So the nit-wits did make a tiny dent.
    What’s more difficult to discern is, since it was windy, and Ontario is committed to paying egg beater generators, regardless of whether the power is needed or not, how much money Ontario had to pay to neighbouring jurisdictions to dump excess power.
    Eoc-tards just love shooting everyone in the pocketbook, don’t they?

  22. I did Earth Hour. But at the 25 minute mark, I got a phone call, I had to drive to the office. I didn`t want to ruin my neighbour’s dark space, so I had my slave walk in front of my Mercedes while holding an oil lantern. He was somewhat upset.
    He says he’s quitting unless he gets a flashlight with AA batteries.

  23. Has anyone heard from Dizzie Lizzie yet? I’m sure her head has exploded somewhere.

  24. I love this bit from Shawn Silver in the article.
    “The numbers, however, do not necessarily mean residents chose not to join cities around the world in the energy saving effort organized by the World Wildlife Fund.”
    Then what do they mean, dillhole? A surge in heavy industrial activity? A massive jump in air conditioning demand? Oh wait…
    Now as for Regina, it’s a government town. So what else would you expect?
    Kevin, even that would be worth something. What’s far more costly is when OPG and Bruce have to maneuvre reactors or spill water.
    Also notice, they want us to conserve power at a time when it is lowest cost and most available, at night on a weekend during spring. I defy anyone to find me one green energy mantra that doesn’t contradict itself somewhere. Conservation? Energy Efficiency? All produce contrary results.

  25. [At home in Saskatoon] Xmas lights on (they’re all LED’s); washer and dryer running – doing actual loads of laundry I saved for HAH; made popcorn on stove; all lights at the front of the house on. I noticed that most houses across the street and down the block both ways were basically dark, with nothing ‘extra’ on, but once I had turned on my Xmas lights, at least three houses had turned on all their outside lights – and turned them off at 9:30. There are quiet supporters out there!

  26. I ordered a cappuccino and let it go cold. I think the coffee came from Africa, the milk was full cream and produced by many cows and the hot water was produced using a four spout steamer.
    How bourgeois.
