This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society

Returned by his owner for biting…

…local activists then staged a massive media and legal campaign for Trevor’s release, which they ultimately secured in November, 2010. As local commentators noted at the time, however, during the fight to free Trevor at least a dozen other dogs were euthanized by the city due to space concerns.

9 Replies to “This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society”

  1. So how does the left decide who is the underdog?
    It’s the dog that has caused the greatest harm to society. This indicates the dog itself is a victim of society; otherwise it would not exhibit anti-social behaviour.
    That might has some validity for dogs, but people have a rational choice in their actions.

  2. Cool….
    Now all intruders….regardless 2-legged or more shall been deemed to have a terminal condition…that’s what I grok from this.

  3. Back in about 1958,my neighbour’s dog grew old and vicious, bit anyone who got too close.
    He disappeared. I asked Bill,the dog’s owner what had happened to it.
    He replied,” well, I took him out for a walk in the bush with my 44-40. Just me and the rifle came back”.
    Cost of this Yukon case:$45,000.
    Cost of the 44-40 cartridge,about ten cents in those days,but even translated into today’s dollars would be significantly less than 45k.
    The price of civilization,I suppose.

  4. Read the comments to the story. “Freebird” is on some sort of mission…
    Dog should of been euthanized as soon as it was seized from the original owner.
    That would of been the humane thing to do…

  5. Anyone that gets that close to a dog “with a chain grown into his neck”, deserves to be bitten.
    The dog, I’m sure, just couldn’t resist the opportunity.
